Best Time To Eat After Workout For Weight Loss

If you’re looking for ways to lose weight, one of the most important things you can do is eat after a workout. The timing of your post-workout meal affects how quickly your body burns fat and builds muscle.

A study published in the Journal of Nutrition found that eating protein-rich foods within two hours after exercise not only helps with muscle growth but also increases the amount of fat burned during exercise.

There are many different types of protein-rich foods to choose from—meat, fish, poultry, eggs, dairy products, nuts and seeds—and each one has different benefits for your health and fitness goals. For example, fish contains omega 3 fatty acids that help reduce inflammation in joints and muscles while meat contains iron which boosts oxygen delivery throughout your body helping with energy production as well as maintaining healthy red blood cells.

Right here on Buy and Slay, you are privy to a litany of relevant information on what to eat after a workout to lose weight and build muscle, what not to eat after a workout, what to drink after workout to lose weight, and so much more. Take out time to visit our catalog for more information on similar topics.

Best Time To Eat After Workout For Weight Loss

Everything you do when it comes to eating and exercising matters greatly when you’re trying to lose weight. It’s important to be consistent with a healthy routine, and change doesn’t happen overnight. Fear not, because with some solid habits in place, you can reach the number on the scale and the overall look you want to achieve. We spoke with Dr. Mike Bohl, the Director of Medical Content & Education at Ro and a certified personal trainer, and are here for the win. We have all the information you need to help reach your weight loss goal effectively, including the best time to eat after a workout.

It’s important to get your fill of carbs post-workout

First off, Dr. Bohl explains that when your focus is to shed a few pounds, it’s important to make sure you’re consuming just the right foods. For example, many dieters think they should stay away from carbohydrates and choose to eat protein. On the contrary, it’s essential to have carbohydrates just after a workout.

The reason is that when you work out, you deplete yourself of glycogen, which is the glucose that’s stored in your muscles and liver. Following a workout, your body works to build and repair muscle and replace your storage of glycogen. If after a workout you only consume protein, your body will have to use the protein to replenish the glycogen. If you eat carbohydrates, they will break down into glucose and restock your glycogen stores. Then, the protein you consume will be used more efficiently to repair and synthesize muscle instead of being metabolized to fuel your body with energy.

The best time to eat after a workout is within the first half hour of wrapping up

Now that you understand what you should eat, let’s chat about when you should eat it. The best time to eat after a workout in order to achieve weight loss is within the first half hour after you’re done exercising. That being said, keep in mind that weight loss really has to do with the amount you eat more than when you eat it.

Dr. Bohl tells us, “It’s all about the total amount of calories you eat throughout the day. If you are eating more calories than you burn—no matter what time of day you eat them—you will gain weight. If you are eating fewer calories than you burn—no matter what time of day you eat them—you will lose weight.” Of course, there are rules to keep in mind.

Your weight loss goals should be the determining factor of the number of calories you consume

Be certain to consume enough carbs just before you exercise to ensure they give you enough energy for a solid workout and you have the right amount of carbs post-workout to assist in your recovery. Also, the best choice to eat is a combination of carbohydrates and protein. (Remember what we explained earlier—carbohydrates will replenish all of the stored energy that you spent during the workout, and protein will be used for muscle synthesis and repair).

Your weight goals should be the determining factor of the number of calories you consume. As previously mentioned, since you’re trying to lose weight, it’s necessary to eat fewer calories than you burn throughout the day. Dr. Bohl tells us, “According to the National Academy of Sports Medicine, for effective weight loss, people with obesity who are trying to lose weight should burn at least 200–300 calories per exercise session (and at least 1,200 calories per week) through exercise. It takes a calorie deficit of approximately 3,500 calories to lose approximately 1 pound of body fat.”

What To Eat After A Workout To Lose Weight And Build Muscle

The following are examples of foods and compounds that help the body to absorb nutrients quickly and speed recovery.

Dairy protein

According to research published in 2017, as few as 9 grams (g) of milk protein may be enough to stimulate protein synthesis in the muscles, aiding in recovery after exercise.

