Aerobic exercise is one of the best ways to lose weight. It helps you burn more calories during your workout and keeps your heart healthy.

Aerobic exercise also improves your overall health, including your metabolism, immune system and mood. You can do aerobic exercises by walking or running outside, or by jogging or cycling on a treadmill or stationary bike indoors.

If you’re new to exercise, start slowly and gradually increase your intensity over time. The American Heart Association recommends at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity aerobic exercise per week (or 75 minutes of vigorous-intensity aerobic exercise).

Right here on Buy and Slay, you are privy to a litany of relevant information on aerobic exercise for weight loss at home, best aerobic exercise for weight loss, anaerobic exercise for weight loss, and so much more. Take out time to visit our catalog for more information on similar topics.

Intense Aerobic Workout For Weight Loss

Wish to lose weight and don’t have time for it? Then aerobics is your answer. Aerobic exercise is a physical activity which will make you sweat. When your heart starts beating faster and you start breathing harder, the by-product of these two is sweat. Doing aerobics exercise not only helps your cardiovascular health but also helps deliver oxygen to your body more efficiently. Since aerobic exercises use large muscle groups, they consequently leads to weight loss. Aerobic means how efficiently your body uses oxygen to meet its energy demand during high activity levels, for example, when you’re exercising. Aerobic exercise helps you to lose weight due to how easy they are to follow. Other than that, aerobic exercises also ensure fast and steady results as they get your heartbeat high. Aerobic exercises are easy to follow, quickest in application and not all of them require equipment. Some key benefits of following aerobic exercises are: Increased energy, boosted blood circulation, reduced body fat, weight loss, helps reduce tension and anxiety, improved sleep, helps reduce risk of diabetes, increases endurance and even helps in building a stronger body. If you are a busy individual short on time for exercise, then aerobics is for you. Since you do not require any fancy equipment to start this regime, aerobic makes for the most compatible exercise regime for many. Several studies have also confirmed the benefits of aerobic exercises which can help prevent accumulation of fat. Not only physical strength but aerobic exercise also helps in mental health issues like anxiety, depression and stress. This is because once your blood starts pumping due to exercise, your body automatically releases happy hormones which lead to better mood. Once you start doing aerobic exercise, you will start feeling a drastic difference in your energy and even feel that your skin has started glowing. Do remember to match up your exercise with your diet.
You can do the following aerobic exercises to lose weight quickly:

1. Cycling: A vigorous exercise to get your blood pumping, cycling is easy and effective to follow. Don’t have time to join the gym? Cycling is your answer.

2. Walking: Easy, effective and free! You do not need a place to go walking or need to pay for expensive classes to get your sweat flowing. Just get your walking shoes on and you’re ready!

3. Jogging: It is the high-cardio activity which qualifies as the perfect aerobic exercise. Looking to lose weight fast? Jog!

4. Dancing: Need something fun to lose weight? Dancing is the best to do so. Not only will you be sweating your heart after a session but will also enjoy your weight loss journey!

5. Zumba: A derivative of dancing, Zumba is more specialised. With effective exercises specifically made for certain body parts, Zumba is great for weight loss.

6. Swimming: Swimming easily qualifies as a whole-body workout which tones your arms, legs, waist, everything at the same time. A great aerobic exercise to shed those extra kilos.

7. Weight training: Even though you may require equipment for this aerobic exercise, but the end result of this is nothing short of wow.

8. Jumping jacks: Jumping jacks is our favourite childhood exercise and is also a great way to get your heart beating in no time! Again, you can do these anytime and anywhere.

9. Burpees: 
The hardest and the most successful way to lose weight is through burpees. Just 10 burpees everyday can make you lose weight in no time!

10. Skipping: Get a strong skipping rope and get on with it already. Skipping is an exceptional cardiovascular exercise which can tremendously increase your metabolism.

