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What to Wear to an Interview if You Don t Have Dress Clothes

If you’re looking for advice on what to wear to an interview if you don’t have dress clothes, you’ve come to the right place. Check out our what to wear to an interview female and what not to wear to a job interview female guide, below. When I was growing up, my mom always told me that it’s important to dress for the job you want, not the job you have. I never really understood what she meant until I graduated from college and started applying for jobs. Now that I’m a professional myself, I can see why she said it: it’s important to feel confident and put-together when you walk into an interview. If you show up wearing something that doesn’t fit well or makes you feel uncomfortable, it can make a big difference in how your interviewer perceives you. So if your closet is full of t-shirts and jeans (like mine usually is), here are some tips for finding something new that will make a good impression on your interviewer:

What to Wear to an Interview if you Don’t Have Dress Clothes

If you’re like most people, you don’t own a suit. Maybe you’ve never owned one in your life, or maybe it’s been so long since you’ve been to an interview that you can’t remember what to wear. Either way, here’s how to dress for an interview without having to borrow clothes from your mom or sister (or worse).

If you’re like most people, there’s a good chance that you don’t have a lot of business-casual clothes in your closet. That’s okay! We’re here to help.

You’ll need to look the part if you want to nail the interview and land the job. But don’t worry, it doesn’t have to be expensive or complicated—we’ve got all the tips and tricks for how to make yourself look more professional without spending a ton of money on new clothes.

We’ll walk you through everything from what kind of shoes are appropriate for interviews (and which aren’t), to how to properly iron your shirt—even if you don’t know how yet!

If you’re going to an interview, it’s important to look your best. But what if you don’t have dress clothes?

If you’re in this situation and need some ideas for what to wear, we’ve got you covered!

If you haven’t been able to find a job because you don’t have a nice suit or dress, then this blog is for you.

You need to look professional when interviewing for a new job. You can’t just wear jeans and a t-shirt. You need to wear something that makes you look like a professional, but also like yourself. I’m going to tell you what to wear if you don’t have dress clothes so that you can feel confident at your next interview!

For many people, getting a job interview means buying a suit. And if you don’t already have one, that can mean spending hundreds of dollars on an item that is only going to be used once.

But what if you don’t have the money? Or what if you don’t care about dressing up for an interview? Or maybe the job you’re interviewing for doesn’t require a suit?

The good news is, there are plenty of other options! You can wear jeans and a shirt (make sure it’s clean and pressed), or even just a blazer and slacks. There are plenty of places where dress code isn’t enforced at all—and if you’re applying for a job like that, then why not go casual?

Here are some tips for dressing for an interview without wearing formal clothes:

If you’re reading this, chances are you’re looking for a job.

And if you’re looking for a job, chances are you don’t have an extensive collection of interview-appropriate clothes.

But that doesn’t mean you can’t look great in your interview!
How to Dress for the Police Officer Oral Board Interview
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Can You Overdress for an Interview?
The way you dress for an interview could mean the difference between landing a job and being rejected. Meeting a potential employer in appropriate business attire shows that you take the interview process seriously and have respect for the people you’re meeting. If your wardrobe’s light on smart clothes, boost your chances of success by putting together a decent outfit, even if money is a bit tight.

What to Wear
Aim to dress as smartly as possible for job interviews, even if the work environment you’re hoping to get into is known for being sartorially casual. Career Services at Virginia Tech University advises students to wear a matched two-piece suit. For example, women can choose from a tailored jacket and skirt or a pantsuit, while a jacket and slacks are appropriate for men in most situations.

Borrow interview-appropriate attire from friends or family members. This is a good idea if you don’t want to spend money on a new interview outfit that you may only wear once. Be particular when looking for clothes to borrow. Showing up in a suit that’s four sizes too small for you will not impress your interviewer. Borrow items that match in terms of cut and color, and keep your look more formal than casual. Don’t worry too much if some items are slightly worn; it’s more important that your clothes fit well and look professional. Pick neutral colors and avoid loud patterns.

Buy Gently Used Clothing
If funds are tight, shop for gently used clothes at thrift stores or online auction sites. You may wind up with designer-label items for a fraction of their retail price if you shop around. Buying quality second-hand clothes can be a better option than buying cheap but inferior quality new threads. The investment will be worth it if you land the job.

No matter what you wear to an interview, make sure your clothing is clean and pressed. Ladies should wear a knee-length skirt or longer and avoid showing too much cleavage. Men should go for long-sleeved shirts, even in summer, and a plain or conservatively patterned silk tie. Steer clear of wearing ostentatious jewelry and unconventional hairstyles. If in doubt, err on the side of formality.