Other than milk, dairy products rich in protein include:

  • Greek yogurt
  • ricotta cheese
  • cottage cheese
  • kefir

In fact, a 1 cup serving of low-fat kefir contains 9.2 g of high-quality protein. These proteins can repair new cells, especially those in the muscles. These proteins also contain all of the essential amino acids, which are only available through the diet.

In 2007, some researchers found that milk-based proteins are more effective than soy-based proteins at promoting the growth of muscle proteins after resistance exercise.

The researchers concluded that while both milk and soy proteins help a person to maintain and build muscle mass, milk proteins were more effective at supporting the quick growth of lean muscle mass.


Results of a study from 2017 suggested that consuming whole eggs after resistance exercise resulted in more protein synthesis than consuming egg whites with the same protein content.

The researchers concluded that the nutrients in the yolk helped to stimulate the muscles more effectively.

Omega-3 fatty acids

Research from the Washington University School of Medicine suggests that supplementation with omega-3 fatty acids helps to boost the synthesis of muscle proteins and increase the size of muscle cells in healthy young and middle-aged adults.

Fatty fish, including salmon, are rich in omega-3 fatty acids. Tuna also contains high levels of the fatty acids, and about 6 ounces (oz) of tuna packed in water contains 41.6 g of protein and 5.4 g of fat.

Other evidence shows that oil drawn from fatty fish may help to reduce muscle soreness after resistance training. A study from 2016 found that consuming 6 g of fish oil every day for 1 week before beginning resistance exercise resulted in reduced muscle soreness.


Consuming carbohydrate-rich foods may be the best way to reduce the decreases in immunity that can occur after exercise.

Consuming carbohydrates as part of a post-workout snack also helps to promote glycogen storage.

Sweet potatoes, grains, and fruits can contain high levels of healthful carbohydrates, as can quinoa.

Quinoa is gluten-free, classified as a pseudocereal, and usually consumed as a grain. It is high in fiber and rich in protein, with 1 cup providing 8.14 g.

Also, quinoa has a low glycemic index, making it an excellent choice for people who regulate their blood sugar.

Herbal tea

The nutrients and chemical compounds in herbal teas, especially yerba mate, may help the body process carbohydrates and protein effectively.

Authors of a study from 2016 compared the effects of yerba mate to water after exercise. The participants who drank yerba mate recovered strength faster in the 24 hours that followed a workout.

In 2012, researchers found that mice administered yerba mate extract were able to metabolize more quickly and expend more energy than those who did not.


It is essential to drink plenty of water before, during, and after a workout. Staying hydrated ensures that the body gets the most benefit from exercise.

The body loses water and electrolytes while sweating, so drinking water during and after a workout promotes performance and recovery.

Everybody varies in the amount of water they need, depending on the type of exercise, how much they sweat, how thirsty they are, as well as other factors.

The importance of the post-workout snack

During exercise, the muscles use up stored glucose, called glycogen, and levels become depleted.

Endurance sports, such as running, use up more glycogen than resistance activities, such as weightlifting. Another effect of exercise is that the muscles develop small tears.

Getting the right nutritional balance after exercise restores energy levels and reduces fatigue, helping the body to repair muscles and build strength for future workouts.

Proteins, carbohydrates, and healthful fats are all essential for the body’s recovery.


Exercise supports muscle growth, but the body can only build upon existing muscles if they recover after each workout.

Consuming protein after exercise helps the muscles to heal and prevents the loss of lean mass. Lean mass contributes to a muscular and toned appearance.


Carbohydrates are macronutrients that help the body to recharge and restore its fuel supply.

Anyone who exercises more than seven times a week should consume plenty of carbohydrates, as they quickly replenish glycogen levels.

What about fat?

Many people believe that consuming fat after exercising slows digestion and the absorption of nutrients. For some types of fat, this may be true.

However, there is little information about the post-workout effects of fat calories. It may be a good idea to limit fat intake after exercise, but low levels of fat are unlikely to inhibit recovery.


Consuming carbohydrates, proteins, and some fats after exercising helps to encourage muscle protein production, and promote recovery with the best results.

Arrange to eat a snack as soon as possible after a workout. Also, remember to replace fluids and electrolytes by drinking water before, during, and after exercise.

