You know what’s better than a bouquet of roses?

A bouquet of roses in your favorite color!

This Mother’s Day, we’re celebrating all the mothers out there by helping you choose a color rose that suits you and your mother best.

We polled our customers to find out their favorite colors, and the results are in:

-Blue: The perfect shade of blue for moms who love to wear turquoise jewelry and love to spend time on the beach.

-Purple: A great choice if your mom is more into purple than pink, or if she loves fashion and wants a piece of jewelry that stands out from the rest.

-Red: For moms who like red wine or enjoy wearing red lipstick. The perfect gift for an outgoing mom who always has something fun planned for family gatherings!

yellow rose corsage

Did you grow up with Mother’s Day corsages for Sunday services? In small-town Alabama, you’d better believe I did. This coming Mother’s Day will be my first Sunday back at church after a long season of “doing my praying at home,” as one member of my family used to say. And since Mama missed the Mother’s Day service last year, I have no doubt she’s looking forward to an especially fine corsage come May.

Technically, my mother should wear white flowers on Mother’s Day because her mother has passed. But she doesn’t care for white roses and can’t abide carnations. Orchids are well and good, but her very favorite flower is the yellow rose. And so for years now, we have fudged the white-flower rule just a touch to allow She Who Must Be Obeyed her yellow roses on Mother’s Day.

For the uninitiated, the longstanding Mother’s Day tradition in the South is that we wear flowers to honor our mothers and to reflect their position in life: Is your mother here with us? If so, you should wear red or pink flowers. However, if she has crossed over, you should wear white. In other words, your corsage isn’t about you—it’s about her, even though you’re the one wearing it. So I’ll wear pink or red flowers to celebrate my mother’s presence next to me on our pew, while she wears her yellow-in-place-of-white to honor her mother in heaven.

The color-coded Mother’s Day corsage is yet another way Southerners communicate without saying anything. When we pull over for a funeral procession, we’re telling the bereaved that we understand their grief and we’re so sorry for their loss. When we hold a door open for the person behind us, we’re expressing our respect and a desire to be helpful. When we “carry food” to a neighbor or a fellowship hall, we’re sharing love and community. And when we wear a Mother’s Day corsage, we’re saying “I love you and I’m so glad to share this day with you”—or “I’ll never forget you and I’ll love you always.”

Among the many decisions Marilyn Arrington will make as she readies for church this Mother’s Day morning — which lipstick to apply, which hat will look best — one will be more freighted than the rest.

Which flower, red or white?

If she follows tradition, Arrington will pin a white blossom to the bodice of her dress, the fragile petals conveying a heavy truth shared by many today: My mother is gone. But the memories are here.

It is a Mother’s Day custom born a century ago that for many people, endures. Those whose mothers are dead commemorate by wearing white flowers; those whose mothers are alive celebrate with buds of red.

They passed out white carnations 102 years ago at this country’s first official Mother’s Day observance, in a little church in the West Virginia hamlet of Grafton, home of the holiday’s founder. Humble and sturdy, back then the white bloom honored mothers both living and dead. It’s said that florists later introduced red flowers as a symbol for the living. No matter.

For nearly seven decades, Arrington has known the joy of wearing a vibrant red rose or carnation in honor of her mom, Myrtle Jones.

Things are different this year. Five months ago, Jones died after 96 years on this earth.

So today, as Arrington once again completes the flower ritual, for the first time she will have to wear the other color.

At least she is supposed to.

A room full of memories

All around the kitchen of Arrington’s stately brick home off Cascade Road in Atlanta there are signs of a full life. Extra orange juice in the refrigerator for weekend visits from the grandkids. A throng of thirsty plants craning toward a window. Paperwork stacked on a counter. It all confirms what you suspect about this sturdy woman the moment you lay eyes on her; she is one of those 65-year-olds who is retired in name only.

Down a hall, through the dark-paneled library, there is another room. First the metal rails of a hospital bed come into view. On a nightstand, sterile alcohol, wipes and bottles say that not very long ago this was a sick room. But here and there are bits of the once-full life of Myrtle Jones, a schoolteacher from Rome, Ga.

Her bachelor’s degree from Clark University and master’s from New York University are hung prominently on a wall. Family photos crowd a dresser top. An old television is angled toward the bed; the contours in the cushions of a club chair seem well earned.