Get in touch with organizations such as Dress for Success, Suited for Success and Clothes That Work. These charities and others like them provide interview-quality clothing to economically disadvantaged people and the unemployed. The services are either free or at a greatly reduced rate, compared to what you would expect to pay if buying a new outfit yourself.
On the search for a new job? Whether you already have an interview scheduled or are just hoping for one, having an outfit in mind means you have one less thing to worry about when the big day arrives. Understanding interview dress code do’s and don’ts makes it easier to pick your outfit and impress your interviewer.

Consider the Company
Not every position or company calls for the same interview wardrobe. You probably wouldn’t wear the same thing to an interview for an entry-level store clerk position in a convenience store as you would for an executive position at a bank. Before you select your outfit, do your research about the company and the position. If you’re not certain of what’s expected, don’t be afraid to ask the recruiter.

For a casual company, a nice blouse and pants or a casual dress will work well. If the expectation is business casual, dress up the blouse or dress by adding a blazer. Even a cardigan can work in a pinch, if you don’t have a blazer. For an interview in which professional attire is expected, you’ll want to wear a suit, either with pants or a skirt. Keep the suit neutral with a solid button-down shirt underneath for a polished look.

Wear Clothes that Wear Well
One of the best interview dress tips for female applicants is to show up with a pressed, clean outfit, no matter what the outfit is. Showing up with a wrinkled shirt makes a bad first impression right off the bat. Always make sure that your outfit is free of stains, and is clean and smells fresh. Of course, you may want to press your interview clothes, but the fabric and structure of the outfit is also a factor.

Some fabrics hold up better than others without wrinkling. Wool, silk and polyester fabrics are less likely to wrinkle than cotton, linen and rayon. Some materials that are prone to wrinkling can be treated to resist wrinkles, so check the labels. Fabric blends also tend to wrinkle less. For example, a polyester and cotton blend is nearly wrinkle free. Choose fabrics that don’t wrinkle easily to prevent creases from forming while you commute to your interview or while you are sitting in the interview.

If you’re using pieces from your existing wardrobe, you’ll already have an idea of which items resist wrinkling. Another consideration is how well the clothing holds its shape. If the clothes stretch, sag or otherwise lose their shape as you wear them, by the time you arrive at your interview, you may look sloppy.

Choose Conservative Interview Clothes
Avoid anything too trendy or revealing. Keep in mind that you’re going to a workplace, so you should dress somewhat conservatively, even if the office is casual. Wearing a conservative look doesn’t mean a boring look. For women, interview attire can reflect your personal style, while still providing coverage so that you look professional.

For women, that means choosing interview outfits that have a higher cut, instead of a plunging neckline. If you choose to wear a dress or skirt, don’t wear one that’s too short or too long. The safe bet is to choose a hemline that hits mid-knee. The fit is another consideration. Choose an outfit that has a tailored look that’s not overly tight. It’s also best to avoid sheer fabrics, lace cutouts or similar features that are better suited for a night out than office wear.

Your style may be trendy, but clothes that are too outside of the usual office options can affect the impression the hiring manager has of you. Wear traditional, timeless interview styles that you know will go over well. Wearing a big, crazy print or bold colors may stand out, but in a negative way. What is the best color to wear to an interview? Usually, it’s best to stick with classic neutrals, such as black or navy. Avoiding light colors will ensure that you won’t show up with a noticeable stain from a mud puddle or spilled coffee.

Accessorize Minimally
Just as with your interview clothes, your accessories should be conservative. Wear makeup if you feel comfortable wearing makeup, but skip bright colors or dramatic looks that don’t fit in with the expected workplace environment of where you work. Nail polish should also look professional, so a clear or pale neutral color works best. It’s a good idea to not wear perfume for the interview, as the scent can be overwhelming to some people. Wear a few simple pieces of jewelry.

Your shoes are also part of accessorizing. You want shoes that are comfortable, easy to walk in and professional, so leave your stilettos at home! Comfortable flats or low heels work best. Wear a classic shoe rather than a super trendy shoe that might draw unwanted attention.

Feel Comfortable
A polished, professional look is essential, but you also need to feel comfortable in your outfit. If you’re constantly adjusting your slacks or you feel as if you can barely breathe in your outfit, your discomfort may show in the interview. Uncomfortable clothes can distract you when you’re trying to answer the questions the interviewer asks of you.

What to Wear to an Interview

What to wear to an interview might seem like a simple question, but there are actually quite a few factors to consider. The way you dress for an interview will make a strong first impression on the person who has the power to hire or reject you, so it’s important that you get it right. In this post, we’ll be covering what to wear and why, as well as providing tips on how to make your look stand out in the best way possible.