Aerobic Exercise For Weight Loss At Home

Let’s face it, we step into the gym for three major reasons– to lose weight, to shed that extra fat around the belly, and to burn calories. But, most of us find it difficult to squeeze in the time at least three times a week to go to the gym. An equally effective alternative is practicing aerobic exercises within the comfort zone of your home, given, you follow a rigorous and strict routine.

Aerobic exercises are fat-burning exercises, as they use fat over carbohydrates to energize you during the workout. One can see visible benefits within a month. They also strengthen your cardiovascular health, increase stamina, reduce anxiety and depression, and boost your energy. Below is a shortlist of the top aerobic exercises you can practice at home to lose weight and take your fitness journey to the next level.

20 Aerobic Exercises For Weight Loss

1. Skipping

Studies show that practicing skipping for 45 minutes can burn as many as 450 calories. It works on the muscles of your shoulders, calves, glutes, and quads.

Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and hold the jump rope’s handles firmly. Swing the rope atop your head and jump quickly as the rope nears the front of your feet. It might need a little practice to get going at a faster rate, which comes with regular practice.

2. Jumping Jacks

The Jumping jack is a total body exercise that primarily focuses on your quads. In lesser degrees, it also impacts your shoulders, abs, groin, calves, lower and upper back, hamstrings, and outer thighs.

Stand straight with your feet together and hands alongside your thighs. Now, jump with your feet spread sideways and arms above your head simultaneously. Jump back to the normal position. 30 minutes of jumping jacks can help you shed 200 calories. However, doing it continuously could be a challenge and monotonous. Thus, break them into three sessions of 10 minutes each and get a 5-minute rest in between.

3. Stair Training

This aerobic exercise primarily targets your calves, hamstrings, glutes, and quads. Apart from toning your lower body, it boosts the stamina of your cardiovascular system. Walk up and down the stairs for 15–20 minutes at a steady pace. Gradually increase the time to 30 minutes and your speed to a faster rate.

4. Butt Kicks

This exercise works on your hamstrings and glutes. Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and bend your arms towards the sides. Bend your right knee like you are jogging and touch your butt with the right ankle. Repeat with the other leg. Keep the pace slow until you have perfected it. Complete 2 or 3, 30 second to 1-minute sets.

5. Mountain Climber

The primary muscles this exercise works upon are the abs, glutes, hips, and legs. Get into a high plank position with your core tight. Now, bring your right knee up towards the center of your stomach and quickly switch to the left leg. Begin with a slower pace and increase it gradually. Do 1–2 sets of 8–10 repetitions. It is necessary to align your body properly during this exercise.

6. Bear Crawls

This exercise strengthens your whole body and increases muscle power. It boosts your metabolism and improves cardiovascular health. Get down on your legs and hands, with knees slightly bent, but with your back flat. Walk in this position with your right foot and left hand forward, followed by the left foot and right hand forward. This completes one repetition. Practice 2–3 sets of 15–20 repetitions each.

7. Burpees

Burpees are intense full-body exercises that increase your blood circulation, heart rate, strength, and flexibility. Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and get into a squat position. Bend forward to place your palms in front of your feet and stretch your feet behind to get into a plank position. Immediately, return to the squat position and jump. Practice 3–5 sets of 8–15 repetitions each.

8. Squat Jacks

This exercise works great on your lower body and improves posture and stability. Stand with your feet together and hands alongside your thighs. Jump up and spread your feet while you settle into a squat position. Push through the heels and jump back up and return to the starting position. Do 1–2 sets of 8–15 repetitions each.

9. Inchworm

This exercise gives a complete warm-up to your body. It strengthens your arms, chest, upper and lower back, and abs. Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart. Bend at your waist and let your hands touch the floor. Walk your hands forward to attain a plank position. Once you are in the plank position, walk your feet towards your hand and stand. Practice 2–3 sets of 10–15 repetitions each.

10. High Knees

Stand straight with your feet shoulder-width apart. Lift your knees up to the waist level and drop your feet slowly down. Repeat with the other leg. This completes one cycle. Practicing high knees burns more calories and increases the metabolism. Practicing sets of 30 seconds each as long as you can comfortably manage helps.

