Flat Stomach Treadmill Workout For Weight Loss

The best flat stomach treadmill workout for weight loss will help you feel like a million bucks. Your body will be sculpted and toned, and you’ll feel like you can take on the world. You’ll be able to fit into that dress or pair of jeans you’ve been wanting to wear for so long!

This flat stomach treadmill workout is designed to help you get the most out of your time in the gym. It will help you build muscle while burning fat, and it will give your body an overall great shape.

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Flat Stomach Treadmill Workout For Weight Loss

When it comes to burning fat, there’s no time like treadmill time. That’s because running on a treadmill is one of the most effective exercises for torching calories and improving cardiovascular health. And the more calories you burn, the more fat you’ll lose. 

But that’s not all. 

Running on a treadmill also helps build lean muscle mass, which in turn helps boost your metabolism. And it’s much easier to maintain a healthy weight with an accelerated metabolism than with a slow one. 

That brings us to the following question:

Does Running on a Treadmill Burn Belly Fat?

Most people know running is a great way to burn calories and get in shape. But some people don’t realize that running on a treadmill can help you burn deep-tissue belly fat. 

When you run on a treadmill, your heart gets into the fat-burning zone where the fat cells in your body (and abdomen included) are burned for energy. In addition, the rhythmic motion of treadmill running helps stimulate the release of fat-burning hormones, such as adrenaline and cortisol. 

So not only does running on a treadmill burn calories, but it also helps you to target stubborn belly fat. And that’s good news for anyone looking to slim down and tone up.

Will Walking on a Treadmill Burn Belly Fat?

You might not be running, but that doesn’t mean you’re not getting a good workout on the treadmill. In fact, walking on a treadmill can be an excellent way to burn deep-tissue belly fat. 

The key is to keep your heart rate up and your stride long. 

Walking at a moderate pace for 30 minutes can raise your heart rate and get your blood pumping. But if you really want to torch some calories, try ramping up the incline and walking at a brisk pace for 60 minutes. 

This intensity will tone your legs and challenge your cardiovascular system, both of which are essential for burning deep-tissue belly fat. So next time you’re looking for a workout that will get you results, hop on the treadmill and get moving.

How to Lose More Belly Fat on Your Treadmill

Treadmills are great for belly fat loss because they are low-impact and easy on the joints. They also provide a great cardio workout, which helps you burn calories and lose weight. 

Even walking at a moderate pace on a treadmill will raise your heart rate and get your blood pumping, which will help you burn more calories and fat.

But if you want to accelerate your belly fat loss, you can try changing up your treadmill routine by: 

  • Walking or running at a higher incline to target your abdominal muscles and give you a more intense workout. 
  • Adding interval training to your treadmill routine by increasing the speed for short bursts of time. HIIT increases your heart rate further, helping you burn even more calories. 
  • Donning some hand weights or a weighted vest. By adding a little bit of extra weight, you’re effectively increasing the amount of effort your body has to expend. As a result, your body needs more fuel. And since your glucose resources are limited, you will soon start burning through your fat stores.
  • Using a fat-loss program. Certain treadmills have specific programs that target fat loss:
    • Heart-rate program. These programs work by monitoring your heart rate and adjusting the speed and incline of the treadmill accordingly. For example, if your heart rate is too low, the program will automatically increase the treadmill’s speed. Conversely, the program will reduce the speed or incline if your heart rate is too high. These adjustments ensure that you are constantly burning belly fat safely and effectively. 
    • Watt-based programs. If you’ve ever felt like the treadmill was controlling you, that’s because it was! Watts measure the amount of work your body is doing, and most programs will start you out at a certain number of watts and then gradually increase the level as you get more comfortable, according to your goals.

30-Minute Fat-Burning Treadmill Workout (The Running Version)

Hop on the treadmill and get ready to sweat! This 30-minute fat-burning workout will increase your heart rate and help shed those unwanted pounds. 

