What to Wear to an Arraignment

Have you ever found yourself in a situation where you weren’t sure what to wear? Maybe it was an important meeting, or a first date, or even a wedding. Maybe you thought about what you were going to wear for hours, and then when the big day came, it didn’t turn out how you’d hoped. It happens to everyone! But what if I showed up at your arraignment wearing a suit? Would that help? Well… probably not. But sometimes, going outside of your comfort zone can be the best thing for you. That’s why today I’m sharing some tips on how to dress for an arraignment.

What to Wear to an Arraignment

If you’ve been charged with a crime, you may be wondering what to wear to an arraignment. The arraignment is the first hearing in a criminal case, and it’s generally held within 48 hours of your arrest. Your arraignment will take place in front of a judge who will decide whether or not there is sufficient evidence for your case to proceed.

The purpose of an arraignment is to inform you of the charges against you, set bail (if applicable), and enter a plea on your behalf. You’ll be given an opportunity to enter a plea of guilty or not guilty, and then the judge will set a future court date for trial or disposition. If you have any questions about what happens during this process, feel free to ask them before or after entering your plea!

As you prepare for your arraignment, there are a few things that you need to consider. The first is what to wear. It’s important to look professional, but it’s also important not to wear any items that might make you stand out. This can be tricky, because there are so many different types of clothing available today.

You want to avoid wearing anything too bright or colorful, as well as any pieces that are too tight or low-cut. You should also avoid wearing anything that has a strong odor because this could distract the judge and cause them to hold onto their nose while they’re listening to your case.

It’s best if you stick with solid colors like black or navy blue rather than patterns like stripes or plaids; these could take away from the seriousness of the situation which could lead the judge into thinking that you’re not taking this seriously enough either!

You’re going to need a few things to make your arraignment go smoothly. You’ll have a lot of questions and decisions to make, and you’ll want to feel confident in the choices you make.

On this page, we’ve collected all the information you need to know about what to wear for your arraignment. We’ve got tips on what kind of clothing will help you feel calm and confident throughout the day, as well as advice for how to dress for the weather conditions—no matter where in the country your arraignment takes place! And if all that wasn’t enough, we’ll also tell you how to pack an overnight bag that includes everything you need for a night in jail if needed.

We hope this page helps make getting through your arraignment less stressful!

When you’re arrested, the first thing that happens is your arraignment. Sometimes, this is called a “first appearance.” At an arraignment, you’ll be told what charges are being brought against you and what your bail conditions are. You’ll also be assigned a date for your next court appearance or trial.

Arraignments take place in the courtroom where your case will be heard. Arraignment dress codes vary from state to state and court to court, but generally, you should wear business attire: suits for men and women and dresses for women (or suit-like dresses). Some courts may require ties for men or skirts for women.

What should I Wear to Court?

Dress appropriately for court. If you dress inappropriately, you may be asked to leave the courtroom. Appropriate attire, whether as a participant in a case, a witness, or an observer, shows respect for the judge who will be deciding the case. As a general rule, you should think of the courtroom as a formal environment. 

Don’t wear:

  • Shorts
  • Hats
  • A halter or tube top
  • A see-through top
  • Flip flops
  • Clothes that expose your midriff or underwear
  • Ripped or torn jeans
  • Baggy pants that fall below your hips
  • Clothes with an emblem or words that promote illegal or inappropriate activity
  • Clothes that show or promote violence, sex acts, illegal drug use, or profanity

When you come to the building for your arraignment, your first stop should be the District Court probation office if your case is in District Court, or the Superior Court probation office if your case is in Superior Court. Weapons aren’t allowed in the courthouse.

Most cases start in District Court, even murder cases. The name of the court should be on the paperwork you received after your arrest or in the mail. If you don’t have your paperwork, some courthouses have an information desk when you walk in with a list of cases scheduled for that day and the courtroom where the case will be heard. If the case is scheduled to be heard in District Court, or if you haven’t been able to figure out which court the case is in, start in the District Court criminal clerk’s office and ask if they have your case listed.

Once you’re in the correct probation office for the court hearing your case, the probation officer will conduct an intake interview. In addition to basic identifying information, the interview will include questions about your financial status. Based on this information, the probation officer will calculate whether you qualify for a court-appointed lawyer (although only a judge has the power to appoint a lawyer.) The probation officer will also check in a database called CARI (Court Activity Record Information) for information about your criminal history. This information will later be used by the judge to determine whether there are any outstanding warrants or payments that must be addressed in addition to the current charges, and whether to impose bail.  