What Not To Eat After A Workout

There are plenty of benefits when it comes to exercise – from improved heart health to a boost in your mood (thanks to all those endorphins). But, in order to get the very best out of those benefits, we need to make sure we’re fuelling our bodies with the right food after a sweat session – and no, that doesn’t always mean grab a protein shake.

Exercise is important, but one of the key pieces of advice you’ll get from personal trainers and nutritionists alike is to refuel after a gym or home workout session. That’s because activity depletes your body of energy, and your muscles take a hit, so it’s essential to repair and replenish with food within the hour.

With that in mind though, there’s no point eating or drinking the first snack or sugary drink you find at the supermarket, as some foods can do more harm than good after a workout. To help us navigate the good from the bad (when it comes to post-gym snacks), we spoke to Nutritionist, PT and Founder of FBF Collective, Flo Seabright, and Nutrition Health Coach, Amy Wright.

“Your post-workout nutrition can have a significant impact on your recovery and training adaptations,” explains Seabright. “When we exercise, our bodies use up some of our energy stores and begin to break down muscle protein so ensuring the right nutrition after you train can help reverse some of these effects, improve recovery and even your results.”

So, what are the foods we should be avoiding after a workout?

Foods to avoid after a workout:

Sugary post-workout shakes

“A protein smoothie is one of my favourite post-workout meals because it can quickly nourish the body after an intense workout or weights session,” explains Wright. Butm she warns, “Watch out for sugar-laden protein powders or worse, artificially sweetened shakes which may also include fillers, chemicals and bulking agents.”

Processed energy bars

“While some energy bars can be a convenient option for those busy days, avoid ultra-processed energy bars with lengthy ingredients lists,” advises Wright.

In particular, the health coach suggests avoiding snack bars that contain artificial sweeteners (such as aspartame), refined sugar or high levels of natural sugar. “An equally convenient, but ideal alternative could be a banana or berries with a handful of nuts,” she says.

foods you should avoid eating after a workout

Low-carb meals

While protein is widely recognised as a post-workout essential, did you also know that carbohydrates are a vital part of post-workout recovery and nourishment? The reason being, Wright explains: “Your body taps into its glycogen stores during exercise and eating carbohydrates in your post-workout meal helps to restore them.”

You might not realise that fruits are an incredibly good source of carbohydrates too, with Wright revealing that strawberries, bananas, blueberries and kiwi are among some of her favourites for a post-workout refuel.

She also recommends opting for ‘smart carbohydrates’ such as whole grains, legumes and vegetables, rather than refined carbohydrates such as white bread, pasta or flour products. “This will ensure you have sustained energy throughout your day,” Wright advises.

Sports drinks

You might think you look the part, clutching a colourful sports drink while power walking in your leggings, but not all sports drinks are created equal.

“Although they [sports drinks] are marketed as the perfect hydration and electrolyte replenishment, drinks such as filtered water, raw coconut water or a healthy protein smoothie are superior options that don’t contain the syrupy ingredients that spike blood sugar and zap energy,” Wright explains.

Nevertheless, it’s still super important to grab a post-workout drink, as Seabright points out. “When we exercise we lose water and electrolytes through sweat, so rehydrating after a workout is key,” she says. “Water is, of course, a great option but if you’ve had a particularly intense or sweaty workout, it can be useful to opt for an electrolyte sports drink or to snack on a banana to help with this!”

Salty, processed food

“Craving salty food after exercise is common, as we often lose water and potassium through sweating,” Wright says. But instead of reaching for the crisps, Seabright recommends prioritising nutritionally dense foods over snacks.

“Since exercise depletes your glycogen stores, it can be useful to include some carbohydrates in your post-workout meal – especially if you train in the morning and have a full day of work ahead of you,” she points out. “Foods like whole wheat bread or pasta, oats or quinoa can be a great way to do this.”

Fried foods

Perhaps more obvious than other foods on this list, Wright recommends avoiding deep-fried fast foods because: “They contain little health benefits and can often contain harmful trans-fats.”

“I am especially mindful to avoid these foods after a workout, as the high-fat content can slow the digestion process and leave me feeling sluggish rather than enjoying my post-workout high,” Wright notes. “It’s important to remember that exercise is a stressor, so we should aim to eat a post-workout meal that includes micro-nutrients and nourishing ingredients that fuel and take care of our body.”