11. Donkey Kicks

This exercise mainly works on glutes and hips. Get down on all fours such that your hands are below your shoulders and your knees are aligned along your hips. Kick your right leg in the air and bring it back gently. Repeat with left leg. Complete 3 sets of 15–20 repetitions each.

12. Corkscrew

Corkscrew primarily works on abs and obliques. Lie on your back and tuck your hands below your butt for support (if required). Lift your legs up perpendicular to the ground, while sucking in your navel. Keeping your legs together, make a complete rotation with your legs. Make sure your abs are tight throughout the exercise.

13. Flutter Kicks

This exercise mainly concentrates on your abdominal muscles and helps you reduce your waistline. Lie straight on your back with your hands tucked below your lower back for support. Lift your legs up in the air, perpendicular to the ground. Kick your feet up and down repeatedly. Do 2–3 sets of 18–20 repetitions each.

14. Skaters

This exercise enhances coordination and balance while strengthening the cardiovascular system. Lean forward and jump to the right. Bring your left foot behind your right and left arm in front of you. Repeat the same by jumping towards your left and bringing your right foot behind and right arm in the front. This completes one repetition. Practice for a set of 30 seconds about 4 times.

15. Plank Jacks

This exercise develops your core strength and reduces lower back pain. Come into the push-up position with your feet together. Hop your feet sideways as much as you comfortably can and rest on toes gently. Hop back to normal position by bringing your feet together. Practice plank jacks for 30 seconds to 1 minute.

16. Box Jumps

You would need a bench or a sturdy box to do this exercise. Choose a box with the height equivalent to your mid-calf, if you are doing it for the first time. Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart, facing the box. Now, bend your knees, swing your arms, and land on the box lightly. To return, just step back one foot at a time.

17. Invisible Jump Rope

This is similar to skipping except that you do not use a rope. Jump not more than 2 inches above the ground, like you are using the rope, and land on your toes and balls of the feet. Keep your wrists moving like you are holding the handle of the rope and swinging it. This exercise works on your calves, hamstrings, and glutes.

18. Jumping Lunges

This exercise helps you tone your butt and thighs and boosts your cardiac health. Take a large step backward and lower your hips. Place the knee of the leg placed behind on the floor and the front thigh parallel to the ground. Jump and switch your leg positions. Jump again and return to the normal position.

19. Jump Forward Jogs

Stand with your feet hip-width apart and bend your knees. Swing your arms behind and then forward, and take a giant leap landing gently on your toes. Jog backward to the position where you started.

20. Sprinters Sit-Ups

Begin with a seated position with your arms bent at a right angle and your legs extended in front of you. Now, engaging your obliques, lift your left leg with your left knee and bring your right elbow towards the left knee. Get back to starting position and repeat it on the other side.


So, how did you do? It’s easy to put together a list of aerobics exercises to do at home for the short term, but long-term changes are results to strive for and are thus more challenging to accomplish. Remember that “rigorous and strict routine” we mentioned earlier? You need to be disciplined and committed, which many find to be the most challenging aspect of a fitness pilgrimage, and end up quickly burning out. You want lasting results, you NEED lasting results. That’s where fitness and weight loss retreats come in.

Fitness retreats are a great starting point for you to begin your journey to a healthier you. It’s a support network of like-minded individuals looking to achieve similar goals. You’ll learn how to properly nurture your body through not only exercise but also through realistic diets that provide proper nutrition that you can easily whip up in your kitchen. Fitness retreats are more than just exercise training, they provide life skills that you can take home with you, so you can confidently pick up at-home aerobic workout routines like this one, and maximize your results.

Anaerobic Exercise For Weight Loss

The importance of anaerobic training is gaining more and more weight in the fitness world. The reason for this is the importance that the short but intense power efforts of this training method – like sprinting during endurance running or high-intensity interval training – has for burning fat. We show how it works exactly and what you have to keep in mind during training.

