Morning Workout Vs Evening Workout For Weight Loss

Morning workout for weight loss is the best way to start the day. It helps you wake up, has a positive effect on your mood and makes you happy. It also improves your hormonal balance, which is very important for weight loss.

If you are not a morning person, there are many ways to make it easier for yourself. You can start with a small workout and gradually increase it as time goes by. Nowadays there are many apps designed specifically for morning workouts, so you will not have any difficulties with setting up your schedule or planning what exercises you need to do today.

Evening workout for weight loss is also very effective because it allows you to burn fat while sleeping and improve your overall health at the same time. This type of exercise is great for those who have little time in their hands but want to keep their bodies fit and healthy!

Right here on Buy and Slay, you are privy to a litany of relevant information on exercise time per day, exercise for weight loss at home, and so much more. Take out time to visit our catalog for more information on similar topics.

Morning Workout Vs Evening Workout For Weight Loss

Weight loss: At what time do your exercise? People do have a favourite time of the day to exercise. For some, waking up in the morning is a difficult task to achieve. Others don’t feel energised enough to do an efficient workout in morning. There are also people who find exercising in the morning calming and stress-relieving, and an effective and healthy way to start their day. In this article, we are going to talk about what is the right time to exercise and if there’s any time in which exercise yields better results.

Morning or evening: What is the right time to exercise for weight loss and other benefits?

Exercising in morning

Ideally, there are multiple pros to working out in the morning. Starting your day early in the morning adds extra hours to your day. You get done with your workout even before the day starts. It enables you to start your day with a dose of endorphins, less stress and a calm mind.

A study published in Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise found out that women who walked briskly for 45 minutes in the morning were less-distracted by delicious-looking food photos, as compared to when they didn’t exercise at all. It also helped them be physically active through the day.

Exercising in the morning can improve metabolism, which means that you will continue to burn calories throughout the day. Also, it has been found that exercising in the morning can help you sleep better, as compared to exercising in evening or anywhere close to bed time.

Benefits Of Doing Morning Exercises

  1. Helps in weight loss

Early morning exercise before breakfast burns out your fat and calories at a very quick pace. This kick starts your weight loss endeavour and keeps you healthy.

  1. Activate your body and brain

So that’s common sense. Starting your day with a good workout session keeps you moving throughout the day. You’ll become the zippy, chirpy bird running all around with an active brain and body. A morning workout helps you leave behind your sedentary lifestyle back home and starts fresh.

  1. Helps in getting a better sleep

Exercise and sleep go hand in hand. Boosting up your metabolic rate with a few morning exercises creates a hormonal balance and serves you a good night’s sleep. Get a tight sleep so that you can build a world of a dream for your life ahead.

  1. Keep blood sugar under control

Physical exercise is crucial in the treatment of type 1 diabetes (T1DM). Working out, however, might be difficult for persons with T1DM. Hypoglycemia, or low blood glucose, is a danger of exercise. According to a 2015 research published in the Journal of Diabetes Science and Technology, morning exercise at home decreases that risk. 35 people with T1DM participated in the trial, which included morning and afternoon treadmill exercises. Exercising in the morning had a decreased incidence of hypoglycemia episodes following exertion than afternoon workouts.

  1. Sleep better

An early workout might be exactly what you need to achieve a decent night’s sleep. Adults received better sleep on days they exercised around 7 a.m., according to the 2014 study published in Vascular Health and Risk Management. Participants spent more time in deep sleep after the morning workout and had fewer midnight awakenings. Exercising outside first thing in the morning has significantly more sleep benefits. Early morning light exposure may help boost melatonin levels at night.

  1. Lower your blood pressure

Physical activity is one of the most effective ways to lower blood pressure naturally. A 2014 study published in Vascular Health and Risk Management suggests that exercising first thing in the morning is the best option. In three independent sessions, twenty prehypertensive people exercised on treadmills at 7 a.m., 1 p.m., and 7 p.m. in three independent sessions. The subjects also wore a medical gadget to track their blood pressure response. The greatest beneficial blood pressure improvements occurred on 7 a.m. workout days.

  1. Build muscles faster

You need more testosterone in your body if you want to create and gain muscle. And can you predict when your testosterone levels are at their highest? Yes, you got it correctly – when you first wake up in the morning! As a result, doing your exercises and training first thing in the morning can help you create muscles more effectively and efficiently since your body is in its peak muscle-building stage.