Instead of opting for fried foods, choose a baked or steamed protein such as fish or chicken, along with a complex carb such as boiled rice, baked sweet potato or grilled vegetables. This kind of meal, Wright says, “is a great way to refuel your body and provide you with long-lasting energy and strength.”


“Caffeinated beverages such as coffee can be a beneficial energy boost prior to a workout and may even enhance performance. While I don’t believe caffeine is harmful, I personally avoid coffee immediately after a workout,” says nutritional expert Wright. “I find caffeine can dehydrate my body, so I stick to water in order to rehydrate after exercise.”

Not only that, but “Caffeine also raises our body’s stress hormone, cortisol.”

As Wright explains: “Exercise is essential to health, but it is also a stressor on the body causing cortisol release. While vital for healthy bodily function, too much cortisol can increase inflammation, cardiovascular issues, immunity and hormonal imbalances. Therefore, I enjoy my energising coffee before exercise and avoid it afterwards.”

Not eating at all

You might not always feel particularly ravenous after exercising, but Wright urges you not to skip your post-workout meal. “It’s so important to nourish your body after exercise and it’s the ideal time to eat. Your body needs replenishment after all the hard work it has done, so it’s really important not to skip your meal after you work out,” she says.

More importantly, Seabright stresses how skipping food after a workout can create an “incredibly unhealthy relationship with both food and exercise.”

“Using exercise as a tool to ‘burn calories’ to facilitate weight loss is simply chasing your tail – exercise doesn’t burn as many calories as many people believe and if you are just using it as a tool to ‘burn calories’ and avoid ‘eating them back’ you are always going to be one step behind on your weight loss goal,” Seabright points out.

“If that is your priority, then focus on adapting your nutritional intake to create a healthy, sustainable energy deficit that still allows you to fuel and refuel around your training and also promotes a healthy relationship with food. Exercise is fantastic for so many reasons that have nothing to do with calories ‘burnt’ so focus on getting the most from your training by fuelling yourself properly.

What To Drink After Workout to Lose Weight

We all know that it is very important to take a healthy drink after a workout. Because post workout drink for weight loss not only helps reducing weight but it also helps in building muscles, body strength, and regain lost energy. It is also important to have a healthy drink to stay hydrated after a workout. There are also many people who cannot take a post workout drink for weight loss from the market.

o it is not for those people that the option of protein shake is over, you can make a protein shake at home too. We will tell you through this article how you can make a protein shake after a workout and how to prepare a protein shake at home which will be good for your fitness. Chocolate milk and a protein shake are the two most popular post workout drink for weight loss…

Why Do We Need Post Workout Drink For Weight Loss?

Your body needs both recovery and protein after a workout. This not only helps in recovery but also helps in bodybuilding and also helps in weight loss. It improves metabolism and contributes to weight loss.

Protein is a very important part of your weight loss goal because it helps you lose weight in many ways. Such post workout drink for weight loss is very important to calm the appetite after a workout and you must include it in your weight loss diet. A protein shake can also be your best friend in the gym.

Drinking a protein shake after a workout helps you recover properly. However, the best thing is that you can prepare a protein shake for yourself at home with the right amount of protein. A homemade protein shake can prove to be sufficient to meet your body’s needs after a workout.

How Post Workout Drink For Weight Loss Work?

  • First of all, post workout drink for weight loss don’t let your body lack glucose.
  • Secondly, it increases the synthesis of protein in your body.
  • And lastly, but not least, this post workout drink for weight loss don’t let the protein in your body decrease and also help you lose weight rapidly

Protein is one of the main nutrients that our body needs on a daily basis for various reasons. After workouts, the body needs protein to repair and build muscle.

After doing the workout, the body starts the repair process of your muscles on its own. After a workout, by drinking Protein Shake Post-Workout Protein Shake your body rapidly absorbs protein to use in the body.


Protein aims to reduce amino acids, which are used to repair and build muscle, and increase the recovery rate of muscles after workouts by seventy.

