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When I was a child growing up in North Alabama, I was always confused about the “correct” way to answer the question, “What did Jesus wear on His head?” As you might have guessed, there are varying opinions. Now that I’m older and wiser (well, maybe not wiser), I’ve determined it really isn’t that important of a question. Just kidding. Maybe it’s just me misunderstanding the importance of these things, but as an illustrator looking to add to my body of work in 2017, I started wondering how other artists interpreted this question. So naturally, I thought about trying to collect illustrations of “Jeezus” wearing different hats.
What Did Jesus Wear On His Head

Jesus wore what is commonly called a cappellino (Italian) or zucchetto (Spanish), a skull cap often made of velvet with lace trim and tassels. This head covering was worn by men in both secular and religious life during this time period, though not always for the same reason.The head covering, also called the yarmulke (or skullcap) and kippah, is a skullcap worn by Jewish males after the Bar Mitzvah ceremony. It is also donned at other times during prayer; when coming into a synagogue, before reading from Torah scrolls, or during the reciting of blessings at the beginning of Shabbat, Rosh Hashanah and other Jewish holidays. The cloth is traditionally made of velvet or fine silk and is most often black in color.
Over the past few decades, the question of what Jesus looked like has cropped up again and again. Much has been made of a digital reconstruction of a Judaean man created for a BBC documentary, Son of God, in 2001. This was based on an ancient skull and, using the latest technology (as it was), shows the head of a stocky fellow with a somewhat worried expression.
Rightly, the skin tone is olive, and the hair and beard black and shortish, but the nose, lips, neck, eyes, eyelids, eyebrows, fat cover and expression are all totally conjectural. Putting flesh on ancient skulls is not an exact science, because the soft tissue and cartilage are unknown.
Nevertheless, for me as a historian, trying to visualise Jesus accurately is a way to understand Jesus more accurately, too.
The image of Jesus that has been passed down through Christian art for centuries is not accurate, but it is a strong brand. A man with long hair parted in the middle and a long beard—often with fair skin, light brown hair, and blue eyes—has become the widely accepted likeness. Most of the time, Jesus has been shown in art over the centuries wearing long robes with loose sleeves. Since Zefirelli’s Jesus of Nazareth (1977), most modern movies have this style, even when Jesus’ clothes are thought to be poorly made.
There were many reasons why Jesus was depicted in what has become the global standard, and none of them had anything to do with historical accuracy. I explore these in my new book, What did Jesus look like?, but ultimately I look to clues in early texts and archaeology for the real Jesus.
For me, Jesus’ appearance is not all about flesh and bones. After all, our bodies are not just bodies. As the sociologist Chris Shilling argues, they are “both personal resources and social symbols that ‘give off’ messages about identity”. We can be old, young, tall, short, weighty, thin, dark-skinned, light-skinned, frizzy-haired, straight-haired, and so on, but our appearance does not begin and end with our physical bodies. In a crowd, we may look for a friend’s scarf rather than their hair or nose. What we do with our bodies creates an appearance.
And so Jesus’ appearance would have had much to do with what he was wearing. Once we’ve got the palette for his colouring right, given he was a Jewish man of the Middle East, how do we dress him? How did he seem to people of the time?
Dressed in Basics
There is no neat physical description of Jesus in the Gospels or in ancient Christian literature. But there are incidental details. From the Bible (for example, Mark 6:56) you can discover that he wore a mantle – a large shawl (“himation” in Greek) – which had tassels, described as “edges”; a distinctively Jewish tallith in a form it was in antiquity. Usually made of wool, a mantle could be large or small, thick or fine, coloured or natural, but for men there was a preference for undyed types.
He walked in sandals, as implied in multiple Biblical passages (see Matthew 3:11; Mark 1:7, 6:9; John 1:27), and we now know what ancient Judaean sandals were like as they have been preserved in dry caves by the Dead Sea.

He wore a tunic (chitōn), which for men normally finished slightly below the knees, not at the ankles. Among men, only the very rich wore long tunics. Indeed, Jesus specifically identifies men who dress in long tunics (“stolai”, Mark 12:38) as wrongly receiving honour from people who are impressed by their fine attire, when in fact they unjustly devour widows’ houses.