  1. Fight off sickness

Diabetes is one of the advantages of morning exercise at home, especially before breakfast. Morning activities can aid with insulin resistance, which has been related to a lower risk of diabetes. Belgian researchers discovered that persons who exercised without consuming anything before or during the workout had better insulin sensitivity.

  1. The healthy habits effect

In general, morning exercise at home helps to control your appetite by lowering the hunger hormone ghrelin. Satiety hormones such as peptide YY and glucagon-like peptide-1 are also increased. Working exercise in the morning, on the other hand, may help you regulate your hunger even more.

35 women walked on a treadmill for 45 minutes in the morning in a 2012 research published in Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise. The women’s brain waves were then monitored as they watched photographs of flowers (the control) and food. The technique was repeated a week later, but this time without the morning exercise. According to the study, the women’s brains responded to food photographs more strongly when they didn’t exercise in the morning.

  1. Improve Metabolism

Metabolism is the process through which our bodies turn the food and beverages we consume into energy. Even when we’re sleeping, our bodies rely on this mechanism to remain operating. Consider this: even when you’re not doing anything, your body needs to breathe, circulate blood, and develop and repair cells.

Now, that we understood a few benefits of doing morning exercises. Let’s just dive into 20 best morning exercise routine that you can do as a beginner at home.

Exercising in evening


The body’s ability to perform is at its peak in the afternoon, reports From 2 pm to 6 pm, the body temperature is at its highest. As the body temperature increases, it optimises your muscle function and strength. This means that your body is most prepared to exercise at this time, making it an effective time of the day to workout.

Your heart rate and blood pressure are also at its lowest during late afternoon and evening, and this reduces your chance of injury and can also improve exercise performance.

However, it is not advised to workout too close to bedtime as it may make it difficult to get good sleep.

All in all, no matter what time you exercise, the fact that you exercise regularly, is what matters the most. The benefits of working out regularly are unprecedented. From less stress to better body mobility, agility, fitness and flexibility, it helps in multiple ways. Regular exercise is the key to losing weight and being disease-free.

Benefits Of Doing Evening Exercises

1. A True Stress Buster

After a long day at work or school, a normal individual goes through a certain amount of stress. Maybe it is the deadlines that have you worried, or you had too much to do today. Well, whatever your reasons were, a great way to ensure your brain remains strong and healthy is to do evening exercises. The ‘feel-good’ endorphins that get released when you workout enhance your coping mechanisms and greatly benefit your mental health. And, if you have been struggling with too much stress, making this a regular practice will help you face your emotions better.

2. A Calm Clear Mind

What do you generally do in the evenings? Maybe watch a movie or read a book? Now, after a long day, there is no doubt that you have a lot going on in that mind of yours. And, to ensure you enjoy a good night’s sleep, you need to have a calm and clear mind, and evening exercises can help you with it. Exercising before you hit the sheets can help take away all your worries and make you feel good.

3. Helps Overcome Body Tension

When you sit or stand for long durations, muscle stiffness becomes inevitable. And your neck, shoulders, hips, and back generally are the target spots. Therefore, to prevent it, it is best to do stretching exercises in the evening as it provides relief from muscle tension and makes you feel utterly relaxed. Don’t overdo it and start slow. You can take up yoga if you are someone who experiences muscle stiffness quite often. And, when you go to bed with a calm mind and relaxed body, it helps you achieve a good night’s sleep.

4. Enhances Sleep Quality

According to the National Sleep Foundation, it is recommended that you exercise three hours before your bed-time as exercising gives you a burst of energy. Once you come down from the ‘exercise high,’ you will be able to sleep well as you will be devoid of any stress, and your muscles will also be in a relaxed state. And if you are someone who cannot fall asleep easily or struggles with insomnia, it is highly recommended that you exercise in the evenings as it can enhance your sleep quality. And when you enjoy a good night’s sleep, your mornings will go great too.

5. An Easy Morning Routine

When you don’t schedule your workouts in the morning, it means you have a relaxed morning routine to look forward to. You don’t have to wake up very early or rush to the gym. You can take it slow and steady and do things more calmly. For instance, you can enjoy your morning cup of coffee by taking your own sweet time or cook yourself some nice breakfast, and these minute things can put you in a good mood, boosting your productivity. And, in the evening, when you are done with your chores, exercising will put you at ease. 

6. A Great Way to End the Day

Maybe you are bored at home and feel like going out with your friends to have a pizza or a burger or even a drink! Now, when you workout in the evenings, you can get rid of such unhealthy lifestyle habits! You won’t be bored in the evenings and won’t end up finishing that entire bottle of wine on your own. And the best part is you have a plan for the evening. You don’t have to sit and decide on how you can spend your time. 

