Polka Dot Organza Blouse

Polka Dot Organza Blouse

Polka dots blouse have been in fashion for ages irrespective of the season. Since 1950, polka dot have dominated the fashion scene. This style is evidently worn by top celebrities in the world. Polka dot blouse is special because of its retro vibe. It can fit into casual and formal wears. It is important to know how to style a polka dot organza blouse.

Polka dot can be worn with bold and non flashy  colors. In oder to get the best result, mixing polka dot with bright colours is preferable.
The best polka dot mixing colours are red, green, pink and yellow. Talking about Polka dot shirts and blouses, colored trousers, skirts or pants are best. Please have in mind that solid colours require black and white polka dot blouse or top. When you bring in two solid colors, the look becomes childish. In oder to be on the safe side. We recommend bold colours on black and white polka dot blouse.

Polka dot organza blouse is a fashion statement blouse in 2021. Below are polka dot blouse style you can try out; if 

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