Exercise For Weight Loss During Pregnancy

Pregnancy is a time of change and growth. You’re growing a human being inside of your body and preparing for the birth of a new life, but you can’t forget about yourself. You need to maintain good health and fitness during pregnancy, as it will improve your overall wellbeing and help ensure a safe delivery for both you and your baby.

Exercising during pregnancy can help with many things: it keeps you fit, increases circulation throughout your body (including to your baby), helps relieve back pain, reduces swelling in ankles, improves sleep quality and mood, increases energy levels (so you don’t feel like falling asleep all day long), boosts metabolism so that weight loss after delivery is easier—there are so many benefits!

There are some things that should be avoided while exercising during pregnancy though: heavy weights should be avoided because they can cause injury or miscarriage; high impact exercises should also be avoided as they can cause pelvic floor weakness which could cause an incontinence issue later on in life; hot yoga is considered dangerous because it raises core temperature which could lead to miscarriage or premature labor; any exercise where there’s risk of falling should be avoided.

Right here on Buy and Slay, you are privy to a litany of relevant information on exercises for first trimester, exercises to avoid during pregnancy, exercise for 7 months pregnant woman, and so much more. Take out time to visit our catalog for more information on similar topics.

Exercise For Weight Loss During Pregnancy

Your back aches, your ankles are swollen and you can’t sleep (let’s not even talk about the bloating and constipation!). If only there were something you could do to minimize the common symptoms of pregnancy. Turns out, there is: exercise is one of the most effective cures for the aches and pains of the expecting set.

Working out while pregnant offers lots of benefits for you and your baby. You’ll get a boost in mood, a decrease in many pregnancy symptoms and a quicker postpartum recovery. And your baby may enjoy a fitter heart, lower BMI and boost in brain health.

What’s more, it doesn’t matter if you were an iron woman or a sofa slacker until now. You can still benefit from getting active during pregnancy. Exercise is also perfectly safe, as long as you get the okay from your practitioner before hitting any new or familiar workout routine and follow a few pregnancy-specific modifications.

So lace up those sneakers and get going! But before you do, read these guidelines and learn about some of the best pregnancy exercises and workouts.

How much should I exercise during pregnancy?

The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) suggests that expecting moms get at least 30 minutes or more of moderate exercise per day, most (if not all) days of the week.

What counts toward that 30 minutes? As far as your heart and general health are concerned, three 10-minute walks sprinkled throughout the day are just as beneficial as 30 minutes on the treadmill or bike at the gym. For that matter, even non-exercise activity — like 15 minutes of vacuuming and 15 minutes of light yard work — counts toward your daily goal.

Is it safe to exercise during pregnancy?

While it’s true that now isn’t the time to learn to water ski or enter a horse-jumping competition, most women can still enjoy most fitness activities. In fact, many exercises that are off-limits during pregnancy (like mountain biking or downhill skiing) are ones you’d probably have a hard time doing with a basketball-sized tummy anyway.

That said, definitely be sure to get the go-ahead from your practitioner before you start any exercise program during pregnancy. Some conditions (such as severe anemia, placenta previa, incompetent cervix and ruptured membranes, among others) can rule out exercise during pregnancy.

Tips for pregnancy-safe workouts

Ready to hit the gym? While exercise during pregnancy is generally very safe, there are a few precautions you’ll want to follow to work out safely during pregnancy. Follow these tips:

New to exercise? Start slowly. Going all-out when you’re a newbie can lead to sore muscles, sagging resolve and even injury. Start with 20 minutes, including warm-up and cool-down, and build to 30 (or more, if you feel comfortable).

Already a gym rat? Don’t go overboard. If you’re already hitting the gym on the regular, keep in mind that while now’s a good time to maintain your fitness level, it’s probably not the time to increase it. Save the PRs for after you deliver.

Stay cool. Skip the saunas, steam rooms and hot tubs, since anything that raises a mom’s body temperature more than 1.5 degrees Fahrenheit is a no-go. If temperatures soar, keep your workouts inside. And always stay in an air-conditioned environment for prolonged workout sessions.

