What to Wear on your Period at School

It’s that time of the month. You’ve got a tampon in your backpack, but you’re still not sure what to wear. You don’t want to rock the sari, but you also don’t want people to see the stain on your pants. What do you do? Well, we’ve got some answers for you. We talked to some experts and asked them what they would wear if they had their period at school, and here’s what they had to say:

“I’d wear black pants because I love black pants, and I think it’s really easy to hide stains if you wear black.” -Sarah, 14

“I’d probably go with a skirt or dress because I feel like those are easier than pants.” -Lydia, 15

“I’d wear jeans because they’re comfy.” -Emily, 16

What to Wear on your Period at School

We know what you’re thinking. Why don’t you just wear a pad or tampon, and be done with it?

Well, we’re here to tell you that there are some situations where they just won’t cut it. And that’s okay! There are plenty of other ways to manage your period at school, and we’re here to help.

When you get your period, you want to feel comfortable and confident. But if you’re in school, you might be worried about what to wear and how to deal with the blood.

We’ve got all the information you need to make your period at school a breeze!

It’s that time of the month again, and you’re dreading it.

You don’t want to miss another day of school because you’re on your period. You just want to be able to get through your classes without feeling self-conscious or embarrassed about your period. But what’s a girl to do?

We’ve got some tips for you that will help you feel confident and comfortable during your time of the month!

1: Try on all the different styles of underwear available in your school’s bathroom. You’ll be surprised how much some can change things for you!

2: If you have any questions about your period or how to handle it in school, ask a teacher or guidance counselor—they’ve probably been through it themselves!

Dealing with your period at school isn’t always fun, especially if you’re getting cramps and finding it hard to make time to take a trip to the bathroom. However, if you make a solid game plan, you’ll never have to worry about dealing with your period at school — or about being caught with an unexpected surprise — ever again. The most important thing is to have your supplies ready and to be comfortable with taking trips to the bathroom. Remember that you should be proud of getting your period and that it shouldn’t be a source of embarrassment.

Being Prepared1
Have pads or tampons with you at all times.[1] If you really want to be prepared for your period at school, then the most important thing is to have pads, tampons, pantyliners, or whatever else you use on a regular basis with you throughout the school year, so you don’t have to worry about any unpleasant surprises. That way, you’re always prepared — and you can help out a friend who isn’t.
You can also consider using menstrual cups, which are inserted into the vagina and collect blood at its base. They can last up to 10 hours, and you won’t be able to feel them. Though they aren’t as popular as tampons or pads yet, they are just as safe.
If you have periods and you think that your period is going to come today (according to your period cycle), it is always better to put on a pad or pantiliner just before going to school, just to avoid worries. Even if you don’t put a pad, pantiliner, or tampon on, always have extra underwear and pants handy.
Understand that getting your period is nothing to be stressed about. When your period first comes, there should be a small amount, not a huge spurt of blood. Therefore, there is no reason to worry about your classmates discovering the fact that you have gotten your period. And there is no reason to worry about people hearing you open a pad or tampon in the bathroom either. Most people will likely ignore any rustling they hear, just like you probably do.
Launch a campaign for making your school “period friendly.” Ask for pads and tampons to be made available in bathrooms, so that students who are on their periods don’t need to take time off school because they don’t have them on hand. Ask that all bathrooms have facilities for disposing of used pads and tampons. And most importantly, ask that students are allowed one break per class so that they can go if they suddenly get their period.
Find good places to stash your sanitary supplies. Though there’s no shame in having anyone see your sanitary supplies, you can find places to stash them if you’re concerned about that. For one thing, you can put them in your purse, but if you can’t carry handbags in school, you can cleverly place them in your pencil case, tuck a pad into the pocket of your folder or binder, or even place a tampon down into your boots if you have no better options. If you think of some “hiding spots” in advance then you won’t be so nervous when that time of the month comes.[2]
If you have a locker, use it. This will also be an easy place for you to keep your supplies all year long instead of having to bring them when your period comes.
Pack an extra pair of underwear and pants just to feel safe. It’s unlikely that you will leak through your underwear and pants, but being prepared with an extra pair of underwear and pants or leggings in the event of an emergency will help you avoid worry. Just knowing that they are there if you need them will keep you from worrying about having your period or having a leak.[3]
You can also bring a sweater or sweatshirt to wrap around your waist, just in case.

