Evening Exercise For Weight Loss

The idea of exercising at night might seem counterintuitive. After all, what if you’re too tired to even walk? Or what if it’s freezing outside and you can’t find the motivation to go for a run?

The truth is, there are tons of ways to exercise at night that don’t involve going to the gym or running in place while watching TV. In fact, many people find that exercising at night helps them get more sleep, which is why so many people turn to evening workouts as part of their weight loss regimen.

In this guide, we’re going to take a look at some of the most popular types of exercises that are done at night—and why they work so well!

Right here on Buy and Slay, you are privy to a litany of relevant information on bed exercises to lose belly fat, how long to work out each day, and so much more. Take out time to visit our catalog for more information on similar topics.

Evening Exercise For Weight Loss

The body’s ability to perform is at its peak in the afternoon, reports healthline.com. From 2 pm to 6 pm, the body temperature is at its highest. As the body temperature increases, it optimises your muscle function and strength. This means that your body is most prepared to exercise at this time, making it an effective time of the day to workout.

Your heart rate and blood pressure are also at its lowest during late afternoon and evening, and this reduces your chance of injury and can also improve exercise performance.

However, it is not advised to workout too close to bedtime as it may make it difficult to get good sleep.

All in all, no matter what time you exercise, the fact that you exercise regularly, is what matters the most. The benefits of working out regularly are unprecedented. From less stress to better body mobility, agility, fitness and flexibility, it helps in multiple ways. Regular exercise is the key to losing weight and being disease-free.

Benefits Of Doing Evening Exercises

1. A True Stress Buster

After a long day at work or school, a normal individual goes through a certain amount of stress. Maybe it is the deadlines that have you worried, or you had too much to do today. Well, whatever your reasons were, a great way to ensure your brain remains strong and healthy is to do evening exercises. The ‘feel-good’ endorphins that get released when you workout enhance your coping mechanisms and greatly benefit your mental health. And, if you have been struggling with too much stress, making this a regular practice will help you face your emotions better.

2. A Calm Clear Mind

What do you generally do in the evenings? Maybe watch a movie or read a book? Now, after a long day, there is no doubt that you have a lot going on in that mind of yours. And, to ensure you enjoy a good night’s sleep, you need to have a calm and clear mind, and evening exercises can help you with it. Exercising before you hit the sheets can help take away all your worries and make you feel good.

3. Helps Overcome Body Tension

When you sit or stand for long durations, muscle stiffness becomes inevitable. And your neck, shoulders, hips, and back generally are the target spots. Therefore, to prevent it, it is best to do stretching exercises in the evening as it provides relief from muscle tension and makes you feel utterly relaxed. Don’t overdo it and start slow. You can take up yoga if you are someone who experiences muscle stiffness quite often. And, when you go to bed with a calm mind and relaxed body, it helps you achieve a good night’s sleep.

4. Enhances Sleep Quality

According to the National Sleep Foundation, it is recommended that you exercise three hours before your bed-time as exercising gives you a burst of energy. Once you come down from the ‘exercise high,’ you will be able to sleep well as you will be devoid of any stress, and your muscles will also be in a relaxed state. And if you are someone who cannot fall asleep easily or struggles with insomnia, it is highly recommended that you exercise in the evenings as it can enhance your sleep quality. And when you enjoy a good night’s sleep, your mornings will go great too.

5. An Easy Morning Routine

When you don’t schedule your workouts in the morning, it means you have a relaxed morning routine to look forward to. You don’t have to wake up very early or rush to the gym. You can take it slow and steady and do things more calmly. For instance, you can enjoy your morning cup of coffee by taking your own sweet time or cook yourself some nice breakfast, and these minute things can put you in a good mood, boosting your productivity. And, in the evening, when you are done with your chores, exercising will put you at ease. 

6. A Great Way to End the Day

Maybe you are bored at home and feel like going out with your friends to have a pizza or a burger or even a drink! Now, when you workout in the evenings, you can get rid of such unhealthy lifestyle habits! You won’t be bored in the evenings and won’t end up finishing that entire bottle of wine on your own. And the best part is you have a plan for the evening. You don’t have to sit and decide on how you can spend your time. 

7. A Longer Workout

When you are working out in the evening, there may not be strict time constraints. You can easily dedicate a little more time for your workouts, unlike mornings, where you have to rush to work or school. Also, when you exercise in the evening, you will be able to enjoy it more as you are done with your day. And, if hitting the gym is what you prefer, the place will mostly remain uncrowded, so you can go on with your workouts without hindrance.