After Jones broke her hip in a nursing home about four years ago she came to live here, in this room. Just retired and newly divorced, Arrington felt she had the time to care for her mother. But even with a home health aide, it was back-breaking work. And as her mother declined it became spirit-breaking, too. Arrington’s prayers for healing gave way to ones for deliverance. For every single soul in the house.

When her mother died four days before Christmas, Arrington felt a surge of grief, but that was soon overcome by a flood of relief.

“I don’t understand people who can’t accept death,” she said, sitting at the kitchen table on a recent morning. Her voice was even, practical, as though the 5-month-old wound had left only trace scars on her heart and psyche.

“People are just unrealistic. Do you really think someone is going to live forever? Memories will sustain you. They sustain me.”

A difficult choice

But sometimes, memories that lift you up can just as easily pull you under.

Here are some things Arrington remembers: That her mother made breakfast and dinner for her, her two brothers and their father every day when she was a child. That she had one heck of an alto voice, and that “The Old Rugged Cross” was her favorite hymn. That she never really offered advice and knew the power of subtlety. That she wanted her daughter to become a teacher. That she believed you have to accept the body blows life deals you, then get right back up.

Every Mother’s Day when Arrington was little, her mother would send her out to the garden to clip three red roses for the children and a white one for her. They’d pin them on, then head to church. Sometimes they’d pose for pictures afterward. Something tangible to treasure after the flowers had faded.

So this Mother’s Day, which flower, red or white?

The question stopped Arrington. Her brown eyes narrowed and her voice caught in her throat. She leaned back in her chair. It was as though she could see the image this year’s photo would capture: She and her two brothers, half smiling for the camera, standing side by side with white blooms on their lapels. The lid that so tightly held in her grief began to come ajar.

“I can’t come to face reality,” she sputtered. “I don’t want to face reality. If I wear red, I can hear some folks at church saying, ‘Her mama died, didn’t she? Doesn’t she know she’s supposed to wear white?’ I see my mom as always being a part of me.”

To wear white “would mean she’s gone forever.”

Odds are, she said, she won’t make up her mind until just before she steps out of the door on her way to church.

But after a while she pointed to a nearby window that looks toward a small corner of the back yard. It gets a lot of sun. Arrington said she plans to plant it full of red roses.

What to Wear on Red Sneakers

If you’re not sure what to wear with your red sneakers, here are some general guidelines.

The sneakers you wear on your feet can make a statement about who you are as a person. They can express your personality and show the world what matters most to you.

But if you’re not sure what to wear on red sneakers, don’t worry—we’ve got you covered!

First, think about what kind of life you want to lead. Do you want to be a part of a team? A star? Or just an individualist? The answer might help determine whether or not red is for you.

If you’re looking for something that will make an impact, red is definitely the way to go. While it’s true that red shoes can be seen as brash and loud by some people, they also represent confidence and passion—two qualities that will set you apart from everyone else.

If you’re interested in standing out from the crowd while still maintaining an air of professionalism (and if so: why?), try pairing your red sneakers with some black pants or a skirt that hits below the knee. The contrast between cool tones like black or blue and vivacious shades like red will draw attention without making it seem like you’re trying too hard!

If you’re a fan of wearing red sneakers, we’ve got some tips for you!

First, make sure that the rest of your outfit is toned down. You want your shoes to be the star of the show, so don’t dress up too much—a simple outfit like a white tee and jeans will do just fine.

Next, think about how much attention you want to draw to yourself with your shoes. If you’re going out on a date or to an event where you want everyone’s eyes on you, then go for something bolder like red heels or boots. But if you want to stay low key, then stick with sneakers!

Finally: keep it simple! Red sneakers are cute and cool, but they don’t have to be complicated.

Wearing red sneakers can be a great way to add some color to your outfit, and they’re a great alternative to wearing heels. However, if you’re not sure how to pull them off, it can be hard to know what kind of outfit would look good with red sneakers.

Fortunately, there are plenty of options! Check out our guide below for some style inspiration:

1.) Casual outfits: If you’re going for a casual look that still looks pulled together, try pairing your sneakers with jeans or khakis and an oversize sweater. You could also try pairing them with leggings and a t-shirt (or tank top).

2.) Formal outfits: If you’re dressing up for work or an event, pair your sneakers with tailored pants (like slacks) or a skirt, as well as a blouse or dress shirt.