When you have finished your interview with the probation officer, you should go the courtroom where your arraignment will be held. The probation officer will tell you, or you can ask, what courtroom your arraignment will be in and how to get there.

Can Court Staff Help me?

Court staff can:

  • Explain and answer questions about how the court works
  • Tell you about the requirements to have your case considered by the court
  • Give you some information from your case file
  • Provide you with guidance on how to fill out forms
  • Usually answer questions about court deadlines

Court staff can’t:

  • Give you legal advice — only your lawyer can give you legal advice
  • Tell you whether or not to bring your case to court
  • Give you an opinion about what will happen if you bring your case to court
  • Recommend a lawyer. However, court staff can give you information to contact a local referral service.
  • Talk to a judge for you about what will happen in your case
  • Let you talk to the judge outside of court
  • Change an order issued by a judge

What Should I do When I Enter the Courtroom?

Enter the courtroom and sit close to the front. The very first row may be reserved for people in custody. When court starts, the judge will enter and sit on the bench at the front of the room. A probation officer will usually sit to the judge’s left or right and keep the judge informed about any probation information related to the case being called. The clerk will usually sit in front of the judge and will record what happens in each case in a case file. The prosecutor or assistant district attorney will usually sit at a table in front of the judge. They represent the state and will present information about the case obtained by the police.

Listen for your name to be called. Your name may be mispronounced, so listen closely. When your name is called, say “Present” loud and clear. If your name is called and you don’t answer, it’s considered the same as not being there. If your name isn’t called, tell the person who is calling the names or a court officer at the first recess or break. You may be in the wrong courtroom.

If you get to court late, stay in the courtroom. The assistant district attorney or someone else may call names a second time after court starts. At the next break or recess, let the person who is calling the names or a court officer know that you’re there, although if you’re late, your case may need to be continued on another date.

What Conduct is Expected in the Courtroom?

Because certain behaviors are noisy, distracting, or disrespectful in the courtroom, it’s recommended that you don’t:

  • Chew gum or eat
  • Read a newspaper
  • Sleep
  • Wear a hat
  • Use earphones
  • Carry a cell phone or pager, unless it’s turned off
  • Have a camera or camera phone

During the hearing, you should talk directly to the judge and not the other side. Avoid arguing with or interrupting another person, and control your emotions. When you talk to the judge, start by saying “Your Honor.” Speak loudly and clearly and remember that only one person can speak at a time. A court reporter or a tape recorder is usually taking down everything said in the courtroom, and can only record one speaker at a time.

Who are the People in the Courtroom?

  • Defendant — The person charged with a crime.
  • Pro se defendant — A person charged with a crime who represents themself and doesn’t have a lawyer.
  • Defense attorney — The defense attorney represents the defendant.
  • Prosecutor — The prosecutor represents the Commonwealth of Massachusetts and works for the district attorney. Each county in Massachusetts elects 1 district attorney, who then employs assistant district attorneys (prosecutors) to represent the office in the courts. You can find a directory of district attorneys at the District Attorneys Association.
  • Court officer — A person in a uniform similar to that of a police officer, wearing a white shirt, who is charged with keeping order in the court.  A court officer may also guide you to the correct location in the courtroom or the court building.
  • Clerk — A clerk will sit in the courtroom during the court session to keep the records of the proceedings that happen that day. Clerk-magistrates in District Court also serve as judicial hearing officers on procedural criminal matters, such as show cause hearings.
  • Judge — The judge presides over the hearing to make sure that the rules and procedures are followed to ensure that justice is done. The judge has the final decision-making authority for imposing bail and sentences. If there is no jury at a trial, the judge will perform the jury’s functions — weighing the facts and deciding guilt or innocence.
  • Probation officer — A probation officer is usually in the courtroom, except when a trial is going on. The probation department is part of the Trial Court and will, among other duties, track a defendant’s compliance with court orders and report that information to the judge.
  • Court reporter — A court reporter may be in the Superior Court, and records everything that’s said in the courtroom. In District Court, the proceedings are tape-recorded. Copies of the recorder’s notes (transcript) or the tape recording usually take time to produce. For more information, see Time Standards for Completion of Transcripts in Civil and Criminal Cases (Administrative Order 09-02).