Warm up and cool down. Warming up ensures your heart and circulation aren’t suddenly taxed and reduces the chance of injury. Since stopping abruptly traps blood in the muscles and reduces blood supply to other parts of your body (including your baby), finish with a few minutes of walking and a few minutes of relaxation before taking on the rest of your day.

Listen to your body. Never exercise to the point of exhaustion when you’re expecting. And checking your pulse isn’t the trick to figuring out if you’re overdoing it. Instead, listen to your body: If it feels good, it’s probably fine; pain or strain is not. A little sweat is good; getting drenched isn’t. While vigorous exercise is okay for expecting women, keep your intensity to a 13 to 14 max on a scale of 20; you should work out only so hard that you can still talk while you’re moving. And you should feel energized, not drained, after you finish.

Know when something is wrong. Stop exercising if you have calf pain or swelling or muscle weakness affecting balance. Serious signs that necessitate a call to the practitioner include unusual pain anywhere (from your hips to your head), a cramp that doesn’t go away when you stop, regular painful contractions, chest pain, very rapid heartbeat, difficulty walking, a sudden headache, lightheadedness, increased swelling, bleeding, or a reduction in fetal movement after week 28.

Keep off your back. Avoid exercises that have you lying flat on your back or standing still without moving for a prolonged period of time after the fourth month. The weight of your expanding uterus could compress blood vessels, restricting circulation.

Avoid certain moves. Full sit-ups or double leg lifts pull on the abdomen, so they’re probably best avoided. Also skip activity that requires deep backbends, deep flexing or extension of joints, jumping, bouncing, sudden changes in direction, or jerky motions.

Drink up. For every half hour you work up a sweat, down at least an extra full glass of water — more in hot weather or if you’re seriously sweating. Start sipping ideally 30 to 45 minutes before you begin exercising, and continue to sip on plenty of water during and after your workouts.

Pack a snack. High-intensity exercise or exercise for longer than 45 minutes can lead to low blood sugar, so enjoy a light protein-carb combo snack before and after workout sessions.

Dress for success. Wear loose, breathable, stretchy clothes and a sports bra that supports your breasts without pinching. Don’t forget to replace your sneakers if they’re aging to reduce risk of injuries or falls.

Stay motivated. Choosing a pregnancy exercise routine that works for you is pretty simple: Pick what you actually enjoy doing, and consider switching up workouts to keep things interesting. That way, even on the days when you’d rather hang on the couch, you’ll be more likely to motivate yourself in the direction of the yoga mat.

Keep in mind that there are plenty of other ways to fit in fitness during pregnancy. If you’re at all unsure what’s safe, always confirm with your practitioner what’s okay and what’s not for you. Whatever you do, try not to be too hard on yourself when it comes to exercising, and don’t forget to have fun!

Exercises For First Trimester

The many health benefits of exercising during your first trimester have been well-documented: You’ll sleep better, improve your mood and reduce stress, keep weight off before and after delivery, lower the likelihood of a cesarean section and premature birth, and reduce the risk of type II diabetes for your baby.

Creating an Exercise Plan

Whether you rarely exercised before pregnancy or you are a top-tier athlete, you should consult your physician to create a customized exercise plan that accounts for your history, health considerations, and any risks or complications for your pregnancy.

James Pivarnik, a professor of kinesiology and epidemiology at Michigan State University who has conducted extensive research on exercise and pregnancy, recommends that the goal of any first-trimester exercise plan be moderation. Aim for exercise that does not exceed 90% of your heart’s maximum beats per minute, stay well hydrated, and try to exercise somewhere between twenty and thirty minutes each day.

On board but unsure exactly what exercises to do? These seven types of workouts are perfect for your first trimester and will help you maintain overall health while keeping you and your baby safe.

1. Walking and Running

These two activities are some of the best cardiovascular workouts for pregnant women. All you need is a comfortable pair of supportive shoes, and you’ll be on your way to building endurance and strengthening your heart. Aim for a moderate increase in your heart rate — no sprints necessary — and start at a comfortable pace before gradually increasing your stride.