3.) Dressy outfits: If you want to wear your new shoes on a date night or other special occasion, pair them with a dress and heels—or even better yet, some strappy sandals!

Whether you’re going to be running or walking, these sneakers are the perfect choice. They’re comfortable and they look great, too!

If you’re going for a run, we recommend that you wear your athletic clothes. This includes shorts and a sports bra. The sneakers will help keep your feet from getting too sore while you’re pounding away at the pavement, and the rest of the outfit will keep you cool as well as protected from any dangerous situations on the road.

If you’re just doing some light walking around town and want to look cute while doing so, try wearing skinny jeans with a nice top. This way, if it does get chilly outside in the evening, all it takes is one layer of clothing to keep warm enough for an enjoyable stroll through town without being too warm or uncomfortable during those milder days when temperatures are still nice enough to walk around without needing anything more than shorts and an open-toed shoe on hand

When you’re looking to dress up your red sneakers, there are a few options. You can go with black or white jeans and a simple top, or you could try a more casual look with blue jeans, a white T-shirt, and a cardigan. Red shoes look great with any color of clothing as long as it’s not too bright. If you want to wear them with a dressy outfit, stick with black pants or dark denim.

Red sneakers are the perfect way to add a pop of color to your wardrobe. They work well with both casual and formal outfits, and they can help you stand out from the crowd!

If you’re looking for some ideas for how to wear red sneakers, we’ve got you covered. Here are our top three favorite ways to incorporate them into your outfits:

1) Wear them with jeans and a simple white t-shirt for a relaxed look

2) Pair them with a dress or skirt for an office-ready outfit that’s still fun and flirty

3) Wear them with black pants, a black top, and a blazer for a sophisticated look that still says “I’m fun!”

The first thing to consider when you’re choosing what to wear on red sneakers is the outfit you want to wear with them. You might want a pair of red sneakers for your everyday life, but there are also situations where wearing a different color would be more appropriate. The second thing to consider is the weather. If it’s raining or snowing outside, then you’ll probably want an umbrella or some other form of rain protection.

If you’re planning on wearing your red sneakers at work, then they should be comfortable and not too flashy or distracting. As long as they’re clean and look good on your feet, then they should be fine!

If you’re going out with friends in the evening, then it’s best not to wear anything too fancy or formal—you might even want to dress down a bit! This will help make sure that everyone feels comfortable while still looking their best.

When it comes down to it, though: wear whatever makes YOU feel like yourself!

Red sneakers are a bold choice. They’re a great way to show off your personality and creativity, but they can also make you look like a kid in a grown-up’s body if you’re not careful (or if you just don’t have much fashion sense).

If you want to wear red sneakers and look like the badass ladyboss that you are, follow these tips:

1) Keep it simple. The more pieces of clothing there are on your body, the more attention will be drawn to them—and the less attention will be on your shoes. So if you want to wear red sneakers with a dress and blazer, try keeping the rest of your outfit simple with only one or two other pieces of clothing (like a tank top/blouse or t-shirt).

2) Pair it with neutral colors. If you’re wearing black jeans or leggings under your dress or skirt (which is what most people do when they wear dresses), then pair those neutral pieces with some bright red shoes for an eye-catching look. You can also try pairing red shoes with muted colors like grey or navy blue for an edgier look that still looks professional.

If you want to wear your red sneakers, you need to know what to pair them with.

Red sneakers are best worn with neutral colors, like black and white. These colors will complement the red of your shoes without clashing too hard, and will make your shoes look even more vibrant.

If you want to go bolder, try pairing red sneakers with bright colors. This can be a great way to make your shoes really stand out—but keep in mind that this can also make them seem less formal than they are on their own.

The color red makes you look more athletic and confident, according to a study from the University of Rochester. It’s also a good choice for your shoes, since it can amp up your energy and even make you more likely to win at sport. So whether you’re getting ready for a workout or heading out for a run, consider rocking red sneakers.

But what if you aren’t an athlete? Or what if you are one but just don’t feel like wearing athletic gear? You probably still want to try out this trend, but how do you do it without looking like someone who just stepped off the track? Here are some tips:

When you wear red sneakers, you want to be sure that you are dressed appropriately for the occasion.

If you’re going to a business meeting, it’s best to wear pants and a nice button-up shirt. This will help show your professionalism while still being comfortable enough for walking around during the day.