Enhanced Muscle Growth

The Perfect Time To Drink Post Workout Drinks:

You will get better results from your post workout drink for weight loss i.e. protein drinks and shakes when you drink it on time. The perfect time to drink is 30-45 minutes after a workout and after drinking a protein shake it will be quite effective on your body. Not only that, you will be relieved to a large extent from the fatigue you get after the workout.

Post Workout Protein Shake Recipes:

Do you want to lose weight? Do you feel that you are very hungry after your workout session? Then, instead of protein powder, try a homemade protein shake as your post workout drink for weight loss.

They work by surprise when it comes to reducing your post-hunger exercise, gaining mass, and changing your food habit. These homemade protein shakes are made with natural ingredients and flavor better than commercial protein powder. Swipe for these protein shake as your post workout drink for weight loss.

Raspberry-Banana Protein Shake (Protein – 7.81 grams)

Antioxidants, protein, calcium, iron, and energy – you have everything in this protein shake. A nutritious meal in itself, it is also deliciously rich. Here’s how to make it.


½ cup raspberries, 1 banana, 2 tablespoon almond butter, 1 cup almond milk, 1 cup water

How To Prepare

Add all ingredients except a high-speed blender and puree to a smooth shake. Add water to adjust the thickness and pulse for a few seconds.

Peanut Butter-Banana Protein Shake (Protein – 43.54 grams)

It is a rich source of smoothy protein. Use it as your post-workout meal to regain your goodness. Here’s how to make it.


2 bananas, 2 tablespoon peanut butter, 2 cups Greek yogurt, 100 ml full-fat milk, 1 tablespoon chia seeds, cocoa powder

How To Prepare

Combine banana, yogurt, milk, and peanut butter in a blender. Add smooth, thick smoothies. Add chia seeds and sprinkle cocoa powder on top. Enjoy it

Banana, Ragi, and Chia Seeds Shake (Protein – 15.5 grams)

Finger millet (ragi) is an excellent source of protein, calcium, and dietary fiber. This shake will not only fill your stomach but will also improve your hemoglobin levels. Here’s how to make it.


2 small bananas, 3 tablespoons sprouted finger millet (ragi) powder, 1 tablespoon chia seeds, 6 almonds, 1 cup milk, 1 cup powdered jaggery 1 cup hot water

How To Prepare

Add almonds and chia seeds to the blender and mix in a smooth powder. Mix the rest of the ingredients and blend at high speed until you get a smooth, thick shake.

Almond-Coconut Protein Shake (Protein – 17.27 grams)

Almonds are great sources of protein – 20 almonds contain about 5 grams of protein. Milk provides an extra dose of protein and flaxseeds give you a daily dose of omega-3s.


20 almonds, uncooked dry coconut, 1 cup water, 1 tablespoon cinnamon powder, 1 tablespoon honey, 2 tablespoon powdered flaxseeds, 2 cups milk

How To Prepare

Soak almond and dry coconut in water overnight. Release water in the morning. Fry the almonds and coconut until you get a coarse powder. Mix milk and mixture to get a thick, smooth shake. Cinnamon powder, ground flaxseed, and honey. Mix well. Reserve in a tall glass garnished with a dash of cinnamon powder.

Oatmeal, Blueberry, and Chia Seeds Milkshake (Protein – 12.72 grams)

This amazing protein-loaded smoothy is a great replacement meal and the best post-workout homemade protein shake. Here you need to make it.


½ cup blueberries, 1 tablespoon chia seeds, 2 tablespoon oatmeal, 1 cup milk, 1 tablespoon honey

How To Prepare

Blend all ingredients at high speed to get a thick, smooth shake. Take a handful of crushed ice and lentils for a few seconds. Enjoy a tall glass and enjoy!

Chocolate Protein Shake (Protein – 23.6 grams)

This protein shake is ideal for all bitter chocolate lovers. It has a sweet taste and is an aromatic and immediate mood booster. The components make it a good source of protein. How to prepare it


1 chopped apple, 1 tablespoon almond butter, 1 tablespoon grated dark chocolate, 1 tablespoon cocoa powder, 1 cup milk, 1 cup yogurt

How To Prepare

Toss the sliced ​​apple, milk, yogurt, cocoa powder, and almond butter in a blender and blend. Garnish with thick fudge and grated dark chocolate in 1 glass.