  • The first 5 minutes are a warm-up, so start at a moderate pace. Then, it’s time to crank up the intensity. 
  • Split the next 20 minutes into ten intervals:
    • Run as fast as you can for 40 seconds
    • Run as fast as you can but at a 10% incline for 40 seconds
    • Walk at 3 mph on zero incline for 40 seconds
    • Repeat another nine times
  • Finish strong with a 5-minute cool-down at a slower pace. 

Pro tips:

  • If you can’t sustain ten intervals, aka 20 minutes from the get-go, you can start with just 5 minutes or whatever works for you.
  • You can also lower the maximum speed and incline as you go. For example, your first sprinting interval may be 8 mph, but you can always reach 5 mph by the end of your workout.

By the end of this workout, you’ll be drenched in sweat but feeling amazing! And the best part is that you’ll have burned fat all over your body, not just in your thighs or stomach. So put on your game face and get ready to slim down!

30-Minute Fat-Burning Treadmill Workout (The Walking Version)

For those of us dreading the thought of running on a treadmill, there’s good news: you can still burn fat without putting in a lot of effort. In fact, all you need to do is walk. 

That’s right, walking at a moderate pace can help you torch calories and lose weight. And the best part is that it doesn’t have to take up much time. A 30-minute walking workout is all it takes to see results.

Here’s how to make the most of your 30 minutes on the treadmill: 

  • Start by warming up at a slower pace for about five minutes. 
  • Increase your speed to a moderate pace and walk for 20 minutes. Use intervals to accelerate fat-burn:
    • Walk for one minute at a speed that challenges you. Try wearing weights to make things harder.
    • Increase the incline to 5-10% and maintain a challenging speed. 
  • Cool down for the last five minutes by reducing your speed to about 3 mph.

Remember to keep your posture upright, and your abdominal muscles pulled in to maximize calorie burn.

Wrap Up

So there you have it: two different treadmill workouts that will help you lose weight, tone your body and improve your fitness. All it takes is 30 minutes, and you can do it from the comfort of your own home. So what are you waiting for? Get started today!

P.S. Get the right treadmill first. You want to take advantage of all its fat-burning programs and features, like incline, speed, or heart-rate training.

Ways to Lose Weight with a Treadmill Workout

The treadmill is a hugely popular aerobic exercise machine. Aside from being a versatile cardio machine, a treadmill can help you lose weight if that’s your goal.

In addition to helping you lose weight, working out on a treadmill has other benefits too. For instance:

  • You can use the treadmill year-round.
  • It’s possible to watch your favorite TV show while you exercise.
  • The treadmill has handrails, which is ideal if you’re recovering from an injury.
  • As with any heart-pumping cardio workout, it can help reduce your risk for heart disease and other chronic diseases, improve sleep, boost your mood, and improve brain function.

Treadmills are available at almost every gym, making it an accessible option for all fitness levels. Plus, if you prefer working out at home, treadmills can easily become part of your home gym, too.

Let’s explore the basics of treadmill weight loss, along with possible workout plans and tips.

1. High-intensity interval training (HIIT) 

High-intensity interval training (HIIT) involves alternating sets of high-intensity exercise and rest.

According to a 2017 study, HIIT workouts can be an effective way of reducing body fat and burning calories in a shorter amount of time.

The idea is to work extra hard for short periods and rest between the high-intensity bursts of exercise. This burns a lot of calories, which helps contribute to weight loss.

Additionally, after a HIIT routine, your body attempts to return to a normal resting state. It does this by metabolizing body fat for energy.

Here’s how to do HIIT on a treadmill:

  1. Set the treadmill so it’s flat. Walk at 2 mph for 5 minutes to warm up.
  2. Run at 9 to 10 mph for 30 seconds.
  3. Walk at 3 to 4 mph for 60 seconds.
  4. Repeat 5 to 10 times.
  5. Walk at 2 mph for 5 minutes to cool down.

For a more advanced workout, alternate between jogging and sprinting. You can also add more minutes to each high-intensity set. Ideally, your rest intervals should be twice as long as your high-intensity intervals.