Pack a chocolate candy bar. If you have your period or are experiencing PMS, then you may want to add some extra chocolate to your diet. Studies show that chocolate alleviates some of the symptoms of PMS, and besides, chocolate is delicious for lots of people! Having a little chocolate can make you feel more stable emotionally, in addition to giving you a tasty treat.
Have some medicine ready to alleviate menstrual pain. If you tend to suffer from menstrual pain such as cramps, bloating, nausea, or any of the other symptoms that may accompany your period, then you can carry around some medicine just in case. (Just make sure your school allows it.) You can use Tylenol, Advil, Midol, or another form of over-the-counter medication that works best for you. You don’t have to take it when you get your period, but having it on hand will help you feel better if you’re feeling less-than-great.[4]
Make sure to talk to your parents/guardian and a doctor before you take any medication to make sure it’s right for you.
Know when to expect your period. Your period may not be quite regular yet, but it can help to start tracking it so you know just about when to expect it. Not only will this keep you from being surprised in school, but it can also lead you to take precautions that can keep you from having an emergency, such as wearing a pantyliner the week you’re expecting to get your period, just in case you get it a bit early. If you haven’t started your period yet prepare for the first time, in case it’s at school.
The average menstrual cycle is 28 days long, but can range from 21 to 45 days in teenagers and young adults. Mark the day your period starts on a personal calendar, or use a mobile app that helps you track your period, such as Clue, Period Tracker Lite, My Calendar, or Monthly Cycles.[5]
Familiarize yourself with menstruation warning signs. Menstruation often causes side effects such as cramping, bloating, acne breakouts, and breast tenderness. If you’re experiencing one or more of these symptoms than usual, your period may be on its way.[6]
When you notice symptoms like these, it’s a good time to double-check your supplies. Make sure your “emergency” pads or tampons are in their proper places, and restock your supply of pads/tampons and pain relievers at home.
Wear dark clothing when you expect your period draws near. That way, if you do get any unexpected bleeding, the color will help mask it.

Reacting When Your Period Starts
Go to the toilet as soon as possible. This allows you to assess the situation privately and find the supplies you need to make it through the rest of the day. As soon as you suspect your period has started, discreetly ask your teacher for permission to go to the toilet.
Try approaching your teacher while the rest of the class is busy working. You can explain the situation directly if you feel comfortable doing so, but if not, you could also get the message across with something along the lines of, “I need to go to the toilet; my stomach hurts.”[7]
Ask a teacher, nurse, or friends for backup if you need it. If you’ve suddenly found yourself with your period and have no supplies, then don’t be embarrassed about going to your friends to ask if they have any pads or tampons you can use. If they can’t help you, try asking one of your (female) teachers for help (just know that menopause happens around the age of 45-50, so you might not want to ask older teachers).[8]
You can even go to the school office to ask for extra supplies, or ask them to call your parent/guardian if you really need help. Don’t be afraid to go there if you really have an emergency and can’t get help anywhere else.
If you need more help, consider visiting the nurse. The nurse or school counselor can explain the ins and outs of menstruation if this is your first period, or help you obtain menstrual products and a change of clothing if needed.[9]
Make an emergency pad if necessary. If you have no better options and find yourself in the bathroom when your period has just arrived, then your best bet may be to make an emergency pad. All you have to do is take a long piece of toilet paper and wrap it around your hand at least ten times until the pad is thick enough. Place it, lengthwise, in your underwear, and then take another long piece of paper and wrap it around the pad and your underwear another 8-10 times, until the pad is securely in place. You can repeat this one more time with another piece of toilet paper. Though this isn’t nearly as good as the real thing, it will do in a pinch.[10]
If you have your period but it’s really light, you can also make an emergency pantyliner. Just get a length of toilet paper about as long as the panty line of your underwear, fold it over itself two or three times, and place it in your underwear.