Alphonso Mango-Almond Milk Protein Shake (Protein – 14.84 grams)

The name itself is enough for you to understand how tasty and juicy this protein shake is. This is a great post-workout shake as mango carbs will help replenish the bad sugar present in the body immediately. Almonds aid in muscle recovery by providing a good amount of milk and chia protein.


1 cup chopped alphonso mango, 1 cup almond milk, 1 tablespoon chia seeds, 1 cup cold greek yogurt

How To Prepare

Toss the sliced ​​alphonso mango, milk, and cold yogurt in a blender. Shake it and pour it into a tall glass. Add chia seeds and shake well before drinking.

Soy Milk-Strawberry Protein Shake (Protein – 24.72 g)

Another vegetarian protein shake that will definitely shake your feet. It is a delicious and smooth shake that children of all ages will enjoy. Follow these instructions to make it.


2 cups soy milk, 1 cup chopped strawberries, 1 tablespoon ground almonds, 1 tablespoon ground melon seeds, 1 tablespoon cocoa powder

How To Prepare

Toss all ingredients in a blender and mix in a thick smoothy. Pour it into 1 glass. Add two ice cubes if you want and drink!

Pea Protein Meal Replacement Protein Shake (Protein – 38.6 grams)

It is dairy-free and gluten-free, loaded with protein, and tastes amazing. Mixing blueberries or strawberries (or both) thickens the consistency and enhances the taste. Here’s how to make it.


1 tablespoon pea protein, 1 cup almond milk, ½ cup strawberries, a pinch of nutmeg powder, 1 tablespoon powdered jaggery

How To Prepare

Toss all the ingredients in a blender and blend well. Pour it into 1 glass, add 2 ice cubes and drink it.

Oatmeal-Apple Protein Shake (protein – 21.48 grams)

The phytonutrients present in Apple will ensure that your blood sugar level is under control. Prepare it with milk and oatmeal for a thick breakfast protein shake that will keep you full for a long time.


3 tablespoon oatmeal, 2 cups milk, chopped apples, 3 tablespoon almond butter, cocoa powder

How To Prepare

Blend all the ingredients vigorously until you get a thick, smooth shake. Add some cocoa powder and enjoy

These are the 10 best healthy protein shake recipe to intake as your post workout drink for weight loss, which you can prepare at home with local ingredients. They not only improve your muscles and post-workout energy levels but also prevent you from paying attention to unhealthy snacks. Try them out to find out which post workout drink for weight loss suits you best.

Benefits of Drinking Protein Shake As Post Workout Drink For Weight Loss:

Oatmeal-Apple Protein Shake

A protein shake is a nutritional supplement to a protein powder that many people take as their post workout drink for weight loss. It gives the right amount of protein to your body. Which is essential for muscle building, recovery, and building enzymes and hormones in the body.

Apart from this, its intake as your post workout drink for weight loss is also helpful in weight loss. So, let’s now see other benefits of post workout drink for weight loss

Improved Muscle Recovery & Performance

Protein Shake has been proven to do more than repair and build muscle. The muscles used during workouts produce subtle tears when performing workouts.

Protein speeds up the recovery of these muscles and reduces the pain felt from both workouts and recovery when you take it as your post workout drink for weight loss.

It has been proven that drinking a protein shake as your post workout drink for weight loss can reduce muscle damage during workouts, as well as improve muscle performance after workouts.

Weight Loss & Management

If workouts are done to lose or maintain weight, it is right to use protein drinks and shakes Protein Drinks & Shakes. After a workout, the metabolic rate increases temporarily.

This can cause more hunger as your body is working at a faster rate than usage, however, by drinking a post workout drink for weight loss you will notice a lot of changes in your body and you will feel healthy and agile.

After a workout, drinking a protein shake creates a feeling of fullness which helps you to work the weight.

Enhanced Muscle Growth

There has been a considerable investigation on the use of protein shake after workouts, confirming the effectiveness of protein supplements after workouts. It has been scientifically proven that protein shake as a post workout drink for weight loss is equally effective in building muscle for men and women.


It has been confirmed that post-workout protein shake post-workout Protein Shake increases muscle strength rapidly.

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