2. Find your fat-burning zone

During a treadmill workout, exercising at your fat-burning heart rate can help promote weight loss. This zone is where you burn the most calories per minute.

To find your fat-burning zone, you’ll need to calculate your maximum heart rate first. This is the maximum number of times your heart can beat during 1 minute of exercise.

Your maximum heart rate is 220 minus your age. For example, if you’re 40 years old, your maximum heart rate is 180 beats per minute (220 – 40 = 180).

Generally, your fat-burning zone is 70 percent of your maximum heart rate. If your max heart rate is 180 beats per minute, your fat-burning zone is 70 percent of 180, or 126 beats per minute (180 x 0.70 = 126).

With this number, you’ll know how hard you should work to support weight loss. Here’s one way to do it:

  1. Wear a heart rate monitor on your wrist or chest. Set the treadmill to flat. Walk at 2 mph for 5 minutes to warm up.
  2. Set the incline to 2 percent. Jog at 4 mph for 1 minute.
  3. Run at 8 to 10 mph, or until you enter your fat-burning zone. Run for 15 to 30 minutes at this heart rate.
  4. Jog at 4 mph for 1 minute.
  5. Walk at 2 mph for 5 minutes to cool down.

While 70 percent is the average fat-burning zone, everyone is different. Some people might enter the fat-burning zone at 55 percent of their maximum heart rate, while others might need to reach 80 percent. It depends on various factors like sex, age, fitness level, and medical conditions.

You might also enter your fat-burning zone at a lower treadmill speed.

A personal trainer can help determine your ideal speed and heart rate for optimal weight loss.

3. Get out of a rut

Another strategy for treadmill weight loss is to switch up your routine. By doing a different workout each time, you can:

  • Reduce your risk for injury. Repeating the same workout is stressful on your joints. It increases the risk of overuse injury, which can set you back.
  • Avoid a training plateau. The more you do a certain workout, the less you’ll see results. Your body needs to be challenged to progress.
  • Prevent boredom. You’re more likely to stick to you routine if you regularly mix up your workout.

Here’s a sample workout plan, where different treadmill workouts are incorporated into a balanced exercise routine:

  • Sunday: rest, leisurely walk, or gentle yoga
  • Monday: treadmill HIIT routine for 20 to 30 minutes
  • Tuesday: light treadmill jog and strength training
  • Wednesday: rest, leisurely walk, or gentle yoga
  • Thursday: light treadmill jog and strength training
  • Friday: treadmill HIIT routine for 20 to 30 minutes
  • Saturday: barre class or bodyweight workout

4. Add hills

To make a treadmill routine more challenging, add hills. Walking briskly or running at an incline burns more calories because your body has to work harder.

It also activates more muscles, which contributes to building more lean muscle mass. This helps you lose weight, since muscle burns more calories than fat.

If you’d like to exercise on an incline, try this treadmill sequence:

  1. Set the treadmill to flat. Walk at 2 mph for 5 minutes to warm up.
  2. Set the incline to 1 percent. Jog at 4 to 6 mph for 1 minute.
  3. Increase the incline by 1 percent each minute. Repeat until you reach an 8 to 10 percent incline.
  4. Decrease the incline by 1 percent each minute. Repeat until you’re at a 0 to 1 percent incline.
  5. Walk at 2 mph for 5 minutes to cool down.

Generally, 4 to 6 mph is the average jogging speed. You can increase the speed or add more minutes to make this workout harder.

For an easier version, increase the incline by 0.5 percent each minute. Repeat until you’ve reached a 4 to 5 percent incline, then work in reverse.

Benefits beyond weight loss

In addition to weight loss, cardio activity like a treadmill workout offers many benefits. It may help:

  • improve endurance
  • control blood sugar
  • increase HDL (good) cholesterol levels
  • improve memory and cognition
  • protect against Alzheimer’s
  • promote healthier skin
  • strengthen muscles
  • decrease fatigue
  • decrease joint stiffness
  • relieve stress and anxiety
  • promote better sleep
  • increase energy levels
  • boost your immune system
  • improve sexual arousal

The bottom line

As a form of cardio exercise, using a treadmill is an excellent way of burning calories and losing weight.