Wrap a jacket around your waist if needed. If you have one available, wrap a spare T-shirt, jacket, or sweatshirt around your waist, especially if you suspect menstrual blood has leaked through your clothing. This should help hide any dark stains until you can change clothing.
If this is your first period, keep in mind that first periods generally aren’t super heavy, so it’s possible that you’ve noticed before the blood has leaked through your clothes. That being said, it’s still a good idea to take care of the issue as soon as possible to limit the risk of any leakage.[11]
If you discover that blood has leaked through your clothes, change into your PE kit (if available) or ask the school nurse or counselor to call your parents for a change of clothes. Don’t worry about classmates pointing out your sudden wardrobe change; if anyone questions it, you can casually tell them you spilled something on your pants and leave it at that.[12]
Having a Solid Game Plan
Stay hydrated. Though it may sound counter-intuitive, staying hydrated will keep your body from retaining water, which will make you feel less bloated. You should carry around a water bottle or make sure to hit up the water fountains between classes as much as you can. Aim to get at least 10 8-ounce glasses of water throughout the day. It can be tricky to drink a lot during school, but you can make sure to drink extra glasses before and after school.[13]
You can also try to incorporate foods with lots of water in them into your diet to make sure you stay hydrated. These foods include watermelon, strawberries, celery, and lettuce.
Minimize your caffeine intake. Take it easy with your consumption of caffeinated soda, tea, or coffee. This can make you dehydrated and can actually make cramping worse.
Eat foods that prevent bloating. If you want to deal with your period in the best way possible, then you should avoid eating foods that cause bloating. The biggest culprits are fatty foods and carbonated foods. This means you should skip out on those French fries, ice cream, or hamburger and soda at lunch and focus on healthier wraps, salads, or turkey sandwiches. Replace your soda with a water or an unsweetened iced tea and you may feel better.[14]
Fatty foods make you retain water, which makes you feel bloated.
You should also avoid whole grains, beans, lentils, cabbage, or cauliflower.[15]
Try not to skip out on gym class — it can relieve menstrual pain. Though you may feel like the last thing you want to do is go to gym class, it’s been proven that exercise actually makes you feel better when you’re on your period. It’s been shown that aerobic exercise makes your body pump more blood, which lets it release endorphins to counteract the prostaglandins in your body, reducing your cramps and pain. Don’t be tempted to sit in the bleachers with a frown on your face, and get out there instead.
Of course, if you’re really feeling terrible, you may need to take a break from exercise on a given day, but you’ll be surprised by how much better you feel.
If you skip gym because of your period, you’ll be singling yourself out and calling attention to yourself, instead of doing what everyone else is doing and taking your mind off of your pain.
Plan to take bathroom breaks every 2-3 hours. Before you start your school day, you can make a plan to hit up the bathrooms every 2-3 hours so you can change your pads or tampons if your flow is heavy, or just make sure that everything is in working order. You may be nervous about leakage, and just having confirmation that everything is fine can make you feel better. Though you won’t need to change your tampon every 2 hours, you can aim to change it every 3-4 hours if you have a heavy flow; if your period is lighter, you may be able to go up to 5 or 6 hours but this is not recommended because it can lead to Toxic Shock Syndrome. Also, to avoid this make sure to only wear the lowest absorbency you need.
Taking bathroom breaks every 2-3 hours will also help you relieve your bladder more often. Relieving your bladder when you have the urge to use the restroom can help relieve the cramps associated with your period.[16]
Dispose of your pads or tampons correctly. When you’re in school, you should make sure to dispose of your pads and tampons in a sanitary way. Avoid flushing tampons in the toilet, even if you do that at home, because you don’t know how strong the pipes are in your school and you don’t want to cause a flood. Try to use the bathroom stalls with little bins in them; if you have those, you should still try to wrap up your tampons and pads with their original wrappers or toilet paper so they don’t stick to the side of the bin.
If you’re not lucky enough to have a trash can in your stall, just wrap them up with toilet paper and throw them in the trash outside; don’t be shy about it, and remember that many students have to dispose of their sanitary napkins.
