What to wear on your period in the pool

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As swimming becomes a more and more popular pastime for women, inevitably, some will find themselves in the awkward situation of menstruating whilst in the pool. Whether due to lack of distinguishing swimwear or intolerance for bulky pads, some decide to brave it out in the water. Whilst there should be no taboo surrounding the natural process that is a woman’s period, there seems to be an air of mystery surrounding what you can and can’t do whilst menstruating.

There are many ways you can minimise the discomfort of your period, but the most important thing is to be prepared. Here’s what to wear on your period at home, at school and in the pool.

What to wear on your period at home:

During your period, it’s nice to have some comfortable clothing that you can wear during the day, especially when you’re relaxing at home. However, if you’re not feeling well or experiencing a lot of pain from cramps or headaches, make sure that you have some clean clothes nearby so that you can change them as soon as possible when they get stained by blood.

What to wear on your period at night:

You might be tempted to just stay in bed all day long while you have your period, but this isn’t always a good idea — especially if you have cramps or heavy bleeding! It’s important that you get up every now and then and move around so that your blood flows more easily through your body (this will help reduce bloating). However, wearing pants may make this more difficult because they restrict the flow of blood from one area in your body to another (unlike underwear).

What to wear on your period in the pool

The chlorine in pools can act as a natural bleach, and it can make your tampon string yellow. So if you want to swim while you’re on your period, make sure to wear a tampon with a heavier string—one that is less likely to get caught on other things in the pool. You should also make sure you have enough tampons to last your entire day at the pool (and possibly for two days after).

What to wear on your period at home

If you’re having trouble finding a pad or tampon that fits correctly during your period, try using a larger pad or changing it more often. If that doesn’t work, talk to your doctor about getting hormone therapy or birth control pills to help regulate when and how much you bleed.

What to wear on your period at night

Some women prefer using overnight pads because they provide extra protection from leaks, which can happen during heavy flow days. But choosing an overnight pad may not be an option for everyone — especially if it’s uncomfortable or causes chafing against sensitive skin areas like thighs or hips when sleeping with one leg over another. If

When you’re on your period, it’s important to be comfortable. But if you’re planning to go for a swim, you may worry about leaking or staining a favourite pair of shorts or bikini.

Don’t panic!

There are ways to manage your period when you’re in the water.

Below are some tips to help you feel confident in the pool and make sure that no one knows what’s going on down there:

  1. Wear a swimsuit with built-in pads or liners
  2. Use tampons instead of pads (if you’re OK with having them inside your body)
  3. Wear waterproof underwear or pads over your swimsuit
  4. Avoid white and light colours if possible (they show stains more easily)

If you’re someone who has a period, you’re probably aware of the challenges it can bring. Not only is it a time of discomfort, but it can also make any situation more difficult. We’ve all been there: trying to swim with a pad in our bathing suits, trying to go to school during that time of month, or just feeling like we don’t want to go out and do anything because we don’t want to deal with the hassle of having our period.

While some people feel ashamed of their periods, others feel like they shouldn’t have to miss out on life because they have their period. If you’re one of those people who wants to enjoy your life no matter what time of the month it is, here are some tips for how to get through the day on your period without feeling like you’re missing out.

The first thing to know is that there are plenty of options available to you. In fact, you might be surprised at just how many choices you have when it comes to menstrual products.

You may have thought that there was only one option for women on their periods: tampons. However, there are actually several different types of menstrual products available, such as pads and panty liners, as well as reusable options such as menstrual cups and sponges.

If you’re new to using menstrual products, it can be confusing knowing which product is best for your situation.

Here’s a rundown of some of the most popular options and what they’re best suited for:

Tampons – Tampons are commonly used by women in their teens and twenties because they’re easy to use and discreet enough to carry around with you at all times. They’re also convenient if your period comes unexpectedly or if you’re going swimming or exercising during your period. However, tampons are associated with Toxic Shock Syndrome (TSS) due to improper disposal or an allergic reaction from the materials used in the tampon itself (such as rayon). If you do choose to use a tampon, make sure you don’t leave it in too long or

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