If you’re going to the gym, it’s best to wear workout clothes that are made of quick-drying material like cotton or polyester. These materials will keep you cool and dry while working out so that you don’t get too hot and sweaty while wearing your sneakers.

Red sneakers are a great way to add some color to your outfit. However, if you’re not sure how to wear them, you may end up looking like a clown or a kid on their way to soccer practice.

Here are some tips for wearing red shoes with style:

If you’re about to start a new job and need to know how to wear your red sneakers, we’ve got you covered.

First of all, it’s important that you make sure that the red sneaker trend suits your style. Are you a low-key kind of person? Do you want to wear them with jeans and a tee shirt? Or are you more of a high-fashion person who wants to wear them with an evening gown? There are many different ways of wearing red sneakers—we’ll walk through some of our favorites below!

Red sneakers are a great way to add some color to your outfit, but they can be tricky to pull off. Here are some guidelines for what to wear on red sneakers:

-Wear a darker colored bottom (like black) and a lighter top, like white or light blue.

-Wear a solid color shirt and pants that match the color of your sneakers.

-Tuck in your shirt if you’re wearing one with an untucked collar.

Red sneakers are a bold choice, but they can make a statement.

If you’re going to wear red sneakers, there are some things to keep in mind:

-Red sneakers are best worn with black or white pants (and maybe even black shoes)

-You should probably avoid wearing red sneakers with shorts unless it’s summer and you’re at the beach

-If you do wear red sneakers with shorts, be sure that your shorts aren’t too short—you don’t want to look like a clown!

Red sneakers are a bold choice for any outfit, but there are a few things to keep in mind when wearing them.

First and foremost, red is not for everyone! If you have fair skin and light hair, it’s important to avoid choosing red shoes as they can make you look washed out and pale. If you’re looking for a more vibrant shade of red, try finding something that’s more orange-y than pink-y—that way it won’t wash you out.

If you’re going to be wearing a lot of black with your red sneakers, make sure they’re still visible! Black tends to blend into dark clothing and makes it hard to see any details on the shoe itself—keep that in mind when choosing what color shoes go best with your wardrobe.

Finally, if your work environment is casual enough that wearing red sneakers would be appropriate (or even encouraged), go for it! Just remember that some people might not be comfortable around them—especially in a conservative office environment or at an event where everyone else is dressed up in suits or dresses.

When you’re wearing red sneakers, you want to make sure that they’re the focal point of your look.

You can wear red sneakers with just about anything—they’ll add an extra pop of color without being too overwhelming.

However, if you’re going to wear them with another color, it’s best to keep that other color neutral. If you want to wear a patterned shirt or jeans, for example, it’s best to go with a solid-color top or bottom in a muted tone so the shoes can stand out.

One exception: if you’re going to wear red sneakers with black and white clothing. In this case, the black and white outfit will probably be more subtle than the bright red sneakers!

When you’re wearing red sneakers, you want to be sure that you’re rocking the right outfit. Here’s what you should wear when you want to look good while wearing your red sneakers:

When you’re wearing red sneakers, it’s important to think about what you’re doing. Are you going to be working out? If so, then you probably don’t need to worry too much about what you wear on them. They’ll be covered up by gym clothes anyway.

If you’re going to work or school, then you may want to avoid wearing your favorite pair of red sneakers with a suit or dress. Instead, opt for something more casual like a pair of jeans and a t-shirt. This will make sure that the only thing people notice about your shoes is how awesome they look!

If you’re just hanging out with friends or going on a date, then feel free to put on whatever outfit makes YOU feel good! Red sneakers are always a great choice because they’ll go with anything from jeans and a t-shirt all the way up through formal wear (as long as they aren’t too formal).

If you’re wearing red sneakers, there are a few things to keep in mind. First of all, make sure your pants and shirt match the color of your shoes. You don’t want to draw too much attention to them or the fact that you’re wearing sneakers for fashion reasons—you want people to think that you just happen to like red shoes!

If you’re wearing a suit or dress with long sleeves, then make sure that your shirt matches the color of your pants and tie. If it’s a short-sleeved shirt, then go for something more neutral like white or light blue.

If you’re wearing shorts or jeans, then go for something darker like black or navy blue. Again, keep in mind that if it’s a short-sleeved shirt then go for something more neutral like white or light blue; if it’s long-sleeved then go for something darker like black or navy blue.