Always make sure to wash your hands after you’ve changed your pad or tampon.
Wear darker clothes if that makes you more comfortable. Though it’s unlikely that you’ll have a leak, you may want to wear darker clothes during the week of or before your period, just to keep yourself feeling secure. You can wear darker jeans or a darker dress just so you don’t have to worry about checking your backside or asking your friends to check for you every two seconds. Plan a few days of wearing cute, darker colors if that makes you more comfortable.
That said, don’t let your period keep you from wearing your cute new outfits. If you want to wear something light or pastel-colored, do what you want, knowing that there’s really nothing to worry about.
Know how to respond when someone makes an insensitive remark. Remember to treat them how you would like to be treated, even if they were rude, and to not be mean or insensitive back. If they persist, contact a trusted adult. Try the following responses in the meantime:
“I’m really not in the mood. Could you please stop that?”
“I really need my space right now. Can you please stop that?”
Ask to be excused when needed. If in class, a good option is to be excused to the school nurse or calmly explain your situation to the teacher and leave to your locker and the bathroom. Some good explanations without going too in-detail are below.
“I’m having a moment, can I please use the washroom?”
“Aunt Flo has given me a visit. I would like to be excused from class for a few minutes.”
“I’m having a feminine emergency… you know.”
Maintaining a Healthy Mindset
Image titled Deal With Teen Pregnancy Step 12
Don’t be embarrassed about it. Whether you’re one of the first students in your grade to be getting your period or one of the last, many of the people in your school will get their periods eventually. There’s no need to be embarrassed about something that affects many people in the world, and which is a natural part of growing up and having a more mature, changing body. Don’t let anyone tease you about it or let anyone make you feel anything other than proud about your period.
Have a chat with your other friends about it. You’ll feel better knowing that you’re not alone in your feelings.
Image titled Tell if Vaginal Discharge Is Normal Step 7
Don’t worry about the smell. A lot of people worry about their periods “smelling” or people being able to tell that they’re on their period. However, your period itself will not smell; what you may smell is the smell of a sanitary pad absorbing blood after a few hours. To counteract this worry, you can change your pad every 2-3 hours or wear a tampon. Some people like to wear scented tampons or pads, but this smell can actually be more powerful than the smell of unscented sanitary napkins, so this can even irritate the vagina. But still, you can decide if this is right for you.
You can try out a scented pad or tampon at home before you decide whether or not you’d like to use them in school.
Image titled Deal With a Backstabbing Friend Step 8
Make sure your parents/guardian know about it. Your period shouldn’t be a secret or something you’re embarrassed about. Though you may initially be shy about it, it’s important to tell your mother or father about it as soon as you’ve gotten it. If you are a cisgender girl, a mother or another woman in your family can help you get the proper supplies, make you feel comfortable, and help you avoid having to sneak around with your period. Remember that a lot of kids have to go through this and tell your parents/guardian when it happens; the sooner you tell them, the better you’ll feel.
Your parents/guardian will be proud of you for telling them. They may even shed a few tears.
You may be a little shy about telling a parent or guardian. But once you do, it’ll make things a lot easier, and they’ll be glad you were honest and open.
Image titled Be Prepared for Your Period Step 13
Don’t be afraid to ask to use the restroom in class if you need to. If a teacher asks question, you can say that you urgently need to pee, or something else if you want (you don’t want to be embarrassed in front of them). If you’re having an emergency or just know it’s time to change your sanitary napkin, then you shouldn’t be ashamed to ask to use the restroom. If you go into school with the mindset that it won’t be hard for you to use the restroom if you need to, then you’ll feel much more excited to go about your day. Ask your teachers if you can use the restroom in class with confidence, or even talk to your teachers about it in advance if that makes you more comfortable.[17]
Be aware that your teachers and administrators should be more than prepared to help you with this problem. You need to keep reminding yourself that you’re not the first one to ever have to deal with their period in school!