What to Wear to Court as a Defendant

If the defendant is a professional (e.g., doctor, lawyer, banker, professor), he must wear a tie. Younger male defendants – those who appear to be under 30 – can wear sweaters and pants, but not jeans, with a belt. A female criminal defendant must wear a dress, or a skirt or slacks with a blouse or sweater, or a suit.

What to Wear to Court

Dressing the defendant to impress the jury in a criminal trial

The defendant in a criminal trial is, in effect, always on the witness stand because the jury is always watching. During the trial, when the defendant sits at the counsel table with his criminal defense attorney, the jury is observing his behavior and his demeanor, and making judgments. If the defendant is dressed inappropriately, this gives the jurors an easy reason to jump to a negative conclusion. Below are some suggestions for appropriate courtroom attire: If the defendant is an older man, he should wear a suit, preferably a dark suit, although light brown or blue may be acceptable in warm months and climates. Wear a white or light blue shirt. If the defendant is a professional (e.g., doctor, lawyer, banker, professor), he must wear a tie. Younger male defendants – those who appear to be under 30 – can wear sweaters and pants, but not jeans, with a belt. A female criminal defendant must wear a dress, or a skirt or slacks with a blouse or sweater, or a suit. Under no circumstances should a female defendant’s clothing reveal cleavage, a bare back, bare midriff, or bare shoulders. A criminal defendant’s clothing should cover all tattoos and piercings. The only visible piercings should be in the ears, and only one set of small earrings should be worn. Consider tongue piercings to be visible piercings.

What to Wear to a Bar Male

When you’re going to a bar, it’s important to dress appropriately.

Here are some tips for what to wear when you’re going to a bar:

-Wear something that looks nice and is comfortable. You’re not going for formal, so don’t try too hard. Just make sure it’s clean and fits well.

-Wear shoes that are comfortable and easy to walk in. You’ll probably be on your feet most of the night, so having good shoes is important!

-Make sure your hair is clean and styled nicely–this makes a big difference in how people perceive you!

If you’re a guy, it’s important to know what to wear to a bar.

A lot of guys make the mistake of thinking that they can just show up in whatever they like and no one will notice. But if you want to look good, you need to put some thought into what you wear.

If you’re going out on the town for drinks with friends, it’s best to dress casually. Jeans and a button-up shirt will do just fine–just be sure not to wear anything too formal or fancy. You don’t want people thinking that this is an occasion where they should put on their best clothes!

If it’s Friday night and there’s no special occasion, then feel free to wear something more formal like khakis or dress pants with a nice shirt or sweater vest (depending on how cold it is).

If you’re going to a bar, there are some things you need to know.

First of all, don’t wear flip-flops or sneakers. You don’t want to look like you just rolled out of bed and walked straight into the bar–even if that’s exactly what happened.

You also don’t want to wear anything too formal or fancy. You’re going to be drinking beer and talking trash with your friends, not going on a first date or attending a wedding reception.

And finally, don’t forget about your grooming! If you have facial hair, make sure it’s trimmed and neat–you don’t want any stray whiskers sticking out when people are trying to take their shots at the bar table next to yours.

When you’re going out to a bar, you want to make sure that you look your best. Whether it’s for a date or just to meet up with friends, the right outfit will put you in the right headspace for whatever happens next. Here are some tips on what to wear when going out in public:

1) Keep it simple. You don’t want to be too flashy or over-the-top when going out in public. You want people to notice you, but not because they think you’re trying too hard.

2) Stay away from anything too tight or revealing–it could be distracting and make it harder for people to focus on what they’re saying instead of how good (or bad) someone looks in their outfit!

3) Make sure everything fits perfectly–you don’t want any loose threads hanging out or holes showing through when people look at your clothes!

When you’re going to a bar, there’s no need to dress up. You can wear anything from jeans and a t-shirt to shorts and a tank top.

If you want to be more formal, try wearing something like khakis or dark blue jeans with a button-down shirt or polo. You could also wear khakis with a nice sweater or blazer.

If you’re going to a bar, there are some things to keep in mind when choosing what to wear. First, make sure you’re comfortable. You want to look good but also be able to move and dance around if the occasion calls for it. Second, remember that bars are places where people go to have fun–and if you’re dressed too formally or conservatively, it might make other patrons feel uncomfortable or out of place. Finally, if at all possible, try not to wear anything that could potentially cause stains or damage (like white shirts).