Jesus’s tunic was also made of one piece of cloth only (John 19:23-24). That’s strange, because mostly tunics were made of two pieces sewn at the shoulders and sides. One-piece tunics in first-century Judaea were normally thin undergarments or children’s wear. We shouldn’t think of contemporary underwear, but wearing a one-piece on its own was probably not good form. It was extremely basic.
‘Shamefully’ Shabby?
Perhaps it is unsurprising, then, that Jesus was remembered as looking shabby by a scholar named Celsus, writing in the mid second century, in a treatise against the Christians. Celsus did his homework. He interviewed people, and he – like us – was quite interested in what Jesus looked like. From Jews and others he questioned, he heard that Jesus “wandered about most shamefully in the sight of all”. He “obtained his means of livelihood in a disgraceful and importunate way” – by begging or receiving donations.

From the perspective of respectable people, we can surmise then that Jesus looked relatively rough. When the Christian writer Origen argued against Celsus, he rejected many of his assertions, but he did not dispute this.
And so while Jesus wore similar clothes to other Jewish men in many respects, his “look” was scruffy. I doubt his hair was particularly long as depicted in most artwork, given male norms of the time, but it was surely not well-tended. Wearing a basic tunic that other people wore as an undergarment would fit with Jesus’ detachment regarding material things (Matthew 6:19-21, 28–29; Luke 6:34-35, 12:22-28) and concern for the poor (Luke 6:20-23).
This, to me, is the beginning of a different way of seeing Jesus, and one very relevant for our times of massive inequality between rich and poor, as in the Roman Empire. Jesus aligned himself with the poor and this would have been obvious from how he looked.
The appearance of Jesus matters because it cuts to the heart of his message. However he is depicted in film and art today, he needs to be shown as one of the have-nots; his teaching can only be truly understood from this perspective.
What Wear for Inauguration
When you’re in a dress code, you have to think about what you wear. Will it be appropriate for the occasion? Will it fit the setting? Will it be comfortable?
As we enter a new era in American politics, we want to make sure that everyone has the chance to dress up for inauguration day. Whether you’re going to a protest or simply looking for a way to celebrate this momentous occasion, we’ve got some ideas for how you can dress up without breaking the bank or breaking any rules.
For the Inauguration of President Donald Trump, I would suggest wearing a business suit.
I believe that this is the best choice because it will be cold outside and you need to be comfortable, warm and professional at the same time. It is also a great way to show respect for our country’s new leader.
Inauguration Day is a special occasion, and you want to look your best. But how do you know what to wear?
First, check the weather. It’s cold outside, but it’s supposed to be sunny. Make sure your outfit isn’t too heavy—you don’t want to be uncomfortable all day.
Second, consider what event you’re attending. If there’s an official swearing-in ceremony that requires formalwear, then you’ll want something more formal than jeans and a t-shirt. But if you’re going to one of the many protests happening around Washington DC today, a nice coat or sweater and some comfortable shoes will do just fine!
Inauguration is a time of celebration, but it’s also a time to remember the importance of fashion. As you head out to celebrate, we recommend wearing a dress that is both comfortable and appropriate for the occasion.
We recommend a dress that has an A-line skirt, because this will make you feel more comfortable on your feet. The A-line skirt also gives you some extra room if you’re going dancing later in the night!
The best part about wearing an A-line dress is that it looks great from all angles, so whether you’re standing or sitting down, you’ll still look fantastic!
Keep in mind that some people will be making political statements with their clothing choices during this week’s events—so if you want to stay safe and avoid any controversy at all costs, we recommend sticking with classic black attire.
Inauguration Day is a day of celebration and reflection, but it can also be a day of uncertainty for many people. How do you dress for this occasion?
Your clothing should reflect your political beliefs and the current state of affairs in America. If you’re a Trump supporter, wear something that shows your allegiance to him—and if you’re not, wear something that demonstrates your opposition to him.
You’ve got your outfit picked out, but what should you wear?