What to Wear on your Period

I’ve seen the same questions come up over and over again: What should I wear on my period? What will make it less noticeable? How can I be comfortable and still look cute?

I’ll be answering all your questions (and more!) in this series of posts. First, we’re going to talk about what to wear on your period. Then, we’ll talk about how to make sure that it’s not as obvious as it would be if you were wearing jeans or a skirt—and finally, we’ll talk about how to cope with cramps while looking stylish!

Menstruation is a common, natural process that happens to every woman at some point in her life. It’s also a topic that many people don’t feel comfortable discussing openly.

In this blog post, we’ll be talking about what you should wear on your period. We’ll discuss how to choose the right underwear for your menstrual cycle and why it’s important to have a good pair of period panties. We’ll talk about how to spot fake period panties and what brands are best for your needs. Finally, we’ll explore how choosing the right underwear can help you feel more confident during your period!

Menstruation is a common, natural process that happens to every woman at some point in her life. It’s also a topic that many people don’t feel comfortable discussing openly.

In this blog post, we’ll be talking about what you should wear on your period. We’ll discuss how to choose the right underwear for your menstrual cycle and why it’s important to have a good pair of period panties. We’ll talk about how to spot fake period panties and what brands are best for your needs. Finally, we’ll explore how choosing the right underwear can help you feel more confident during your period!

High waist skirts or pants (ideally stretchy or loose) will help you take care of the bloating showing up. And the slight pressure might even help with the cramps. Make sure you don’t strangle yourself in tightness. Now, jeans might not be a popular choice during periods

What to wear during your periods
World Menstrual Hygiene Day has got us all talking about the dreaded few days in a woman’s life. Let’s share some outfit hacks that make the shark week ea

By Express News Service
HYDERABAD: It’s a menstrual hygiene day! While we all are finally opening upon the taboo subject, it’s time we share some go-to ideas we all swear by during the dreaded shark week if you’re up for dressing up and showing up (you can always just stay home!). Here are a few:

High waist everything
Anything that cuts on your waist will spell your doom during periods. High waist skirts or pants (ideally stretchy or loose) will help you take care of the bloating showing up. And the slight pressure might even help with the cramps. Make sure you don’t strangle yourself in tightness.

Jeans are your best friend
Now, jeans might not be a popular choice during periods. But jeans that aren’t skinny fitting or light coloured can come handy. Jeans that fit comfortably will make sure your pad or tampon stays in place.

Try prints
Stains are a woman’s biggest fear during those days of the month. No matter how careful you are there are always some accidents. Try wearing prints to camouflage the occasional leaks. Mind you this is just a contingency plan.

Paired with the right kurta or even a long t-shirt, leggings are almost as comfortable as track pants. If you’re conscious of the bulge of pads or the stain scare, match it with a tunic or tops that go past your hips to stay safe.

Skip the heels
This one is a no-brainer. One could skip the heels even when they aren’t on the period but stay away from the stilts during because of the pressure it causes on the lower back which is probably already hurting from cramps.

Sporty and sneaky
Change your style to sporty for a few days. Pick t-shirt dresses if you have to go for a night out. These will keep you comfortable and will also feel dressy on occasions. Pick joggers and match them with a nice blouse or top to trick people into thinking you’re all put together.

