Foods To Eat After Workout For Weight Loss

You’ve just finished your workout and you’re feeling like a million bucks. You’re not only physically healthy, but mentally too—you feel like you can take on any challenge that comes your way.

But then you start thinking about all the things you have to do when you get home: work, chores, errands… it’s enough to make anyone want to curl up in bed and sleep until tomorrow! But if you want to beat the post-workout blues and keep feeling good all day long, here are some great foods that will help maximize your post-workout recovery!

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Foods To Eat After Workout For Weight Loss

Adopting the right training plan is crucial to shedding those unwanted pounds, but you shouldn’t starve your body of valuable nutrients. Perhaps, eating the right nutrients after you exercise is just as important as what you eat before a workout. A good post-workout meal or snack is vital to keep the burn going. When you’re working out for weight loss, you’re making your muscles work really hard. You’re stretching them to make sure you achieve your fitness goals.

Whether you’re up for strength and endurance training or cardio exercise, your body does use up all its energy during a workout. So, it’s important to nourish your body with the right nutrition after a good workout. Most people are concerned only about pre-workout meals. They’re constantly concerned if bananas or oats are enough to give them the required fuel to get through a workout session. But if you want optimum results for all the efforts you put in to lose weight and slim down your waistline and belly, you should also focus on what you eat post-workout.

Why is a post workout meal important for weight loss?

According to fitness expert Shivani Patel, Founder of Sculptasse, to find out which foods are good for you after a workout, you need to first understand how exercising affects your body. During any kind of physical activity, your muscles use glycogen stores as a source of fuel for it. So, after a workout, the glycogen levels in the muscles drop. Proteins inside the muscles are also broken down.

After a workout session, your body will try to rebuild itself by getting its glycogen levels up and re-growing muscle proteins. Hence, after a workout, it is your job to make sure you that your body is getting its job done faster by consuming the right kinds of food.

What kind of foods and when should you eat after a workout for optimal weight loss?

To help your body recovers faster and aids weight loss, you need to consume carbohydrates and proteins. Carbohydrates will help in replenish glycogen levels, while proteins will provide amino acids that are needed for rebuilding muscle proteins and building new muscle tissues

It is recommended that you consume proteins and carbohydrates within 45 minutes after a workout. For the best results, mix proteins and carbohydrates together. A ratio of 3:1 carbohydrate versus proteins works the best to aid your body for quick recovery after a workout. This helps build and repair your muscles that were broken down, keeping your metabolism strong and healthy. This, in turn, can aid in weight loss.

You can actually calculate the exact amount of protein and carbohydrate that your body needs with the help of a simple formula. Here it is:

  • Amount of protein needed = 0.25 grams/pound of your target body weight
  • Amount of carbs needed = 0.25-0.5 grams/pound of your target body weight

Check what your results are, then go on to plan a post-workout meal for yourself.

Here are some foods that make for great post-workout snacks and meals:

For Carbs: Sweet potatoes, Quinoa, Oatmeal, Bananas, Pineapple, Kiwi

For Proteins: Eggs, Paneer, Greek yogurt, Chicken, Tuna

Combinations of the foods listed above can yield the best results. You can also use some good fats to the mix. Avocado and dry fruits are recommended.

Healthy post-workout meal recipes for weight loss

Healthy post-workout meal recipes for weight loss

If you are struggling with post-workout meal recipes, here are some combinations you can try out for yourself.

  • An omelette with avocado spread on toast
  • Oatmeal with almonds, whey protein, and banana
  • Hummus and pita
  • Cottage cheese with berries
  • Greek yogurt and berries
  • Quinoa with avocado, dried fruits, and nuts
  • Scrambled eggs
  • Soybean and chickpea salad

Foods to avoid after a workout to lose weight

You’ve sweated it out in the gym to shed that unwanted flab around the belly and you’re really hungry after a good workout. On the way back home, you see dessert parlours and street vendors selling your favourite delicacies. It can be really tempting to just stop by and hog some pizzas, ice-creams or burgers. But please DO NOT give in to the temptations.

If you consume fried, oily, and fatty food after exercising, it can be counter-productive for you. All the efforts that you just put in to lose that stubborn belly fat just go wasted if you load up on these unwanted pesky calories. Here is a list of foods that you should stay away from after a workout session:

  • Spicy Food
  • Fried Food
  • Carbonated Drinks
  • Coffee
  • Sugary Juices
  • Fast Food
  • Raw Veggies
  • Beans
  • Alcohol
  • Desserts

Make sure that you avoid post-workout foods that are high in fat and sugar and low in protein, especially if your goal is weight loss. Cutting back on unhealthy foods means you’re more likely to achieve your fitness goals faster while also improving your overall health.