The word “aerobic” comes from the Greek and means air. Anaerobic is the opposite and thus means without air: So when we “get out of breath” during sports, we are in the anaerobic zone. There is a lack of oxygen. At the usual maximum heart rate, the anaerobic threshold (depending on age and gender) is usually between 180 and 190 heartbeats per minute. This corresponds to 90 percent of the heart rate. Accordingly, this intensive anaerobic training can and should last a short time.

Those who permanently try to train anaerobically need very long recovery times or risk a drop in performance and serious damage to health with so-called overtraining. Exactly where the anaerobic zone begins varies from person to person. Fitness and health status play just as much a role as age.

Fat burning – only aerobic?

The distinction between aerobic and anaerobic is important for the conversion of substances in the body. Fats can – in the short term and directly – only be burned and broken down by aerobic training, i.e. with the help of oxygen. Anaerobic training, on the other hand, only converts carbohydrates into energy. And that pays off in the long run.

During sports, the body needs a lot of energy. Depending on the load, i.e. intensity and thus pulse rate, it recovers the necessary power from fats or carbohydrates.

Has the resting pulse abdicated?

While for years the aerobic range was praised as the panacea for fat burning under the keyword “resting pulse”, sports research is now also strongly concerned with the effect of anaerobic training. It is true that fat cannot be burned during training if no oxygen is available. However, working out in the higher pulse range increases energy consumption in a shorter time and thus the absolute amount of calories needed.

How to quickly get the fat off

A higher intensity in fitness training is associated with an increase in performance and leads to a higher muscle mass in the body. This in turn results in a higher afterburn effect in metabolism, because muscle cells need and consume more energy than fat cells.

Anaerobic training therefore helps burn fat three times over:

  • through the increased energy consumption compared to aerobic training
  • through the afterburn effect in the regeneration phase
  • through the long-term increased energy demand of the body

Instead of jogging to the dumbbells?

If you want to lose weight in sports, you need a relatively long, increasing training period in the aerobic range. If you can’t or don’t want to spend this amount of time, you can reach your goal faster with anaerobic training. Here it is sufficient to increase intensity and speed. Then “afterwards” the effective fat burning is set in motion.
To achieve the desired effect, it is enough to take a sprint every now and then when running. For those who prefer the gym, high-intensity interval training is recommended for losing weight.

The alternation between aerobic and anaerobic ranges is also used in competitive sports to achieve a permanent increase in fitness. 80 percent of the training is spent on endurance, 20 percent on high intensities. This ratio can also be used by experienced athletes. Beginners should initially train below the anaerobic threshold to strengthen their cardiovascular system.

Exercises: Anaerobic running workout

For endurance runs, the 1000-meter rule is often used to reach the anaerobic threshold. Of the kilometers run each week, one tenth is completed in 1000-meter runs. So if you run 50 km per week, you would have to do 5 km of that, or 5×1000 m, at a faster pace.

If possible, on a single day or on a maximum of two days per week, after warming up, start running the first 600 meters at a normal pace and speed up the remaining 400 meters. If you find this difficult, look for an uphill section of the course and try to maintain your pace despite the incline.

After each 1000-meter run, there is a recovery period that lasts about as long as the run. Then it’s the turn of the second 1000m run, and so on.

Exercises: Anaerobic workout in the gym

In the gym there is the possibility of setting higher weights for strength training on equipment once or twice a week for two minutes.

For those who train without weights, the treadmill in the higher pulse range (between 180 and 190) or HIIT, high-intensity interval training, is suitable according to the 1000m rule in running. Here, just 5 minutes are enough to exceed the anaerobic threshold. Exercises such as squats, jumping jacks, jumping rope or burpees are performed at maximum speed for one minute at a time (work with a timer!) until you reach your personal limit. After that, a break of 20 sec. (no longer) and immediately either repeat the same exercise or connect another one. After four exercise units exactly 5 minutes have passed, consisting of 4 x 1 min. exercise and 3 x 20 sec. break.

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