There are a few things you need to remember when preparing for an interview. The first is to make sure you’re well-prepared. Have an idea of what the company does, and make sure your resume can speak to how your skills could help them achieve their goals.

Next, make sure you pick the right clothes for the occasion. It’s important that you look professional and put-together, but there are also some ways you can make yourself stand out in a positive way by dressing uniquely—but still professionally!

Finally, remember good posture! Good posture not only makes you look more confident, it also helps with breathing and circulation. If possible, try practicing good posture at home before the big day so that when it comes time for the interview, you’ll be prepared!

How you dress, what you say, and how you act all make up a part of your personal brand.

Your personal brand is more than just the clothes you wear, the car you drive, or the way you speak. It’s also about how you treat others, how you conduct yourself in a professional setting, and how confident you are in your abilities.

In order to make sure that your personal brand is being portrayed accurately, it’s important to be aware of what people might see when they look at you or hear about you. When it comes to interviewing for jobs or internships, this means preparing for an interview ahead of time so that when it comes time for an interview with someone from the company, there’s nothing left to chance.

Generally, a job interview calls for you to wear professional, or business, attire. For men, this might mean a suit jacket and slacks with a shirt and tie or a sweater and button-down. For women, a blouse and dress pants or a statement dress is appropriate.

What’s the best outfit to wear to a job interview? The answer will vary depending on the type of job and company you’re interviewing with. You always want to dress to make the best impression, but the outfit you choose depends on whether you’re interviewing at a company with a formal dress code, at a casual startup, or for an informal summer job or internship.1

Dressing appropriately is important because the first judgment an interviewer makes is going to be based on how you look and what you are wearing.

If you wear a suit to an interview for a camp counselor, or a T-shirt to an interview at a bank, it’ll send the message that you don’t truly understand what’s involved in the role.

Find out what to wear (and what not to wear) for interviews at every type of company:

Professional / Business Interview Attire
Business man and woman using a digital tablet and having a meeting, coworkers
Lisa5201 / Getty Images
Generally, a job interview calls for you to wear professional, or business, attire.

For men, this might mean a suit jacket and slacks with a shirt and tie or a sweater and button-down. For women, a blouse and dress pants or a statement dress is appropriate.

You can also incorporate some modern style trends into your outfit. All interviewees should consider color when selecting an interview outfit and avoid wearing anything too bright or flashy that will distract the hiring manager.

The more important thing to consider when you’re dressing for a job interview is that you should look professional and polished regardless of the type of position you’re seeking.

Even though your interview attire depends on the role you’re applying for, no matter what the position, you should go to the interview looking neat, tidy, and well-dressed. Here’s how to make the best impression at every interview you go on.

Interview Outfits for Men

Non-Professional / Business Casual Interview Attire

If you have a job interview in a more informal work environment, you might wear a business casual outfit. Business casual outfits are less formal than a suit, but they are also more professional and polished than, say, a T-shirt and shorts or a sundress and sandals.

Of course, make sure you know the dress code before you assume that business casual is acceptable. If you aren’t sure, call the office and ask the administrative coordinator, or contact the person who scheduled the interview and ask them for advice.

Always dress a bit more professionally than the average employee at the company. If everyone is wearing shorts and T-shirts, for example, you might wear khakis and a Polo shirt or button-down.

Casual Interview Attire
Start-up Team
Georgijevic / Getty Images
If you have an interview at a startup company, nix the head-to-toe formal business attire. You want to look appropriate and professional, but not too formal.

Rather than showing up in a black suit and dress shoes, opt for something that is relaxed but still presentable: relaxed-fit khakis, dark-wash jeans, and a nice top, for example.

College Job Interview Attire

Make sure to dress professionally when interviewing for a professional job or internship as a college student. It’ll show that you’ll know how to behave in a professional manner if you’re hired.

Less formal attire is acceptable when interviewing for campus jobs and more informal workplace jobs. However, you still want to dress professionally for most positions, even if they are entry-level. Review these tips for college women and college men on what to wear to an interview, as well as what to wear for an interview for an internship.

Internship Interview Attire

Internships are an important part of career development, and as with any job, acing your interview is one part of getting the position you want. Making a great first impression–coming across as polished, professional, and attentive–is important when it comes to your internship search.

Here’s what to wear for an internship interview based on whether the company environment is formal, casual, or somewhere in between.

Summer Job Interview Attire
Restaurant manager reading resume and interviewing young woman for job
Steve Debenport / Getty Images
Are you interviewing for a summer job? Typically, these jobs are more casual and do not require professional attire. You can skip the suit. However, you still want to look polished and professional.