We know you’re going to be in some of the most important and exciting moments in history. We also know that’s pretty intimidating—but we’re here to help!
First off, let’s talk about what not to wear:
-Your granny’s housecoat. It might have served her well for years, but she wasn’t sworn in as President. You can leave it at home.
-Your favorite pair of jeans and t-shirt combo—even if they are super comfy, those clothes don’t belong at an inauguration event! This is a time for celebration, so dress up and look great!
If you’re headed to the inauguration of our 45th president, then let us help you get ready!
The weather in Washington, D.C., is expected to be unseasonably warm for January 20th. The forecast calls for temperatures in the mid-50s (that’s 14°C) and sunny skies throughout the day. So don’t forget your sunglasses and sunscreen!
As for what you should wear… well, that’s a tricky question. It’s not like there are any “uniforms” for inaugurations, but we’ve done our best to put together some styles that look great and can take whatever weather Mother Nature throws at them.
For women:
Dressy Casual: If you want to look classy but still casual enough to move around comfortably, this is your best bet. A dressy shirt with jeans or pants will do the trick nicely—and if it rains, just throw on an overcoat or rain jacket.
Coat & Jeans: Women who want a more formal look might want to consider wearing a coat with jeans or pants underneath—these two pieces of clothing tend to go together well because they both have an urban style about them. And if it rains?
What to Wear to the Inauguration
There’s nothing like a new presidency to get people excited about fashion. But with so many styles and brands out there, it can be hard to know what to wear! Here are some tips for what you should wear for the Inauguration:
If you’re attending an inauguration party, it’s best to stick with classic, timeless looks. You’ll want to avoid anything too flashy or obscure—you don’t want people talking about your outfit instead of the swearing in of our new president!
For men, a nice suit is always a good bet. Make sure it fits well and isn’t too shiny or wrinkled, though (you want to look presidential, not sleazy). Women can go for simple dresses or pantsuits; just make sure they aren’t too tight or revealing (again: you don’t want anyone thinking about your body at this momentous occasion).
For kids and babies: Well-fitting suits are perfect! Just make sure they’re appropriate for the weather and aren’t too tight or loose on their bodies so they don’t get cold or hot while sitting outside waiting for hours on end.
Whether you’re attending the inauguration in person or watching it from home, you want to look your best. Here are some tips for what to wear:
-Dress in layers. It’s going to be cold outside, but you don’t want to be too hot once you’re inside.
-Bring a scarf or pashmina if you have one. It’s going to be freezing out there!
-If you’re going with someone else, coordinate your outfits!
It’s no secret that the inauguration of our new president, Donald J. Trump, is a big deal. It’s also no secret that a lot of people are afraid.
So what do you wear to an event like this? How do you express your feelings about it, and stand up for yourself in the process?
First of all: don’t go overboard. You can be respectful while still being true to yourself. If you’re uncomfortable with the idea of attending the inauguration at all, don’t go—you don’t have to be there if it doesn’t feel right for you. But if you want to be there, but aren’t sure how to dress or behave in order to make your presence known without being too obvious about it, here are some tips:
1) Don’t wear your political affiliation on your sleeve (literally). It’s OK if people know where you stand politically—that’s not exactly a secret now, is it? But don’t come dressed like someone who supports Donald Trump; instead, come dressed like someone who supports decency and equality for all people regardless of who they are or where they were born!
The Inauguration of the 45th President of the United States is an incredibly important event. It marks the beginning of a new era in our country’s history, and it’s one that will shape the future for all Americans.
Inaugurations are typically very formal events and it is important to dress accordingly. For women, this means wearing a dress or skirt suit, or a dress coat (if you work in an office environment). For men, suits are expected as well.
If you choose to wear a suit, make sure that it fits well and is pressed properly. If you have any doubts about how your suit fits or looks on you, get someone else’s opinion on whether it looks good before going out in public! You don’t want to end up looking like an idiot in front of millions of people!
If you’re unsure about what to wear for inauguration day, take a look at some photos from past inaugurations so that you can get an idea of what other people wore during previous inaugurations.