Bonus Benefit: Exercise Can Spark Up Your Sex Life

After a long hard day, most people lose interest in intimate acts because, firstly, they are too tired, and second, the stress gets to you. Exercising in the evening can solve this problem as it boosts your energy levels, ensuring you don’t feel tired any longer and relaxes your mind, making sure you enjoy the act. Also, for men, exercising regularly can prevent erectile dysfunction, and for women, it enhances arousal. So yes, exercising in the evening comes with a whole set of advantages.

How to Exercise at Night to Lose Weight

If you’re not a morning person and getting out of bed to exercise is a no-go or your schedule doesn’t allow you to work out during the day, fret not. As long as you’re committed to being fit and can spare some time in the day to work out, your weight-loss goals are within reach.

In fact, according to the American Council on Exercise, you may even be able to perform better if you work out later in the day because your muscles are warmer and more flexible, your perceived exertion is low, your reaction time is quicker, your strength is at its peak and your resting heart rate and blood pressure are low.

There are a few steps you can take to build a nighttime exercise routine for weight loss.

Make It a Daily Habit

The key to building an exercise routine and losing weight is consistency, so you need to organize your schedule in a way that ensures you have a dedicated window every night to work out, without any distractions.

An April 2015 study published in the Journal of Behavioral Medicine found that exercising at least four times a week for six weeks was the minimum requirement for establishing an exercise habit. A nighttime routine can be harder to maintain than a morning routine; the American Council on Exercise notes that people who work out in the morning tend to be more regular than people who exercise at night.

Committing to exercising at night may mean consistently wrapping up work early, turning down social commitments and resisting the urge to unwind in front of the television.

Fuel Up During the Day

Eat healthy, balanced meals during the day to fuel your workout. Avoid eating junk food or heavy meals that will slow you down and make you feel sluggish. You don’t want to be working out on an empty stomach either so make sure you eat breakfast, lunch and either an early dinner or an evening snack two hours before you exercise.

Opt for foods that have a combination of protein and carbs to power your workout. After your workout, make it a point to eat something before you sleep, even if you’ve already had an early dinner before your workout. Your body needs protein and nutrition to repair your muscles and carbs to replace depleted muscle glycogen. Make sure you drink plenty of fluids both during the day and after exercising to stay hydrated.

Try Cardio and Resistance Training

Working out at night is a great way to blow off some steam and relax before you go to bed. A January 2014 study published in the journal of Progress in Cardiovascular Diseases evaluated various types of exercise and their effect on weight loss and found that a combination of cardio and resistance training can help you achieve significant weight loss, especially if you do high volumes of cardio.

The study found that a high volume of cardio can also help you achieve significant weight loss by itself, but throwing in some resistance training can help you build muscle and burn fat. As an added bonus, it’ll give your workout a little more variety.

Don’t Lose Out on Sleep

While exercise is important, sleep is equally important so you need to ensure that you’re not sacrificing one for the other. Make sure your exercise routine isn’t cutting into your sleep timing and monitor your sleep quality to ensure that the post-workout endorphin rush isn’t interfering with your sleep cycle.

A February 2019 study published in Sports Medicine found that exercising at night does not affect your sleep, unless you exercise vigorously in the hour before you sleep. However, the study defined vigorous exercise as exercise that is so intensive that a person cannot speak while they perform it.

An example of this would be the sort of high intensity training competitive athletes undertake; even a long endurance run or a long ride on a racing bike do not qualify as vigorous under the terms of the study.

Just to be on the safe side however, pay attention to your sleeping pattern once you start exercising at night to make sure your sleep isn’t being compromised.

Bed Exercises To Lose Belly Fat

When we think about working out we assume we have to go to the gym, but you can perform light but effective exercises at home — and even better, in your very own bed.

1. Bent leg side raises

Stay on your knees keeping your back straight. Lift one leg as high as you can, keeping it at a 90° angle. Lower it back to the starting position and repeat 10 times. Then repeat with the other leg.

2. Plank with leg lift

Get into a push up position, then raise your right leg and hold for 1 second. Lower your right leg and raise your left leg.

3. Glute bridge

12 Light Fat-Burning Exercises You Can Do Right in Bed

Lay on your back and raise the buttocks. Stay in this position and slowly go to the tightest you can. To increase intensity, you may lift one leg and repeat with the other leg.

4. Lateral side-lying leg raises

Lay on your side with your hips exactly above each other, and raise the top leg up and slowly return it to the initial position. Repeat 10 times and then do the same exercise with another leg.