7. A Longer Workout

When you are working out in the evening, there may not be strict time constraints. You can easily dedicate a little more time for your workouts, unlike mornings, where you have to rush to work or school. Also, when you exercise in the evening, you will be able to enjoy it more as you are done with your day. And, if hitting the gym is what you prefer, the place will mostly remain uncrowded, so you can go on with your workouts without hindrance.

Bonus Benefit: Exercise Can Spark Up Your Sex Life

After a long hard day, most people lose interest in intimate acts because, firstly, they are too tired, and second, the stress gets to you. Exercising in the evening can solve this problem as it boosts your energy levels, ensuring you don’t feel tired any longer and relaxes your mind, making sure you enjoy the act. Also, for men, exercising regularly can prevent erectile dysfunction, and for women, it enhances arousal. So yes, exercising in the evening comes with a whole set of advantages.

Exercise Time Per Day

One of the most common questions that exercisers ask is: “how long should I work out?” The answer to this question depends on your goals and current health status. While following minimum guidelines for physical activity can help to maintain health and combat the negative impacts of a sedentary lifestyle, it takes more effort to lose weight and get fit. In addition, an individual’s current level of fitness will also determine how much they should exercise each day.

When people wonder how long they should be exercising they may hope the answer is less versus more. In fact, the recent health and fitness trend is to do shorter workouts for weight loss. But this fad might not always be effective for everyone—whether you’re trying to lose weight or improve your level of fitness.

The best method to determine how long you should work out shouldn’t be based on fitness trends. Of course, you can (and should) still include short workouts on rotation in your schedule. But you will also have to do some cardiovascular workouts that are a little bit longer if you want to lose weight and stay healthy.

Weight Loss

According to the American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM), you should exercise for 150–250 minutes per week to lose weight. The organization also suggests that more exercise provides better results.

If you want to keep the weight off for good, the ACSM prescribes a minimum of 250 minutes of moderate to high-intensity exercise per week.

To meet the ACSM guideline, you could simply exercise for 40 minutes every day. But that workout schedule could get boring, which may cause you to quit your program. In addition, to lose weight effectively you need to exercise at different intensity levels. This requires that you adjust your workout duration to accommodate the various workloads. It’s also helpful to keep track of your daily calorie needs for weight loss. This calculator can provide you with an estimate.

Build Strength

Muscle mass decreases with age, which stresses the importance of regular resistance training. Strength training builds stronger muscles and bones to support the joints and prevent fractures and can even be beneficial for managing arthritis.

In addition to cultivating a regular strength training regimen, it’s important to make sure that you’re still incorporating enough cardiovascular activity to maintain or improve your current level of aerobic fitness.

Switching up your workout routines and workout lengths can help stave off boredom and help you stay motivated. But be sure to carve out time for rest and recovery days to avoid injury or burnout.

A 2016 review and meta-analysis published in Sports Medicine suggests that strength training at least two days a week can effectively build and strengthen muscle. Some experts recommend three days or more, however. 

Stay Healthy

The American Heart Association (AHA) has physical activity recommendations for basic health maintenance for adults and children in the United States. Here’s a close look at some of the AHA’s advice.

  • Adults: Americans aged 18 and older should get at least 150 minutes of heart-pumping moderate-intensity aerobic activity or 75 minutes of higher-intensity cardiovascular activity (or some combination of both) each week. The AHA also recommends incorporating strength and resistance training at least two days per week.
  • Children: For kids aged 3–5, the AHA states that this group should be very active throughout the day. Children aged 6-17 are advised to get at least 60 minutes of moderate- to vigorous-intensity cardiovascular exercise per day, with vigorous intensity at least three days per week. Strength-training activities for this age group should be at least three days a week, gradually increasing with frequency and intensity over time.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reports that only around 22.9% of U.S. adults aged 18–64 meet the minimum guidelines for physical activity each week.

To reap the health benefits of regular exercise, the AHA suggests that adults gradually increase the amount and intensity of exercise to reach a goal of 300 minutes (5 hours) of physical activity per week.