When you’re out at a bar, there are a few things to keep in mind when it comes to what you wear.

First and foremost, remember that the goal of going out is to have fun–not to impress anyone or make them think that you’re better than they are. If you go into a bar looking like someone who is trying too hard, no one will want to talk to you.

Next, make sure that whatever outfit you choose is comfortable enough for dancing (if that’s your thing). You don’t want anything too tight or constricting! Also, don’t forget about shoes: if you’re going somewhere with a lot of walking involved (like an event center), consider wearing flats instead of heels because they’ll be easier on your feet and ankles over time.

Finally: remember that just because something looks good on someone else doesn’t mean it will look good on YOU! You might want to try something new every once in awhile so that people don’t get bored seeing the same thing over and over again!

The first thing to remember when dressing for a bar is that you don’t have to be dressed up. In fact, you’ll probably want to dress down a bit.

If you’re going out with friends and want to look casual but still put together, try wearing jeans or khakis with a button-down shirt or sweater. You can also wear shorts if it’s warm out!

If you’re going out with more than one person, make sure everyone is dressed similarly so that no one stands out from the crowd.

What to Wear to a Bar Male

When you’re going out to a bar, it’s always a good idea to look your best. You never know which hot guy will be there—and no matter how much you want to go with your jeans and a t-shirt, you don’t want them to think they can just walk up and talk to you.

To make sure that doesn’t happen, here are some tips on what to wear when you’re hitting the bars:

  1. Wear something that makes your outfit look good from all angles. This means things like shirts with collars or ties, jackets, or vests. Don’t wear something too tight or low cut—that’s just not attractive! And avoid having anything low cut on your hips (or any other part of your body). If it’s not comfortable for you to sit still in it for long periods of time, then it probably won’t be comfortable for someone else either.
  2. Try not to wear anything too bright or flashy—you don’t want everyone in the bar thinking they have a chance with you! Just stick with basic colors like black, white and gray if possible .

What to Wear to a Bar Male

When you’re out at the bar, it’s important to dress professionally. This can be tricky when you’re on your own, but not impossible! Here are some tips for what to wear:

1) Dress for the occasion: If you’re going to a party, dress up! You don’t want to wear jeans and a t-shirt; it’ll just look like you don’t care. This isn’t about showing off, but rather making sure that people know that you mean business and want something good. If it’s just a casual night out with friends, though, dressing casually is fine. Just make sure your outfit looks like it fits into this category—no tuxedos or anything like that!

2) Don’t show up too early: If possible, try not to be too early so that there isn’t a long line outside waiting for entry. Also, if possible, try not to arrive right before closing time so that people aren’t already inside when you arrive (unless they’re cool with that).

If you want to be taken seriously, and you want to get the job done, there’s one thing you need to know:

You’re going to have to dress up a little bit.

When it comes to dressing up at the bar, there are two types of guys: those who wear suits and ties, and those who don’t. And if you’re not in that second group, you need to start now.

First off, let’s talk about the differences between wearing a suit and a t-shirt. Wearing a suit is an extremely formal way of dressing—it means that you’ve dressed up for an important occasion, such as going on a date or meeting with a prospective employer. It means that you take yourself seriously, and that your appearance is important because it reflects your level of confidence and preparedness.

So if you’re just going out for a drink with friends or colleagues from work, why wouldn’t you wear something casual like jeans? Because those aren’t professional clothes! The truth is that when people see someone who’s dressed nicely but doesn’t fit in with their environment (the bar), they subconsciously associate them with wealth or success.

When you’re looking for a bar to go to, you want to look your absolute best. You don’t want to be the person who has to explain why they’re wearing a button-up shirt and sneakers.

That’s why it’s important that you wear something that fits the occasion: a nice pair of pants and a dress shirt will get the job done for most bars, but if you’re going somewhere super fancy, or if it’s an event where everyone has to look amazing, then it might be worth investing in something nicer.

If it’s an event at a bar, then wear dark colors like navy blue or black so that your outfit doesn’t stand out so much—and also so that people can tell what year it is without having to look at your face! If there are other people with similar outfits, then definitely stick together in groups instead of single file lines (unless they’re all dark colors).

When you’re going out in public, it’s important to dress appropriately. This means wearing clothes that are appropriate for the place you’re going, as well as the time of day: don’t wear a suit to a bar at 3 p.m.