Inauguration day is a time to celebrate the peaceful transition of power, and it’s also a time to dress up. The day will be full of pomp and circumstance, so you’ll want to look your best.
The weather in Washington, DC on inauguration day is usually mild and sunny with temperatures in the mid-60s. You’ll want to wear layers so you can take them off if things get too hot or add more if it gets chilly.
A great option for inauguration day is a dress that has a wrap or cardigan style top so you can cover up when needed. Or try a coat with an open front that lets your outfit peek through for a more casual look.
You can wear whatever color you like for inaugurals—red, white, blue—but keep in mind that this isn’t just any other day of the year. We recommend wearing red or white because they’re the official colors of our country’s flag and have been associated with our nation since its inception over 200 years ago!
What to Wear for the Inauguration
You love America. You’ve seen all of the memes, and now you’re ready to take part in the fun. The inauguration is a great way to show your support for our new president and get involved in the political process. But what should you wear?
First, you need a look that says “I’m here to celebrate our new leader.” One option is an outfit inspired by one of Trump’s favorite colors: gold. Gold accessories are a great way to show your patriotism, but you can also wear a full-on gold suit or dress if you want to go all out!
For those who want something more subtle, try wearing red, white, and blue clothing or accessories such as jewelry or shoes. If you want something even more subtle than that, just wear jeans and a white T-shirt with “Make America Great Again” written on it in black marker!
Finally, if none of these options appeal to you—or if they’re not appropriate for where you’ll be celebrating—you can always go with full business attire like suits or dresses instead!
The inauguration of the 45th president of the United States, Donald J. Trump, will take place on January 20th, 2017. Inaugurations are always significant moments in American history, but this one is particularly important for our country—and for you.
It’s important to look your best at this event because you’ll be representing your company and yourself as an individual. If you’re planning on attending the inauguration, here are some tips to help you dress appropriately:
-You should wear business attire. This means suits or dresses with jackets and ties for men and skirts or pantsuits for women. You can also wear a tuxedo if you prefer something more formal.
-The color scheme of your outfit should conform to traditional inauguration colors: reds and blues are traditional choices, but if you want to go bolder than that, purple is becoming popular as well; just make sure it’s not too bright or flashy!
-The inauguration takes place at noon on January 20th. You should arrive with plenty of time before then so that you don’t miss any part of it!
Our advice: dress in layers. It’s important to be prepared for the cold, so make sure you have a good coat and scarf. You might also want to consider wearing gloves or mittens, as well as hats and scarves.
While some will be attending an event with a red carpet, you’ll likely be spending most of your time outdoors—and mix of indoor and outdoor events are common at inaugurations. So don’t forget to pack an extra pair of shoes (or two) if you’re planning on changing clothes multiple times during the day!
The inauguration is a time to celebrate the beginning of a new presidency, and it’s also a time to show your support for the candidate you voted for. To do that, you’ll want to wear something that represents your values and beliefs.
Here are some ideas:
Wear red if you’re a Republican or orange if you’re a Democrat. While this may seem like an obvious choice, it’s important to show solidarity with your party—especially during this election cycle.
If you want to express yourself more personally, try wearing green or blue as a nod to your candidate’s campaign colors. This can also be done in other ways—for example, by sporting a pin that shows support for their campaign!
You might also consider wearing an item from their campaign store or official website. There are many options available that will help you show off your political affiliation without being too over-the-top about it (and without spending too much money!).
Inauguration is a time to celebrate the peaceful transition of power. We look forward to welcoming the new president and first lady as they begin their time in office.
It’s important to remember that this is an opportunity for us to show our appreciation and respect for the office of the presidency. We must also be mindful of our own actions and how they may be perceived by others.
For example, it is not appropriate for men to wear kilts or kilted skirts, or women to wear pantsuits or pantsuits with skirts—unless those pantsuits or pantsuits with skirts are made from silk and have been hand-embroidered by monks at the Abbey of Saint Benedict in Monte Cassino, Italy.
Inauguration Day is about celebrating democracy through fashion, so we encourage you all to dress up in your best clothes!

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