2. Swimming

Touted as one of the safest full-body exercises for pregnant women, swimming combines cardiovascular benefits with muscle-building for arms and legs. Moreover, swimming may reduce swelling in your hands, ankles, and feet, and it is an excellent low-impact workout for women experiencing lower back pain.

3. Dancing (and Other Aerobics)

As long as your dance routine does not include jumping, leaping, or twirling, feel free to keep your heart pounding to the beat of your favorite music. If you don’t like to dance, consider joining a group aerobics class — there are even some designed specifically for moms-to-be. In a prenatal exercise class, you can enjoy the company and camaraderie of other future mothers and have the security of knowing every movement has been designed for safety.

4. Stationary Cycling or Spinning

If you are already comfortable on a bicycle, you are fine to continue riding it during your first trimester; however, beginning with your second trimester, you should switch to a stationary bike at home or in a spinning class to avoid the risk of falling. (The same advice applies to other exercises that might involve contact, like basketball, soccer, horseback riding, surfing, gymnastics, skiing, or mountain biking.)

5. Yoga

Many moms-to-be love yoga for its ability to tone muscle and improve flexibility without placing stress on tender joints. Skip the Bikram and hot yoga classes – the pregnant body cannot disperse heat as effectively – and for peak heart health, mix in a light jog or a swimming session once or twice a week.

Avoid any poses that ask you to lie on your back, which will put pressure on your vena cava and could cause you to feel short of breath, dizzy, and nauseated.


A once-per-week Pilates workout can develop and challenge core strength, improve your balance, and mitigate that pesky lower back pain. As with yoga poses, you’ll want to avoid any Pilates moves that have you lying on your back and be mindful not to overexert yourself, particularly with stomach stretches.

Even if you don’t take formal Pilates or yoga classes, stretching for several minutes in conjunction with cardiovascular exercises is essential for a complete workout.

Weight Training

While strength training is typically safe if you follow guidelines for pregnant women, check with your doctor before beginning a new weight training program. Always move in a slow and controlled manner, either with free weights or on weight machines. Do not lie on your back or hold weights over your stomach.

Whether you’ve got questions about exercising while pregnant, what to expect during each trimester, or anything related to your pregnancy or childbirth, Tri-City Medical Center has you covered. Check out our Pregnancy & Newborn Care division for classes, free video content, and much more.

Exercises To Avoid During Pregnancy

Are you endlessly searching online about what exercises to avoid during pregnancy and only getting conflicting results? You’re not alone. I am here to help you workout safely when pregnant.

You see, unfortunately there are a lot of “so-called” prenatal exercise experts willing to give their view in order to make a quick buck. This conflicting advice can not only be confusing, but also dangerous.

So I want to set the record straight to keep you safe throughout your pregnancy.

Let’s get to it.

What if I Did these Exercises before Pregnancy?

Great, if they helped you get fit. But they may not be appropriate now.

First, I want you to take the time and carefully select which exercises, workouts and classes you participate in when pregnant.

Your goals have changed. Your priorities have changed.

Now you’re pregnant, you must take into account your growing baby. Because your growing baby may not respond well to certain exercises or sports.

What you were doing before getting pregnant may now cause harm.

How you exercise now may be determined by your pre-pregnancy fitness level. How you exercise now may also be determined by your previous exercise experience.

Any activities that have a low risk of falling, injury and joint and ligament damage should now be chosen.

What Exercises Do I Need to Avoid when Pregnant?

1. Any high impact exercise.

2. Planks or push-ups.

3. Movements or exercise that places extreme pressure on your pelvic floor.

4. Traditional sit-ups and crunches.

5. Exercises where you are lying on your back (especially late in pregnancy).

6. Exercises where you hold your breath.

7. Exercise in hot, humid weather.

8. Sports where there is a greater risk of falling (water skiing, snow skiing, riding motor bikes, horse riding).

9. Pregnancy Exercises that require lying on your back for long periods of time.

10. Exercises that require lying on your right side for long periods of time.

11. Exercises that require sudden twisting movements when standing.

12. Exercises that requires intense bursts of movement followed by long periods of no activity.

What Activities Do I Need to Avoid during Pregnancy?