5. Russian twist

12 Light Fat-Burning Exercises You Can Do Right in Bed

Start seated with your knees bent, slightly lean back and lift the feet. Slowly twist the torso to one side, get back to the initial position, and then slowly twist to the other side.

6. Plank

12 Light Fat-Burning Exercises You Can Do Right in Bed

Plank is a very simple, but highly effective exercise. Bend your elbows making sure that they are directly beneath your shoulders, and your body should form a straight line from your head to your feet. Hold the position for as long as you can. Keep you back straight.

7. Push-up hold

12 Light Fat-Burning Exercises You Can Do Right in Bed

Get in a plank position, place your hands underneath your shoulders with elbows extended. Keep your abs engaged and back straight. Lower your chest to the floor and hold as long as you can. Get back to the initial position.

8. Bicycle crunches

Lie flat with your hands behind your head, then bring your knees in towards your chest. Straighten one leg while turning your upper body to the opposite side, bringing your elbow towards the opposite knee. Repeat with opposite leg and elbow.

9. Crisscross

12 Light Fat-Burning Exercises You Can Do Right in Bed

Lie on your back and lift your legs up while keeping them straight. Bring one ankle over the other and switch in a crisscross motion down to the diagonal.

10. Full body crunch

12 Light Fat-Burning Exercises You Can Do Right in Bed

Lie on your back. Lift your feet up off the ground and tuck your knees in toward your chest as you crunch your upper body up. Crunch both your lower and upper body together then let your upper body back down. Keep your feet off the ground until you finish repetitions.

11. Reverse crunches

12 Light Fat-Burning Exercises You Can Do Right in Bed

Reverse crunches are one of the most effective ab exercises. Lie on your back with your knees together and your legs bent to 90 degrees. Slowly crunch your knees lifting your hips off the floor. Pause at the top for a moment, then lower back down.

12. Superman

Lie on your stomach and extend both of your arms out in front of you. Stretch your arms as far out as you can while still keeping your elbows slightly straight. Lift your legs and arms off the ground, pause, and get back to the initial position. Repeat.

If you want to transform your body or just keep it toned, this set of exercises will certainly help. Just do them a few times a week or even every day and the results will amaze you. Remember, consistency is the key to success!

12 Light Fat-Burning Exercises You Can Do Right in Bed

Did we we forget to mention something? Or maybe you have your own favorite exercise that’s super effective? Share it with us in the comments.

How Long to Work Out Each Day

If you are healthy enough for vigorous exercise, your workout program should include hard, high-intensity days, easy days to recover, and moderate days when you build endurance, improve heart health, and burn fat. Each of these workout goals requires a different exercise duration.

How long you should exercise every day depends on the specific workouts you choose and your personal health and fitness goals. But in general, you’ll want to incorporate a mix of the following each week.

Short-Workout Days (20-30 minutes)

High-intensity intervals (HIIT) workouts need to be short. Why? Because your body simply can’t work very hard for a long period of time. If you find that you can complete high-intensity drills for an hour or longer, you’re probably not working hard enough.

HIIT workouts should last 20–30 minutes and feel very hard. Keep in mind, however, that you burn more calories from EPOC (excess post-exercise oxygen consumption), also known as “the afterburn,” if you structure high-intensity workouts properly.

Measure workout intensity with a heart rate monitor and make sure you reach your target heart rate for the session. If you are well-rested going into the workout, you’ll find it easier to work hard enough to reach that goal.

Easier Recovery Days (30-45 minutes)

The purpose of an easy day workout is to allow your body and your mind to rest. Of course, you could sit on the couch to recover as well. But an active recovery helps to increase your body’s range of motion, decreases your stress level, and increases your daily caloric burn. 

Active recovery is simply a low-intensity movement that increases the range of motion in your joints. For many people, an easy walk or a leisurely swim is a good active recovery exercise. Some yoga classes (restorative yoga, for example) are another smart option. An easy active recovery workout can last 30–45 minutes.

Long Moderate Workout Days (45-90 minutes)

Most of your workouts during the week will fall into the moderate category. These workouts burn more calories than a recovery day, but still allow your body to recover and prepare for high-intensity workout days. 

However, because your body isn’t working as hard on moderate workout days, you need to exercise for a longer period of time to burn enough calories to lose weight. Try to make these sessions last 45 minutes or longer.

If possible, schedule one long workout, 75 minutes or more, during the week. This longer session challenges you mentally and builds cardiovascular endurance.

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