What To Wear During Your Period For Total Comfort
By Melodi Erdogan
July 28, 2015

There are many wonders to being a woman, but deciding what to wear during your period is not one of them. Personally, when blood flows from my vagina and I’m required to clean up every couple of hours or so, the only thing that sounds comfortable is a pair of sweatpants. Unfortunately for me, sweatpants are generally not acceptable in most real life settings, or really any setting outside of our couch, accompanied with chocolate covered candies and Netflix.

However, despite our female reproductive organs sometimes causing many of us miserable, insufferable, excruciating pain, and just making us generally uncomfortable, we’re still functioning human beings. This means real clothes — not sweatpants — are required to make it through the day. But that’s the challenge: Choosing comfortable clothes that are totally wearable in the day to day.

Of course, women’s clothes are hardly made with the menstrual cycle in mind. Pencil skirts? Skinny jeans? Dresses? While they’re fine any other time of the month, they pose threats and unnecessary discomfort during this special time (falling tampons, anyone?). Luckily, there are other pieces in almost everyone’s wardrobe that are perfectly comfortable and acceptable in most environments for those few days that we need them.

  1. Jeans

Lookout High-Rise Jean in Wallace Wash, $125, jcrew

I love denim, and while it may not seem like the best fabric for dealing with your period, there are major benefits to wearing jeans. You’ll probably want to stay away from the super tight, restricting pair that’s impossible to get on and off, of course. However, throwing on a pair you know you can rely on it, that fits well, and that doesn’t make you feel like your pad or tampon is at risk of slipping is a sure way to completely forget about your cycle.

  1. Graphic T-Shirt

Out Of Bed Tee, $15, Forever21

What better way to show the world that you’re on your period than with a sassy graphic T-shirt? Some of us feel the effects of the hormones on days before we even see any blood. Instead of having to talk about how you feel and getting down to business, just wear a T-shirt that explains it for you. No words necessary, with barely any effort involved.

  1. Soft Sweater

Dip-Dye Ribbed Knit Jumper, $80, Topshop

Soft clothing is a no brainer when all you need is some comfort and warmth on your period, and a soft, cashmere sweater that feels like a cloud is embracing you is without a doubt the way to go. I’m a big fan of cuddling up with a hot cup of tea and a good movie on Netflix, and, of course, my favorite cozy, comfortable sweater. There’s nothing better than feeling warmth and love, even if it is from an inanimate object.

  1. Jumpsuit

Plus Diana Strappy Slouch Jumpsuit, $35, Boohoo

Period or not, sometimes getting dressed can just be a hassle. However, with easy one piece ensembles, like the above jumpsuit or even a romper, there need not be any struggle in the mornings. Something like this can be dressed up or down, and is a great foundation for pretty accessories and jewelry.

  1. Leggings

On-The-Go Glam Leggings in Black, $30, Modcloth

Leggings are nearly sweatpants, right? Well, not exactly. Leggings have the comfort of sweatpants but are much easier to pair with professional-looking blouses and shirts. Especially when they’re a little more dynamic and unique. They’re movable, breathable, and super chic, so no one on Earth would even know you’re on your period.

  1. T-Shirt Dress

New Look Inspire Jersey T-shirt Dress, $33, Asos

If your schedule requires you to attend formal, professional events but you’re looking for a more comfortable option, a T-shirt dress might just be the answer to your prayers. They provide the comfort of an old shirt but in an elongated form so no pants are necessary. Whether you’re on your period or not, a piece like this is sure to get a lot of use in your wardrobe.

  1. Sweatpants

Zipper Pocket French Terry Pants, $23, Charlotterusse

Remember what I said about sweatpants not being socially acceptable clothing? I must admit that I have never worn sweatpants outside of the house. When it’s that time of month, however, and there’s absolutely no reason for me to go out, it’s sweatpants time all the way. There’s just nothing more comfortable or more relaxing than letting the blood flow in a pair of sweats. Plus, the athleisure trend is actually resulting in some pretty nifty loungewear, so not all hope of chicness is lost.

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