Should I Eat Breakfast Before Or After Workout For Weight Loss

Whether to eat before a morning workout depends on your goals, the type of workout and its duration, and your individual health.

After a long night of sleep, your blood sugar levels are lower than when you’ve recently eaten. This might make you feel sluggish and tired during your workout.

Therefore, a small snack before a morning workout may help increase your blood sugar levels and give you energy to perform your best.

For many, working out soon after eating can cause stomach upset since the food has not had a chance to digest.

However, while it may be tempting to exercise in a fasted state, with no breakfast or snack since you woke up, this may hinder your performance in some types of exercise.

That said, most people can safely exercise without eating beforehand unless they’re exercising at high intensity for 60 minutes or longer.

Those with specific performance goals or medical conditions may need to eat before working out. For example, people with blood sugar issues such as diabetes should make sure they’re properly fueled first.

If you have a medical condition, consider working closely with a healthcare professional to find the approach that’s best for you.

All in all, pre-workout nutrition is highly individualized. It’s most effective when you tailor it to your lifestyle, goals, and body. What works for one person may not work for another, so it’s important to experiment and see what works best for you.


For most people, eating before a morning workout is optional and depends on your goals, the type of workout you’re doing and its duration, and how your body responds to food. That said, a small snack may enhance your performance.

Cardio training

Choosing the right pre-workout fuel can help support a cardio workout, also known as cardiorespiratory exercise.

High intensity, short duration

Duration of 30–45 minutes or less.

High intensity, short duration cardio exercise mostly uses muscle glycogen as fuel. Most people have enough glycogen stored in their muscles to sustain this type of exercise without needing to eat.

Examples of this type of exercise include:

  • indoor cycling classes
  • high intensity interval training

That said, if you’re exercising before breakfast, you may want to have a snack containing 15–75 grams of carbohydrates, depending on your preferences and your upcoming exercise session. Some athletes may want to consume even more.

Doing this 30–60 minutes before exercising may promote optimal performance.

Foods you could fuel up with include:

  • toast with almond butter
  • whole grain crackers with cheese
  • a banana
  • milk or a plant-based beverage
  • figs with peanut butter
  • applesauce

For some people, exercising on an empty stomach doesn’t cause any issues. If you find that works best for you, then continue it. However, if you feel lightheaded or weak, it’s probably a sign you should have something to eat.

Moderate to high intensity, long duration

Duration of 60–90 minutes or more.

If you plan on exercising at a moderate to high intensity level for longer than 60–90 minutes, it’s probably best to have a small meal or snack first.

This type of exercise might include:

  • running
  • cycling
  • rowing
  • cross-country skiing

During exercise, your body uses a mix of carbohydrates and fat as fuel. However, your body burns fat much more slowly than carbohydrates to fuel your muscles and sustain the workout.

Therefore, opt for a small meal or snack that contains 15–75 grams of carbohydrates plus some protein. Eat at least 1–3 hours before your workout — this gives your body time to digest the food.

Foods you could fuel up with include:

  • a fruit smoothie made with milk and a banana
  • a small bagel with peanut butter
  • oatmeal with berries
  • scrambled eggs and toast

Low to moderate intensity, long duration

Light exercise makes fewer demands on your body. Therefore, you don’t necessarily need to eat as much beforehand.

Exercise in this category might include:

  • an hourlong walk
  • tai chi
  • a gentle yoga session

If you’re finding that you’re hungry in the middle of your workout, you may want to try having a small, protein-rich snack before you start. This will help curb your appetite without unwanted stomach discomfort.

Foods you could fuel up with include:

  • 1 cup (237 mL) of cottage cheese
  • 2 hard-boiled eggs
  • half a protein bar
  • a small protein shake
  • an omelet with vegetables


For workouts longer than 60 minutes, opt for a small meal or snack containing 15–75 grams of carbohydrates paired with a protein source. For low intensity exercise or exercise shorter than 45 minutes, you can have a small snack or go without eating.

Strength training

Strength training requires greater bursts of power but actually requires less “fuel in the tank” than the activities described above.

However, having a small meal or snack before a strength training session can give you energy to sustain the workout longer and at a higher intensity. Otherwise, you may feel too fatigued or lightheaded to perform your best.