To incorporate more heart-pumping physical activity into your daily life, the AHA recommends first and foremost being less sedentary whenever possible. Even light activity such as getting up and going for a short walk or performing gentle stretching can help offset the risks associated with too much sitting, according to the AHA. In addition, the AHA suggests the following activities:

Moderate-Intensity Exercise

  • Ballroom or social dancing
  • Brisk walking (at least 2.5 miles per hour)
  • Biking slower than 10 mph
  • Doubles tennis
  • Gardening
  • Water aerobics

Vigorous-Intensity Exercise

  • Aerobic dancing
  • Cycling 10 mph or faster
  • Jumping rope
  • Hiking (uphill or with a heavy backpack)
  • Singles tennis
  • Swimming laps
  • Rigorous yardwork
  • Running

While getting enough exercise is crucial for maintaining and improving health, staying hydrated and getting proper nutrition is just as important. For advice on following a healthy, balanced diet, refer to the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s 2020–2025 Dietary Guidelines for Americans.

How Long to Work Out Each Day

If you are healthy enough for vigorous exercise, your workout program should include hard, high-intensity days, easy days to recover, and moderate days when you build endurance, improve heart health, and burn fat. Each of these workout goals requires a different exercise duration.

How long you should exercise every day depends on the specific workouts you choose and your personal health and fitness goals. But in general, you’ll want to incorporate a mix of the following each week.

Short-Workout Days (20-30 minutes)

High-intensity intervals (HIIT) workouts need to be short. Why? Because your body simply can’t work very hard for a long period of time. If you find that you can complete high-intensity drills for an hour or longer, you’re probably not working hard enough.

HIIT workouts should last 20–30 minutes and feel very hard. Keep in mind, however, that you burn more calories from EPOC (excess post-exercise oxygen consumption), also known as “the afterburn,” if you structure high-intensity workouts properly.

Measure workout intensity with a heart rate monitor and make sure you reach your target heart rate for the session. If you are well-rested going into the workout, you’ll find it easier to work hard enough to reach that goal.

Easier Recovery Days (30-45 minutes)

The purpose of an easy day workout is to allow your body and your mind to rest. Of course, you could sit on the couch to recover as well. But an active recovery helps to increase your body’s range of motion, decreases your stress level, and increases your daily caloric burn. 

Active recovery is simply a low-intensity movement that increases the range of motion in your joints. For many people, an easy walk or a leisurely swim is a good active recovery exercise. Some yoga classes (restorative yoga, for example) are another smart option. An easy active recovery workout can last 30–45 minutes.

Long Moderate Workout Days (45-90 minutes)

Most of your workouts during the week will fall into the moderate category. These workouts burn more calories than a recovery day, but still allow your body to recover and prepare for high-intensity workout days. 

However, because your body isn’t working as hard on moderate workout days, you need to exercise for a longer period of time to burn enough calories to lose weight. Try to make these sessions last 45 minutes or longer.

If possible, schedule one long workout, 75 minutes or more, during the week. This longer session challenges you mentally and builds cardiovascular endurance.

Exercise For Weight Loss At Home

Exercise is essential for your overall health. Good health and weight loss are interrelated. If a person has a higher body mass index, then they are prone to several disorders like hypertension, diabetes, cholesterol, and other cardiovascular problems. Exercise becomes also very crucial for the effective management of these conditions. If you are diagnosed with diabetes, you can try out these exercises for diabetes to keep your blood sugar levels in check.  

Two important factors that need to be considered to lose weight are exercise and dieting. The balance between the two is very important. In your everyday routine, if you follow your diet and skip exercise or work out intensely and not follow your diet then you will see your body behaving very differently. 

Exercise has many benefits attached to it along with weight loss. Exercise improves your mood, strengthens your bones, and reduces the risk of many chronic diseases. People tend to pull themselves out from exercise as they won’t have the time to hit the gym or even cannot afford to join a gym or personal trainers to guide them on their fitness journey.

7 Best Exercises to Lose Weight At Home

So, here we would like to suggest to you the 7 best and popular exercise programs that you can practice at home and make yourself stronger, fitter and healthier. 

1. Aerobic Exercises

Walking is considered one of the best weight loss exercises. Walking at a fast pace is a great exercise for burning calories. An exercise program that puts minimal stress on your joints and can be incorporated into your day-to-day activities.

According to many studies, A 70-kg individual burns around 167 calories per 30 minutes of walking at a pace of 6.4 kph. It is also observed that an individual can reduce their body fat by an average of 1.5% and waist circumference by 2.8 cm by walking for 50-70 minutes 3 times per week.

Jogging and Running are considered to be the king of weight loss exercises. These exercises are total body integrated exercises. It will strengthen your legs and be very effective for belly fat. The major difference between running and jogging is the pace. Jogging is between 6 – 9 kph and running will be around 10 kph.