If you’re not sure what type of treadmill workout is best suited to you, talk to a certified personal trainer. They can work with you to create a customized treadmill weight loss program.

For best results, combine treadmill workouts with strength training. Both forms of exercise can help support weight loss and overall health.

If you’re new to exercise, or if you haven’t worked out in a while, talk to your doctor before you start a new fitness routine.

Treadmill Hiit Workout

We get it: Treadmills don’t always make for the most riveting workout. But adding some HIIT treadmill workouts to your routine can help liven things up—plus bring some serious performance benefits to your running game.

With many gyms still closed due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, hopping on a treadmill at your regular studio or gym is probably not an option right now. But if you invested in a treadmill as part of building an at-home workout space, chances are pretty high you want to put it to use. After all, at-home treadmills can be pricey, so you definitely want to make use of your purchase. (Plus, as the temperatures remain low, logging miles indoors sounds extra appealing.)

Running on a treadmill is convenient—and doing so in your own home is the safer option than risking the crowds at a commercial facility—but it can be monotonous, especially if you just hop on with the mindset of getting through a certain number of miles. One way to keep things interesting is to vary the intensity of your workout, like by adding high-intensity interval training (HIIT) to the mix. With HIIT treadmill workouts, you’ll be focusing alternating short bursts of intense, all-out work (either with speed, incline, or a combo of both) with less intense recovery.

HIIT is extremely beneficial for building endurance and saving time, Hannah Eden, a CrossFit and IKFF-certified trainer for iFit, tells SELF. “The short bursts of high intensity work will help increase the volume of oxygen your body is able to consume during intense exercise, allowing you to work for longer periods of time with a higher heart rate,” Eden says. “The lower intensity work will build your baseline, a relatively easy pace that you can build upon. The combination of high and low intensity work will improve your endurance, strength, and have you running faster for longer with more ease.”

But even a HIIT treadmill workout can get boring if you keep turning to the same one. That’s why we gathered a variety of trainer-recommended treadmill workouts to help maximize your time on the ’mill. Keep in mind that the speeds and inclines are given as a point of reference, so feel free to modify based on your fitness level or where you are at in your running journey. Feel free to experiment with them to make sure you can handle the settings you choose.

1. The Get-Focused Workout

When many people hop on a treadmill, they may not be lasered in on the task at hand: Too often, their mind is elsewhere, Andia Winslow, a certified personal trainer and founder of the Fit Cycle, tells SELF. This routine will keep your mind focused as your body continually adapts to the changing inclines and speed. Put your phone down for this one—you’ll definitely need to keep your mind on task here.

How to do it:

  • 5-minute walking warm-up between 2.5 and 3.5 mph
  • 1-minute strider: Not a jog, not a sprint, but somewhere in between (4 to 7 mph with elongated strides)
  • 3-minute walk (3.0 to 3.5 mph) at 5% incline
  • 1-minute strider (4.0 to 7 mph) at 5% incline
  • 3-minute walk (3.0 to 3.5 mph) at 8% incline
  • 1-minute strider (4.0 to 7 mph) at 8% incline
  • 5-minute cooldown (3.0 to 3.5 mph) at 1% incline

2. The Lateral Walk Workout

Yes, you can get a great treadmill workout without breaking into a run. This walking-only routine targets your glutes, gets your heart rate up, and improves balance, says Katina Brock, C.P.T. “Don’t let the lower speeds fool you,” she says. “The amount of effort this produces will surprise you. While walking sideways, or laterally, use a light touch on the rails for stability, but do not support with your arms. Keep your feet pointed to the side of the treadmill, not forward. You can shuffle your feet together and apart or, at slower speeds, cross one foot behind or in front of the other. You’ll definitely keep the speed low for your lateral work.