Now that we’ve covered what not to wear, here’s what you should wear!

If you’re going out on a night when there will be a lot of people around (like a holiday party or big football game), then wear something that makes you feel comfortable and is easy to move around in.

If you’re going out on a night where it might get chilly (like winter), then wear pants that are long enough so that your legs can stay warm, but short enough so that your jacket won’t drag on the ground all night long.

When you’re going to a bar, you want to look your best. You’re not just trying to impress the people around you–you’re also showing off for yourself. So take care of yourself and dress accordingly.

First things first: make sure your clothes fit well. Nothing looks worse than seeing someone in ill-fitting clothing, especially when they’re trying so hard to look good! If possible, try on different sizes before deciding on what fits best.

Next up: accessories! You don’t need much here–just one or two key pieces will do the trick. Try a scarf or tie if you have one that matches your outfit well; otherwise a watch or bracelet will do just fine (just make sure it’s not too flashy).

Finally: shoes! Shoes are important because they can make or break an outfit, so make sure yours are comfortable enough for all-night wear but stylish enough that they don’t look out of place at a bar or club setting (or wherever else you plan on wearing them!).

When you go out to the bar, you want to look good and feel confident. You want to make a statement without being over the top. You also want to be comfortable, so you can enjoy yourself and have fun with your friends.

Here are some tips for what to wear when you’re going out for drinks:

A shirt that fits well and is flattering on your body type is a great place to start. If you have broad shoulders or an athletic build, wear a shirt that shows off those assets! If you’re petite and curvy, try something that accentuates your curves without being too revealing–you don’t want people staring at your chest or butt all night long!

Jeans are always a good choice because they’re comfortable and easy to move around in while still looking stylish enough for a night out on the town (and they work well with almost any style of shoe). If you’re feeling bolder than usual, try wearing skinny jeans or leggings instead–they’re super cute paired with heels or flats!

When you’re going to a bar, you want to look like you’re ready to have fun. But you also want to look professional and put together. Here are some tips for what to wear when going out:

When you’re going out for drinks, you want to look good. You want to feel good. And you want to feel like you can take on the world–or at least the barstool next to yours.

But how do you do that? You don’t want to overdo it with your outfit, but at the same time, you don’t want your outfit to be boring or underwhelming.

Here are some tips for nailing your outfit:

1) Keep it simple. If you’re going out with friends or family members, they’ll be more likely to notice if you’re wearing something too flashy or too loud than they would if they were in a group of people who were all dressed similarly (and probably equally loudly). So if possible, try not to stand out too much from everyone else in the room!

2) Don’t forget about accessories! A necklace or earrings can really make an outfit pop–and even if they don’t match exactly what everyone else is wearing, they’ll still add some interest and personality into an otherwise basic ensemble (which is exactly what we’re going for here).

What to wear to a bar male

When you’re going out to a bar, you’ll want to make sure that you’re wearing clothes that are appropriate for the type of establishment. For example, if you’re going to a bar that serves alcoholic drinks and/or has a dance floor, then you’ll want to dress more casually than if you were going somewhere where there was no alcohol served or where the main focus was dancing.

The first thing that you should do when dressing up for a night out is think about what type of personality your date has. If he’s outgoing and fun-loving, then he might be more attracted to women who are dressed in more revealing clothing than if he’d be interested in someone who dressed in conservative formals.

If your potential date is someone who likes it when things are kept simple and low-key (for example: jeans and a T-shirt), then he might like it if his partner wore something comfortable but still looked nice enough that she didn’t look like she was slumming it by showing up at a dive bar dressed in sweatpants and an old T-shirt (which is what some people do).

Here are the most important things to keep in mind when you’re dressing for a night out at the pub:

-Dress in comfortable clothes. You’ll be sitting down for hours, so you don’t want to spend most of your time fidgeting with your outfit.

-Stay away from bright or flashy colors. You want to blend in, not stand out.

-Don’t wear anything that makes it hard for you to move around the bar or dance. If you have to sit down for a while, make sure that your pants aren’t too tight or uncomfortable.

It’s always the same: you go to a bar, and you’re looking for something to wear.

You want to look nice, but not too nice. You don’t want to come off as too “dapper,” but not too sloppy either. And you also don’t want to look like you’re trying too hard—you know what we mean? The thing is, sometimes it’s hard to find the perfect balance between looking like a professional (and looking like someone who’s been drinking all day).