Running and Jogging will approximately help burn 372 calories per 30 minutes and 298 calories per 30 minutes respectively. The combination of these 3 exercises will certainly help improve your muscular strength and overall body weight to keep you fit and healthy. 

Exercise Pattern

Set aside 1 hour of your time and include these exercises in your routine.

  • Start with walking exercise for 15 minutes.
  • Increase your pace and start Jogging for the next 15 minutes.
  • With a constant increase in pace, run for another 15 minutes.
  • Reduce your pace and come back to jogging for 10 minutes.
  • Relax your body and slow down your pace and walk for 5 minutes.

2. Skipping or Jumping Rope

Skipping exercise offers a complete body workout and helps increase your muscle strength, metabolism, and burn many calories in a short time. 

Skipping exercise done regularly will bring in calmness and help to ease depression and anxiety. The workout also increases your heart rate which results in faster pumping of blood across your body to keep your heart in a better and healthy condition. Along with your heart, this exercise takes care of your lungs by keeping them functioning and healthy.

Everybody has a distinctive body and which makes the process obtain different results. Losing weight is nothing but burning more calories than you intake and skipping will surely help you do that. This form of exercise approximately burns calories close to 1300 per hour. 

Exercise Pattern

  • On a flat surface, stand with your back straight.
  • Make sure your feet are together and pointing straight.
  • Keep your hand straight pointing downwards close to your thighs.
  • Jump off the ground and let your rope pass under your feet and bring it back.
  • Repeat these steps and increase your jumping speed constantly.

3. Planks

Plank Pose or Plank exercise is one of the most effective full-body workouts. The biggest advantage of Plank’s workout is it targets most of the major muscle groups in the body. It strengthens your muscles in the core, shoulder, arms, chest, back, and hips. Along with these benefits, Plank exercises help in quickly burning the excess fats and calories from the body. 

A workout that seems to be a simple and easy one but it’s quite exhausting and intense. The plank exercise is a great example of the longer you workout the better will be your results. You need to focus on holding your plank position for a longer period to find quick and better results.

Plank exercise has different variations that target different muscle and body areas. Each variation is very helpful and keeps improving your core strength, body balance, endurance, and posture. 

Plank Exercise Variations

The Standard Plank: It is also known as The Extended Arms Plank. This position is best suited for beginners who are looking forward to improving their core strength. This workout is great for improving metabolic activity and digestion. The forearm Plank variation is an identical version of the extended arms plank. The target areas of this workout are the core, arms, shoulders, and back.

The Mountain Climbers: Considered as one of the intense variations of plank workout. A full-body workout that burns excess calories and fat from the body. The targeted areas of this workout are the biceps, hamstring muscles, core, triceps, and chest.

Exercise Pattern

  • Get down into the Push-Up or Standard Plank Position.
  • Now bend your right knee and pull it towards your chest.
  • Push your right knee back to your initial position.
  • Now bend your left knee and get it towards your chest.
  • Push your left knee back to your initial position
  • Continue the above steps around 20-25 times.

The Reverse Plank: This is a variation of the standard plank but done in a reverse manner. This workout is an excellent way to stretch your body. A workout that reduces unnecessary fats and calories from your body. It helps in strengthening your core, shoulders, back, chest, and gluteal muscles. 

Exercise Pattern

  • Sit down and extend your legs in front of you.
  • Place your hands behind your hips for your upper body support.
  • Now lift your hips by straightening your hand and form a straight line with your body.
  • Hold this position for 40-60 seconds.
  • Repeat these steps and methods around 20-30 times.

4. Push-Ups and Pull-Ups

Push-ups are one of the most popular exercises and it is a workout that can be done at any time, anyplace, and by anyone. Push-ups exercise is very useful for weight loss as it pushes your body away from the ground and exerts energy which in turn burns calories. 

Push-up exercises are good as it burns calories quickly and makes you focus on the larger muscles in your upper body. Push-up workout also focuses on your chest, shoulders, back, biceps, and triceps. Push up exercise will also strengthen your core muscles and make your body physically stable and healthy.

Push-ups help in building more lean muscles in our chest, shoulders, biceps, and triceps. If you keep practising push-ups for weeks or months or years, then you will build a great amount of muscle mass, and to maintain your muscle your body has to expend its calories. 

Exercise Pattern

  • Look for anti-slippery and flat surfaces.
  • Place your hands facing forward and slightly wider than your shoulder width.
  • Set your feet together or slightly apart in a comfortable position. Initially, you can keep your feet further apart until you find a proper balance.
  • Now bend your shoulders as low as possible towards the floor and push up back and straighten your arms.
  • Repeat these steps for 15 reps and 3 sets.