Ideally, you’ll want to eat a meal or snack with carbohydrates and protein. The carbohydrates will provide energy, and the protein will help with muscle growth and recovery.

If you’re susceptible to stomach discomfort, aim to have your pre-workout meal or snack 1–3 hours before your workout. Alternatively, eat a light snack that you find easy to digest 30 minutes before your workout.

Foods you could fuel up with include:

  • a sliced turkey sandwich (2 slices of bread, turkey slices, tomato, lettuce, and a condiment)
  • oatmeal
  • 1 hard-boiled egg and 1 cup (237 mL) of applesauce
  • beef jerky and 1/2 cup (125 mL) of orange juice
  • 1 cup (237 mL) of milk or soy milk
  • Greek yogurt and berries
  • a granola bar or half a protein bar
  • an egg sandwich (fried egg, cheese, and tomato on a toasted English muffin)


A pre-workout meal or snack before strength training may help improve performance, though researchers have found mixed results on this. It’s best if the food you choose contains both carbs and protein. Experts don’t recommend going without food.

Specific goals

If you have specific lifestyle goals, you may want to adjust your morning pre-workout nutrition.

Weight loss

Contrary to popular belief, eating fewer calories before your workout won’t give you better results. In fact, it may slow down your weight loss.

Athletes need enough fuel to perform their best. However, many other people trying to lose weight may exercise at low or moderate intensity for a relatively short duration.

If you’re one of these people, you may do just fine eating little to no food before exercising. Whether you eat before working out should be based on your preference and weight loss goals.

Before your morning workout, fuel your body with whole, minimally processed carbohydrate and protein foods such as:

  • oatmeal
  • whole grain toast
  • fruit
  • beef jerky
  • eggs
  • milk

Muscle growth

Beyond your genetics, you can build muscle through strength training and eating a high protein diet. Protein can help you build bigger, stronger muscles when you pair it with various forms of resistance training.

To continue to build muscle, you need to practice progressive overload, which means slowly adding more load (weight) or volume to your strength training routine.

If you aren’t properly fueled before your workout, you may not feel like you have the energy to challenge your muscles enough to stimulate muscle breakdown and repair.

That said, it is still possible to gain muscle if you work out without eating beforehand. Just make sure you meet appropriate daily nutrient intake goals, including consuming enough protein.

In the end, it’s up to your preferences.

If you choose to eat before working out to gain muscle, consider eating a small snack or meal with both carbohydrates and protein about 1–3 hours before your workout.

To eat enough protein throughout the day to support muscle growth, consider consuming about 0.6–0.9 grams of protein per pound (1.4–2.0 grams per kg) of body weight per day.


For both weight loss and muscle growth, you’ll want to make sure you’re eating enough to fuel your workouts for optimal performance. If you’re exercising when you have low energy, your workouts will suffer.


Here are some tips to help you stay on track with your morning pre-workout nutrition:

  • Prepare the night before. To make your morning easier, have your meal or snack ready to go the night before.
  • Prep for the week. Spend 1 day per week planning and prepping your morning meals. This takes out the guesswork on the morning of your workout.
  • Skip the fiber. Though it’s important for overall health, fiber takes longer to digest, which may lead to stomach discomfort during your workout. If you do consume a significant amount, consider waiting 1–3 hours to give it time to digest before working out.
  • Don’t drink too much. If you drink too much water or other fluids before your workout, you may feel that unpleasant “sloshing” sensation as you’re working out. Take small sips of water before and during your workout.
  • Listen to your body. You know your body best. Play around with different foods and beverages that make you feel energized and help with your performance. In some cases, a very tiny snack might be all you need and want.


Make your morning pre-workout meals as easy as possible by planning and preparing them ahead of time. Try experimenting with different foods and drinks to find out what feels best to you.

The bottom line

Eating before your morning workout will help provide your body with the fuel it needs.

For certain types of exercise, such as strength training and long-duration cardio exercise, experts highly recommend eating a small meal or snack containing carbohydrates and a bit of protein 1–3 hours before you get started.

On the other hand, if you’re doing cardio exercise for 45 minutes or less, you can probably get by without eating.

That said, if you have blood sugar issues, feel lethargic or weak when you haven’t eaten, or feel better when you have eaten, then having a meal or snack is a good idea.

All in all, eating before a morning workout is highly individualized, and it may take some trial and error to see what works best for you.

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