Exercises that:

1. Require extensive bounding, jumping, hopping or skipping.

2. Require bouncing (trampoline).

3. Involve sprinting, agility or a lot of running.

4. Ask you to do deep knee bends and squats.

5. Requiring full sit-ups.

6. Involving double leg raises.

7. You have to bounce when stretching.

8. Include any contact sport (football, basketball and volleyball).

9. Need a sudden change in direction or jarring movements.

15 Exercises to AVOID During Pregnancy

1. Contact sports.

This is an obvious one but you may unintentionally be participating in recreational contact sports in your backyard or at the park with family and friends.

The risk of injury increases significantly. These sports could include horse riding, football, soccer, basketball or volleyball.

2. Hot yoga

Prenatal Yoga is recommended.

But hot yoga should be avoided due to the room temperature often reaching 100 degrees or higher.

Pregnant women should avoid such hot conditions. Exposing a fetus to high temperatures may cause hyperthermia which can lead to birth defects and premature labor.

3. Boot camps

Many boot camps involve using ropes, pushing tires, lifting heavy weights or boxing which all could cause harm to both you and baby.

Pregnancy is not the time to be starting a boot camp which is designed for a healthy population with little regards to the requirements of pregnancy.

4. Bouncing on a trampoline.

Whether it is using a trampoline in your backyard or one at a trampoline center it is best to avoid this exercise.

There is significant risk of falling. Your center of gravity is off balance due to pregnancy.

You could also sustain an injury to your ankles. Knees. Or wrists if you brace yourself when you land.

5. Lifting heavy weights.

There are some classes (power circuits) or other programmed classes that may involve heavy lifting weights. These classes can place greater stress on your joints and ligaments.

Due to the pregnancy hormone relaxin you should avoid these ballistic, dynamic heavy lifts. Your back wont like it.

AND trust me, the last thing you want when pregnant is crippling back pain.

Heavy weight training lifts that involve maximal isometric muscle contractions can place too much stress on the cardiovascular and musculoskeletal system.

6. High Intensity

Participating in a workout that involves raising and keeping your heart rate elevated for as long as possible is considered unsafe during pregnancy.

These sessions can be harmful to both you and baby. Low to moderate intensity level is best. Let’s not try and set any new personal bests here.

7. Cross fit

CrossFit is often promoted as a competitive fitness sport.

It incorporates elements from high-intensity interval training, Olympic weightlifting, plyometrics, power-lifting, gymnastics, and other exercises.

Bounding, lifting heavy weights, high-intensity exercise and forms of gymnastics are obviously not recommended when pregnant.

If you were doing CrossFIT before pregnancy, then now is the time for a mindset change. That is, your goals have changed.

8. Stair climbing

A popular exercise trend that has emerged in recent years is stair climbing events involving some of our city’s tallest buildings.

There is a risk of falling, tripping, over-exerting yourself and exercising in a hot environment.

You also increase heart rate to very high levels. You also overload your leg muscles.

9. Marathon running

While some pregnant women still choose to compete in a marathon when pregnant, it is recommended to avoid running such long distances.

This can lead to over-exertion. It can increase your core body temperature. There is the risk of dehydration. You are more susceptible to sustaining a muscle strain.

There is just no point to running extremely long distances. Please put your ego aside.

10. Exercises that may cause abdominal trauma or pressure

I cringe when I see a pregnant women doing the old traditional crunches. And even worse, the plank!

There are so many better ways to strengthen your core when pregnant. Yoga and Pilates is a better option here.

Some abdominal strengthening exercises will be very uncomfortable. This is due to muscle weakness and the development of abdominal separation.

A condition called diastasis recti.

11. High-altitude training

The human fetus develops normally under low-oxygen conditions. Exercise at high altitude may place further stress on oxygen delivery to the fetus.