How to do it:

  • 5-minute warm-up: Gradually increase speed from 2.4 mph to 3.5 mph
  • 2-minute lateral walk at 2.2 mph (1 minute facing right, 1 minute facing left)
  • 2-minute lateral walk at 2.4 mph (1 minute right, 1 minute left)
  • 1-minute forward walk at 4.5 mph
  • 1-minute forward walk at 3.5 mph
  • 2-minute lateral walk at 2.6 mph (1 minute right, 1 minute left)
  • 2-minute lateral walk at 2.8 mph (1 minute right, 1 minute left)
  • 1-minute forward walk at 4.2 mph
  • 1-minute forward walk at 3.5 mph
  • 2-minute lateral walk at 2 mph and 5% incline (1 minute right, 1 minute left)
  • 5-minute cooldown: Gradually decrease speed from to 3.0 to 1.8 mph

3. A Done-in-30 Workout

With this 30-minute workout, you’ll work on holding your effort consistent at certain percentages of your max heart rate, says Eden. This is easy to determine if you’re using a fitness tracker—it will usually give you your max heart rate—but if you don’t have a tracker, you can gauge it off your ratings of perceived effort or exertion, she says. (For instance, if you’re working at 80% of your max, it’ll be “not quite everything you’ve got, where you’ll be holding back a bit,” Eden says. Working at 40%, on the other hand, should be relatively easy for you.) This makes each level relative to each individual.

“This is a great HIIT workout to reap the maximum benefits in a short amount of time, and is ideal for anyone from beginner to advanced,” Eden says of the workout she created, which originally appeared on iFit’s Fast and Fit HIIT series. “The intense work is only for a short amount of time, which gives a beginner the opportunity to push themselves outside of their comfort zone and quickly return to a comfortable pace.”

How to do it:

  • 5-minute warm-up: Dynamic drills like high knees, hip openers, and butt kicks, followed by easy jogging
  • 30-second run at 80% effort
  • 30-second walk at 20% effort
  • Repeat 10 times total
  • 2-minute jog at a conversational pace (40%-50% effort) to recover
  • Repeat the 30-seconds run/30-seconds walk block 10 more times
  • 3-minute cooldown: Walk for 3 minutes

4. The Never-a-Flat-Moment Workout

Using an incline can help you get the benefit of HIIT without the need for speed, says Brock. You won’t be sprinting here, but the incline will make you really work hard.

How to do it:

  • 3-minute warm-up: 1 minute at 3.0 mph, 2 minutes at 3.5 mph
  • 2 minutes at 3.5 mph and 7% incline
  • 2 minutes at 4.0 mph and 4% incline
  • 2 minutes at 2.8 mph and 10% incline
  • 2 minutes at 3.2 mph and 6% incline
  • 2 minutes at 3 mph and 8% incline
  • 1 minute at 3 mph and 3% incline
  • 7 minutes running intervals at 5% incline: 1 minute at 6.5 mph, 1 minute at 3.5 mph, 2 minutes at 6 mph, 2 minutes at 4 mph, 1 minute at 3.2 mph
  • 11 minutes endurance intervals at 3.2 mph: 3 minutes at 15% incline, 1 minute at 1%, 3 minutes at 10%, 1 minute at 2%, 3 minutes at 12%
  • 3-minute cooldown: 2 minutes at 2.8 mph at 3% incline, 1 minute at 2 mph at 1% incline

5. The Hill Ladder Workout

This progressive hill treadmill workout, created by Jason Loebig, a Nike Running coach, Barry’s Bootcamp instructor, and cofounder of Live Better Co., features hard efforts at varying inclines to increase your strength during short conditioning sets, making it both effective and efficient.

“Any runner looking to build leg strength, improve their leg drive, foot speed, running posture, and conditioning will benefit from this workout,” Loebig tells SELF. “This treadmill set can be made harder or easier by adjusting pace, making it a great strength-builder for any runner.”