Pull-ups focus on several muscle groups that burn more calories as multiple muscles like biceps, triceps, back and core are working together. This workout can aid you to get in shape, increasing your ability to burn fat and boosting your metabolism. To complete a pull-up it nearly takes 15 muscles and the primary muscles are your lats and biceps.

According to the study, doing a pull-up workout will help you burn nearly 10 calories per minute. It is recommended that at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity or 75 minutes of vigorous-intensity workout have to be done each week as cardio is one of the best ways to burn calories.

Exercise Pattern

  • Grip the pull-up bar with your arms fully stretched by standing straight.
  • Now bend your knees and pull yourself until your chin clears the bar.
  • Come back to your original position slowly.
  • Repeat these steps for 15 reps and 4 sets.

5. Squats

Squat exercises are known as muscle strengthening exercises. The main aim of this exercise is to improve the lower part of the body. Squats help burn calories and prevent fat from accumulating in your lower part of the body. This exercise helps improve your mobility and also balance. A beginner should aim for 3 sets of 12-15 reps of at least one type of squat to expect better results.

Exercise Pattern:

  • Stand straight with your feet wider than your hip width with toes facing front.
  • By bending your knees and ankles push your hips back.
  • Sit into a squat position by keeping your heels and toes on the ground.
  • Keep your knees bent to a 90-degree angle and pose yourself parallel to the floor.
  • Straighten your legs by pressing your heels and return to the standing position.

6. Lunges

A popular strength training workout that strengthens and tones your lower body and improves overall fitness and athletic performance. Lunges mainly focus on strengthening your back, hips, and legs. 

Lunges help in building lean muscle and reduce body fat. It is important to push yourself and include lunges in a high-intensity workout routine with the help of heavyweights. The single-leg movements involved in this workout stabilizes muscles to develop balance, stability, and coordination. 

Exercise Pattern

  • Stand straight with your back and abs upright.
  • Bend your knee by keeping your right leg in the front.
  • Now, bend your knee until your right thigh is parallel to the ground and left one perpendicular.
  • Keep your front knee above your heel.
  • Come back and bring your feet together.
  • Repeat the above steps with your left leg.
  • 30 reps of alternate lunges are very helpful.

Along with exercises that need to be done at your place for weight loss. There are other factors and methods that can be helpful for weight management.

7. Yoga

Yoga, a 5000-year-old transcription has proved to be an effective weight loss therapy. It is believed to be developed by Rishis and Brahmans and has 5 basic principles: Exercise, Diet, Breathing, Relaxation, and Meditation.

The combination of Yoga and healthy eating has proven beneficial as it helps to lose weight along with keeping your body and mind healthy. It also improves your mindfulness and relation with your body. You can also lower your blood sugar levels by practising yoga for diabetes

Along with weight loss as its benefit, Yoga has more benefits to offer such as:

  1. Improved Cardio Health
  2. Increased Muscle tone
  3. Balanced Metabolism
  4. Improved Respiration
  5. Increased Flexibility
  6. Stress Management

Yoga Poses are an integral part of weight reduction. Yoga poses focus mostly on improving concentration and building your muscle tone. Your body should get used to these poses to yield maximum benefits from yoga.

Some of the yoga poses that should be practised for weight loss are:

  1. Warrior Pose
  2. Triangle Pose
  3. Shoulder Pose
  4. Bridge Pose
  5. Bow Pose
  6. Plank Pose
  7. Downward Dog Pose
  8. Sun Salutation

Calories Burned With Different Exercises

Here is a quick guide on how many calories different exercises burn within what time. Note that these are just general figures and the actual amount will depend on a variety of factors like your weight, age, fitness level, the intensity of your workout and the amount of time you put into each exercise: 

ExerciseCalories Burned
Jogging/Running372 to 700 calories per hour
Skipping Rope500-1300 calories per hour depending on weight
PlankingBetween 2-5 calories per minute (120-300 calories per hour)
Mountain Climbers Planks650 – 700 calories per hour
Pull ups1 calorie per pull up
Push upsAbout 171 calories within 15 minutes (around 343 calories in 30 minutes)
Squats19-44 calories per every 5 minutes (100-222 calories for every 25 minutes)
Lunges90 calories per 15 minutes
YogaBetween 180 and 460 calories per session (highly dependent on the type, intensity, duration of the session)

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