Here are tips on what to wear to make the best impression, including interview attire for male and female applicants, what to bring with you, and how to dress for a casual interview.

Do you have an interview in the hot summer months? There are a few things you can do to look professional but still feel cool in a job interview.

Review tips on what to wear for a warm-weather interview depending on the work environment and type of job.

Best Job Interview Hairstyles
There are lots of ways to style your hair for a job interview. While some options are trendy and others are more traditional, remember that your hairstyle should not distract the employer. You will want your hair to be professional and polished, like your entire outfit.

Here are the best job interview hairstyles for short, medium-length, and long hair.

Best Outfits for Job Interviews

What’s the best outfit to wear to a job interview? The answer will vary depending on the type of job and company you’re interviewing with.

You always want to dress to make the best impression, but the outfit you choose depends on whether you’re interviewing at a company with a formal dress code, at a casual startup, or for an informal summer job or internship.1


Dressing appropriately is important because the first judgment an interviewer makes is going to be based on how you look and what you are wearing.

If you wear a suit to an interview for a camp counselor, or a T-shirt to an interview at a bank, it’ll send the message that you don’t truly understand what’s involved in the role. Find out what to wear (and what not to wear) for interviews at every type of company.

Key Takeaways

  • To dress appropriately for a job interview, follow the employer’s dress code. 
  • If the job interview calls for business attire, wear a suit, a sweater and button-down shirt, or a professional-looking dress or skirt.
  • Startup jobs may call for more casual interview attire but be sure to dress professionally. 
  • Choose accessories carefully to ensure that they don’t distract the interviewer. 

Professional / Business Interview Attire

Generally, a job interview calls for you to wear professional, or business, attire. This might mean:

  • A suit jacket and slacks with a button-down shirt and tie
  • A sweater and a button-down shirt
  • A blouse and dress pants
  • A statement dress

You can also incorporate some modern style trends into your outfit. All interviewees should consider color when selecting an interview outfit and avoid wearing anything too bright or flashy that will distract the hiring manager.

The more important thing to consider when you’re dressing for a job interview is that you should look professional and polished regardless of the type of position you’re seeking. Even though your interview attire depends on the role you’re applying for, no matter what the position, you should go to the interview looking neat, tidy, and well-dressed.

Non-Professional / Business Casual Interview Attire

Business team in office

If you have a job interview in a more informal work environment, you might wear a business casual outfit. Business casual outfits are less formal than a suit, but they are also more professional and polished than, say, a T-shirt and shorts or a sundress and sandals.

Of course, make sure you know the dress code before you assume that business casual is acceptable. 


If you aren’t sure, call the office and ask the administrative coordinator, or contact the person who scheduled the interview and ask them for advice.

Always dress a bit more professionally than the average employee at the company. If everyone is wearing shorts and T-shirts, for example, you might wear khakis and a polo shirt or button-down.

Casual Interview Attire

If you have an interview at a startup, nix the head-to-toe formal business attire. You want to look appropriate and professional, but not too formal.

Rather than showing up in a black suit and dress shoes, opt for something relaxed but still presentable: relaxed-fit khakis, dark-wash jeans, and a nice top, for example.

Internship / College Job Interview Attire

It’s important to dress professionally when interviewing for a professional job or internship as a college student. It’ll show that you’ll know how to dress appropriately if you’re hired. 

Less formal attire is acceptable when interviewing for campus jobs and more informal workplace jobs. However, you still want to dress professionally for most positions, even if they are entry-level. Skip jeans, athleisure, or anything you’d wear to the beach, the gym, or a club. Make sure your clothing is clean, pressed, and free from visible holes or tears. 

When you interview for an internship position, your clothing should follow the dress code of the company you’re interviewing with. If you’re hoping to land an internship with a financial services company, professional attire is a must. However, if you’re interviewing for a tech internship at a startup, business casual is a better fit.

Job Interview Style Tips

Remember that your goal is to impress the interviewer with your skills, experience, and enthusiasm. Avoid any style choices that distract from your abilities or detract from a professional impression. 

Choose the Right Accessories

When wearing accessories to an interview, less is more. Select accessories that will enhance your interview attire, not overwhelm it. 

Style Your Hair

If you have short hair, schedule a haircut close to the interview—but don’t try out a new hairstyle right before. If you have long hair, choose a neat, professional style. You will want your hair to be professional and polished, like your entire outfit.2

Wear Subtle Makeup

If you wear makeup, be sure that it doesn’t distract the interviewer. This is not the time for bold lipstick or glittery eye shadow. Instead, keep makeup unobtrusive.

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