What to Wear on Red Sneakers

If you’ve ever wondered what to wear with red sneakers, the answer is simple. You want to make sure that your red shoes are the focal point of your outfit, so the rest of your outfit should be neutral. This means wearing black, white, or any other color that isn’t too bold.

The only time you might want to consider wearing a bold color is if you have a pair of red shoes that are made from a material like leather (which can be dyed in many colors). In this case, it might be okay to wear a bright color like yellow or orange with them—just make sure it doesn’t clash with the shoe.

Red sneakers are a bold fashion statement, which means they can be difficult to wear. Here are some tips on how to pull off the look!

Wear them with black jeans, a white shirt, and a black blazer.

Wear them with a dress that’s just above your knees.

Wear them with a skirt that’s just below your knees.

If you’re wearing red sneakers, the outfit you pair them with should be as subtle as possible.

Wear an outfit with a lot of black or dark colors—that way, your red shoes will stand out.

If you have a pair of black pants that are too long and need to be hemmed, wear them with your red sneakers.

If you want to wear a skirt, try pairing it with a white or light-colored shirt. This will make sure that the entire outfit isn’t too bright.

If you want to wear red sneakers, there are a few things you should keep in mind.

First, you’ll want to make sure that your outfit is balanced. Red is a very bold color, so if you try to wear it with a lot of other bright colors or patterns, your look will end up feeling unbalanced and overwhelming.

Instead, pair red sneakers with neutral colors like black or navy blue. You can also go for a monochromatic look with black pants and a white shirt—the shoes will pop against the black while still highlighting the white in your outfit.

For an even more classic look, try pairing your red sneakers with khaki pants or jeans and a solid-color button-up shirt (you can find button-ups in all sorts of shades at any department store).

If you’re wearing red sneakers, you want to be aware of the color’s power. Red is a very bold, attention-grabbing color. While that may be great for some people and situations, it can also work against you in others.

If you’re going to wear red sneakers, make sure that the rest of your outfit is neutral. You don’t want red shoes to be the only thing people notice about your outfit.

Wear white or cream-colored pants if possible. That will help balance out the red and make your look more cohesive. If white pants aren’t an option, then try pairing them with black pants instead of brown or blue ones—those colors are too similar to red’s and could distract from it instead of complementing it.

If you have a black top already picked out for this outfit, make sure that it isn’t too busy—you don’t want any pieces competing with each other or getting in each other’s way!

If you’re going to wear red sneakers, the first thing to consider is what the rest of your outfit will be.

If you’re wearing jeans and a hoodie, it’s probably best to go with black or gray shoes. If you’re wearing something more formal, then red sneakers will make a statement.

But what if you don’t want to wear any other color? What if you just want to wear red sneakers with nothing else?

In that case, we recommend that everyone wears white socks with their red sneakers. This creates a clean look without making any other colors necessary.

When you’re wearing red sneakers, you want to wear something that’s going to make you look like a boss. That means choosing a pair of jeans that fit well and flatter your body (leather is always a good choice), and a shirt that flatters your body type.

If you’re feeling more daring, try pairing your red sneakers with a skirt or dress—but don’t forget to put on some tights! Red can be super bold, but it doesn’t always work with every outfit.

If you’re really feeling yourself, go for an all-red look: red socks, red hat, red scarf, red lipstick… the works! Just remember that this is an outfit choice, not an excuse to show off how much time you spent getting ready in the morning. If you’re going all out like this, make sure that everything fits together seamlessly so it looks intentional rather than thrown together.

You’re probably familiar with the term “business casual,” but you might not be so sure what it means.

In short, business casual is a style of dress that’s appropriate for the office or other professional settings, like meetings or conferences. It’s a little more relaxed than traditional office attire because it allows you to show your personality through your clothing choices. That said, you still need to be mindful of what you wear if you want to look professional and put your best foot forward.

Here are some tips for wearing red sneakers in a business casual environment:

1) Make sure your entire outfit is coordinated—this includes shoes, pants/skirt/dress, shirt/blouse/top, and accessories such as jewelry or scarves. This can be easy if all of these things are in the same color family (for example, all black), but it can be more challenging if they aren’t! If this isn’t possible for whatever reason (like needing to match a client’s dress code), then try to pick one color from each category that works together nicely without being too matchy-matchy (for example, white pants with black shoes).

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