The focus of this workout should be on posture, leg drive, and building progressive speed, Loebig says. As you move through the 10-round workout, your “sprint” speed should either maintain or increase as you go through the workout, which means you should be conservative about how you start if unsure of your current pacing and speed potential. All sprints should be done at incline, and all walking recoveries should be on flat ground. Then, 10 seconds before the next sprint is about to start, readjust the incline and get ready to let it rip.

How to do it:

  • 30 seconds to 1 minute of each warm-up drill: light jog, high knee hugs, high knees, quad pulls, butt kicks, and A-skips
  • 30-second sprint at specified incline (round 1 at 2%, round 2 at 3%, round 3 at 6%, round 4 at 8%, round 5 at 6%, round 6 at 4%, round 7 at 2%, round 8 at 4%, round 9 at 6%, round 10 at 8%)
  • 90-second walking recovery (no incline)
  • Complete 10 rounds total
  • 30 seconds to 1 minute each of cooldown: light jog, figure-4 stretch, standing forward-fold stretch, and calf stretch

6. The Speed Endurance Workout

In this heart rate–based speed endurance workout by Garrett Shinoskie, C.S.C.S., you’ll be alternating between one minute of hard work and a one to two minutes of easy recovery.

How to do it:

  • 5- to 10-minute warm-up: Walk or jog at a comfortable pace
  • 1-minute run: Find a challenging pace where your heart rate should reach 80% to 85% of your max
  • 1- to 2-minute recovery: Slow to a moderate walk or jog until your heart rate falls into recovery (usually between 120 to 130 beats per minute)
  • Alternate run and recovery intervals for 20 to 30 minutes
  • 5-minute cooldown: Walk or jog at a comfortable gait, gradually slowing pace

7. The Sprint Workout

Max yourself out during these short sprint intervals, then catch your breath and recover during the longer rest periods. This type of routine boosts your anaerobic power and capacity, and breaks up the monotony of your typical treadmill workout, says Shinoskie.

How to do it:

  • 5- to 10-minute warm-up: Walk or jog at a comfortable pace
  • 15-second sprint: Sprint at an all-out speed for you—your heart rate should reach 85% to 90% of your max (you shouldn’t be able to maintain your pace for much longer than this).
  • 1- to 2-minute recovery: Slow to a moderate walk or jog until your heart rate falls into recovery (usually between 120 to 130 beats per minute)
  • Alternate run and recovery intervals for 20 to 30 minutes
  • 5-minute cooldown: Walk or jog at a comfortable gait, gradually slowing pace

8. The On-and-Off-the-Treadmill Workout

Mix up your regular treadmill workout by incorporating a few full-body strength moves (off the treadmill, of course) in between running sets. Hopping on and off the treadmill will keep your heart rate up during the strength moves, giving you cardiovascular benefits, says Shinoskie, plus it puts muscles like your arms and core front and center.

How to do it:

  • 5- to 10-minute warm-up: Walk or jog at a comfortable space
  • 60 seconds running at fast speed for you
  • 30 seconds kettlebell swings
  • 30 seconds push-ups
  • 60 seconds plank
  • 60 seconds running at easy speed for you
  • Repeat four to six more times
  • 5-minute cooldown: Walk or jog at a comfortable, gradually slowing pace

9. The 16-Minute Burnout

This treadmill session, created by NASM-certified trainer Nate Feliciano, owner and head of training at Studio 16 in New York City, will also challenge more muscles than just your legs.

“This workout is beneficial because not only will you be increasing your heart rate, but you will also be working your core and upper body,” Feliciano tells SELF. “This can be used as a finisher for a workout or as your actual workout.”

For this one, you’ll be doing a couple moves with the treadmill—the sled push and the plank walk—so it can be helpful to familiarize yourself with what they entail: For the sled push, some treadmills have a sled setting, with handles below the console, allowing you to grip in front of you rather than to your sides. Turn off the treadmill, place your hands on the handles, and drive your legs back as if you were running. You’ll feel the friction from the belt adding resistance to the movement. (You should only do this if your treadmill has a secure place for you to grip.)