12. Supine exercise position (lying on your back)

Because when you lay on your back the gravid uterus is known to compress the inferior vena cava. This can result in maternal hypotension and reduced blood flow to the fetus.

13. Exercises which involve lying on the stomach

For obvious reasons, please don’t attempt any exercise or sport that may require you to lay on your stomach.

14. Standing Still for Long Periods of Time

Standing still for long periods of time is not recommended. For one, you could faint if too much blood pools in your lower extremities. Secondly, it places a lot of stress on your joints.

15. Scuba Diving

Scuba diving should be avoided as the pressure can result in birth defects and foetal decompression sickness.


Use common sense! If it hurts, stop. If it doesn’t feel right, stop. If you are at risk of losing your balance, don’t do it. Please avoid exercises during pregnancy that may harm you and your growing baby!

If you have any specific questions then your doctor will be your best resource.

Exercise For 7 Months Pregnant Woman

Labour pain is caused due to the contractions of uterus muscles, pressure on cervix, bladder, stretching of the birth canal, and abdominal, back, and groin. It can be compared to your regular menstrual cramps with an intensity of 100X times. Enduring this pain requires a lot of mental and physical strength.

Few exercises during the third trimester will significantly help your body to strengthen the pelvic muscles. Firstly, it is entirely safe to exercise during the third trimester of pregnancy, but it is essential to pick the suitable exercises and check the high standards of care.

Check these simple exercises to prepare yourself for delivery during the third trimester!

#1.  Kegel exercise 

Kegel exercise will top the list among all. They do induce not only the pregnancy but also strengthens the pelvic muscles. Kegels keep the vaginal muscles firm. This compactness will help you manage fatigue, incontinence, and infections of the urinary system. The strength of pelvic muscles will help you muster the power to push the baby out.

Kegels are quite simple to perform. It involves tightening and releasing of the muscles surrounding the pelvis for ten to twenty seconds at a time. You can do this exercise at least ten to twenty times a day with regular rest.

#2. Pilates 

Pilates are consistent exercises required throughout the pregnancy period from the starting of the first month. They significantly improve core strength and elasticity. The abdominal muscles weaken with the growing baby inside. This weakening can lead to high back and ribs pain. Thus, pilates can help you soothe with these side pains during pregnancy.

Pilates is usually performed by stretching hands and knees. As they do not include the movements or pressure on the abdomen, they are entirely safe. However, incorrect positioning might affect the fetus and requires proper trainer guidance.

#3. Squats 

Squatting is renowned for its effect on reducing labour time. This exercise is a lower body workout that significantly makes the pelvic gap wider. It also allows the smooth movement of muscles allowing the baby to emerge without much effort.

Performing squats requires minimal equipment or no equipment. You need to stand with the shoulder-width distance between legs and lower yourself to the ground until your sides are parallel to knees. Repeat this about twenty times per day.

#4. Lunges

Lunges are also one of the lower body workouts that focus on the movements of the hips. Lunges give the foetus adequate space to turn around while descending. They are simple to perform with no equipment being required.

Stand straight and take a long step forward with either of your legs. Stretch it long enough till the forwarded leg is bent near the knee and the back leg is stretched on the toes. Take the support of a family member, trainer or a wall to maintain the position and balance. You can repeat these for ten times for each of the leg being forwarded.

#5. Cardiovascular exercises 

Cardio and aerobic exercises are simple solutions to keep your body fit and well during pregnancy. These exercises greatly boost the intake of oxygen and help you supply the right amounts to your baby. These workouts include walking, jogging, swimming, aqua Zumba, treadmill workouts and bicycling.

You can check the safe cardio exercises suitable for the third trimester of pregnancy here.

While pregnancy is a mesmerising time, you can get easily wary away during the ninth month. Keeping up the changes and body weight seems varying. Preparing for labour during this period is vital to draw your body up for the final phase of delivery. Follow these effortless and easy exercises during pregnancy period and prepare yourself for the safe vaginal birth.

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