But there are some ways to make sure that your outfit doesn’t feel like it’s going out of style too quickly:

  • Know your body shape and size. This will help you know what looks good on your frame. If you’re tall, maybe try a suit jacket instead of a blazer; if you are shorter, don’t wear anything too long or wide in order to avoid having it bunch up under your armpits when you walk around.

Men’s fashion is a delicate balance between traditional and modern. The same rule applies to how you should dress when you’re out for a night on the town with your best friends.

If you want to look like an adult and not an embarrassing, overgrown child, keep these things in mind:

  1. Don’t wear bright colors—even if they’re neon ones! Brighter colors just scream “I’m wearing too much makeup.” Also, avoid white or gray pants unless they’re very clean and pressed (and then only if they fit right).
  2. Don’t wear jeans—unless they fit right, because no one wants to see a man’s ass crack in his favorite pair of jeans (especially not while he’s trying to get lucky).
  3. Don’t wear flip-flops or sandals—unless they fit right, because no one wants to see your feet sticking out of your favorite pair of sandals while you’re trying to get lucky (especially not while you’re trying to get lucky).

When you’re going out for a night on the town, there are a lot of options. You can dress up in your finest dress pants and shirt, or you can go all out with a suit and tie. And then there’s the whole “dressed like a bum” thing: jeans, hoodie, flip flops.

While it’s great to be able to mix things up, it’s also important to keep in mind some basic rules of etiquette when dressing for a bar. Here are our top tips for how not to make an ass out of yourself when heading out:

1) Dress appropriately: Never wear shorts or sandals unless they’re part of a suit (or if you work at [insert name]). And even then—don’t do it.

2) Don’t curse too much: We know you’ve got some pent-up frustrations about your boss or your ex-girlfriend (or whoever else is bothering you that night), but taking them out on strangers won’t do anything except make everyone around you uncomfortable. So save it for later!

When you’re going to a bar, it’s important to know what kind of attire is appropriate. Here are some tips:

-Wear clothes that fit well and make you feel confident. If you’re not comfortable in your outfit, you won’t have fun!

-Don’t wear anything too revealing–you don’t want to be giving anyone else ideas!

-Make sure your shoes are clean and polished, so they look nice when you walk around the bar.

When you’re going out to a bar, you want to look good and feel confident. But what should you wear?

The answer depends on the kind of bar you’re going to. If it’s a fancy place where people are dressed up in suits and ties, then maybe don’t wear jeans and a t-shirt. But if it’s a casual place where everyone is wearing jeans and t-shirts, then by all means wear those things!

In any case, here are some tips for what not to wear: Don’t wear anything too short or tight (you don’t want people staring at your butt), don’t wear anything too revealing (this includes cleavage), and don’t wear anything that’s too bright or garish (black is always safe).

When going to a bar, it’s important to look your best. You want to make sure you’re dressed appropriately, but also that you don’t look too overdressed or underdressed.

Here are some tips for what to wear:

-You should wear something that makes you feel confident and comfortable. You don’t want to feel like you’re wearing too much or too little.

-If it’s cold outside, wear layers so that you can take them off if necessary.

-Don’t wear anything too revealing or tight–you don’t want people staring at your body instead of talking with you!

When you’re heading out to a bar, you want to make sure that you look good. But you don’t want to look like you tried too hard.

Here are some tips for what to wear:

-Don’t wear anything too flashy. You don’t want people to notice your outfit over the drinks they’re drinking or the music they’re dancing to.

-Don’t wear anything too casual either. You still want people to take you seriously when they see you at the bar–and not just as someone who’s there for a drink or two before heading home for the night.

When you’re headed out to a bar, it’s important to remember that your outfit says a lot about you. You want to look like you’re having fun and comfortable, but you also want to make sure that you’re dressed appropriately for the occasion.

Here are some tips on what to wear when going out to a bar:

-Dress comfortably! You’re going to be sitting most of the night, so dress in something that won’t restrict your movement or make you feel uncomfortable.

-Don’t wear anything too revealing! It’s not appropriate for this setting, especially if there will be children present (and there usually are).

-Make sure your clothes are clean and appropriate for the weather conditions outside–you don’t want to freeze or get sunburned because of an ill-fitting jacket!

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