For the plank walk, set the treadmill to 1–2 mph, then walk behind the treadmill and get into a plank position with your hands on the treadmill’s base, on either side of the belt. Once your body is in the plank position, place your hands on the treadmill’s belt and start to “walk” your hands forward.

How to do it:

  • 1-minute slow walk
  • 1-minute sprint (Don’t push yourself to your max right out of the gate, Feliciano says. On the first round, start off slower so that you can get a feel for the treadmill.)
  • 1-minute sled push on treadmill
  • 1-minute plank walks
  • Repeat four times total

Hiit Treadmill Workout For Fat Loss

Check out these six HIIT treadmill workouts to help you lose fat quickly.

1) Sprint to Backward Incline Walk

Here’s how you do this exercise:

  • Stand on the edges of the treadmill, and lightly grasp the handrails. Adjust the belt to your optimal sprint speed (depending on your ability).
  • Transfer cautiously onto the belt, and race for 30 seconds.
  • Immediately slow the belt down to a leisurely walking pace (about 2.5 mph is a decent speed), but add a twist: raise the inclination of the treadmill to 10 and walk in reverse for two minutes.
  • For 15 to 20 minutes, alternate 30-second sprints forward with 2-minute incline backpedals.

2) 16-Minute Don’t Quit Workout

Tabata training is a type of HIIT that lasts only four minutes but can significantly contribute towards fat loss.

Here’s how you do this exercise:

  • Start by warming up on the treadmill for three to five minutes.
  • Sprint for 20 seconds.
  • Walk for ten seconds to complete your 4-minute workout.
  • Repeat this set eight times. Complete three rounds with one minute of rest in between rounds.

3) Ladder

Here’s how you do this workout:

  • Walk for two minutes, and jog for one minute, and then sprint for 30 seconds.
  • Return the belt speed to walking speed, and repeat while standing on the sides of the treadmill.
  • It should take roughly four minutes to assemble the ladder.
  • Perform five repetitions.

4) 24-Minute Power Workout

Here’s how you do this workout:

  • Start by warming up on the treadmill for three to five minutes.
  • Sprint for 30 seconds followed by rest (walking) for a minute.
  • Repeat 16 times.

5) Cardio Cross Trainer

Here’s how you do this HIIT workout:

Place a kettlebell and two dumbbells on the ground next to a treadmill. Perform this circuit for three rounds:

Set 1

  • Treadmill Jog x 3 minutes
  • Kettlebell Swing x 25 reps
  • Pushups x 20 reps
  • Rest for two minutes.

Set 2

  • Treadmill Jog x 3 minutes
  • Dumbbell Bentover Row x 20 reps
  • Kettlebell Goblet Squat x 15 reps
  • Rest for two minutes.

Set 3

  • Treadmill Jog x 3 minutes
  • Kettlebell Romanian Deadlift x 20 reps
  • Dumbbell Renegade Row x 10 reps each side
  • Rest for minutes.

6) Prisoner Walk

Here’s how you do this HIIT workout:

  • Set the slope of a treadmill to a moderate grade, and jog at a rapid pace for two minutes.
  • Reduce the speed to a walking pace (but do not decrease the gradient).
  • Walk in a prisoner’s stance (interlacing hands behind head, keeping elbows wide without pulling on head).
  • Spend two minutes walking on the treadmill.
  • Alternate running uphill and walking in a prisoner’s stance for 12 to 16 minutes.
  • That may appear straightforward, but it’s more difficult than it appears. Maintain a stretched chest; do not slouch.


As intervals raise your heart rate and body’s oxygen consumption, HIIT workouts are preferable to steady-state cardio, as you can burn more calories both during and after the activity.

By doing HIIT workouts, you may work out for less time each week while getting the most out of each interval training session. Due to the intensity of these workouts, you can burn up to 450 calories in 30 minutes, as opposed to 200–250 calories during a steady-state cardio workout.

The appropriate diet combined with HIIT can help you lose weight easily and effectively.

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