Easy Dance Workout For Weight loss

Aerobic dance is a type of exercise that uses the large muscles in your body to burn fat and build muscle. It combines cardio exercise with strength training and improves your flexibility, balance, and coordination.

Aerobic dance can help you lose weight and maintain your weight loss. It can also help you improve overall health by reducing the risk of heart disease, cancer, high blood pressure and diabetes. Aerobic dance may even be able to help prevent osteoporosis (bone loss) later in life.

Right here on Buy and Slay, you are privy to a litany of relevant information on dancing exercise to lose weight for beginners, dancing to lose weight at home, best dance workout for weight loss, and so much more. Take out time to visit our catalog for more information on similar topics.

Easy Dance Workout For Weight loss

Dance is said to be as old as time itself. It is art. It has thrived and advanced elaborately over the millennia. Usually used to express oneself, dance is now being popularized as a weight loss routine. If you want to lose weight and have fun, dancing is the answer. Usually, an average human should have a 30-minute long physical exercise session- at the minimum. Dancing is a cardio exercise, therefore making it ideal for weight loss, the same as jogging.

Many celebrities use this as a form of workout. If they have to perform somewhere, they even skip their daily gym, knowing they are covered because they dance it out!

Dancing moves your entire body, making it fit and flexible. Plus, it makes you feel good. There are several dance forms, and each one takes a different toll on your body- for each routine, the calorie burn is different.

Dance forms

Listed below are the most popular dance forms used as an exercise by people around the world

1. Zumba

Suggested time: 1 hour
It is a mixed dance of salsa and merengue, which focuses on the entire body. 

2. Hip Hop

pop dancer

Suggested time: 1 hour.
A very intensive routine that focuses on the hips and waist. 

3. Belly Dance

Suggested time: 30 minutes.
An Exotic dance form, which focuses on the hips, back, buttocks and abs. 

4. Freestyle

Freestyle Dance

Suggested time: 30 minutes.
Move free. Do not worry about the exact dance steps or body movements. Set your own pace.

5. Pole Dance

Suggested time: 1 hour.
Pole dancing is a form of dance that is effective in toning muscles and shaping your body. However, this dance form is considered to be a bit difficult to master.

Where you can find them

There are a lot of dance classes being offered for kids and adults. Several gyms offer aerobics and Zumba classes. If you’re uncomfortable dancing in public, you can download an app for dance workouts, or watch videos that help you learn and train.

Things to know

Dance as a weight-loss medium is a great idea. But before you get into it, make sure you know everything about it. Intensity level of dance forms depend on the routine you choose. Fast-moving dance styles are more intense than slower dances. Most dance routines use your whole body and will challenge your brain as you learn the choreography and form and learn to keep up.

Most common marked areas in your body while dancing:

Core muscles are the deepest muscles of your body. Depending on the type of dance chosen, some of the steps and moves will employ the core muscles.

Even though most dances focus on your lower body, you’re also moving your arms to the beat.

The dance routine will have you making moves that work your lower body, including your thigh muscles and hamstrings.

Hip hop, belly dancing and ballet, among others, include moves that engage the buttocks.

Dance uses your core muscles, including those in your back.

Also helps improve:

Most of the dance workouts include moves that improve your flexibility.

Raises heart rate
Dancing raises your heart rate, improves your breathing. The more upbeat the dancing style, the better it is for your heart.

Even though you aren’t lifting weights, you are lifting yourself up- bodyweight counts, that helps in building muscle strength.

Start your dancing journey

1. Set a goal. Know your goal. Remember your goal.

Choose the dance form. Choose something you love doing so you’ll be less likely to drop out. Set a time limit. Know your comfort zone- it’s okay to push your boundaries a bit, but not too much. Step up your game steadily for more and positive progress.

2. Tag along someone OR tag someone along

When you’re with someone, you either motivate them or they motivate you. If you think you’ll end up quitting midway, have someone with you who’ll get you back on track.

3. Dress proper

You move your entire body in dance. Wear the right shoes, so your feet don’t get hurt. And wear clothes that are not too tight nor too lose- comfortable. Women, especially, need to make sure they are in the right outfit that holds and protects their breasts from bobbing too much.

4. Warm-up

Stretch and loosen up before you start dancing, just like you would for any other workout. Warming up makes sure your muscles are ready for the routine. If you don’t, you might pull a muscle and get hurt.

Steps to dancing at home

Many aren’t all that comfortable dancing in public spaces, even a studio. Learning to dance at home is really great. You can work at your own pace. No matter what, it is important to make sure that you are dancing safely and not pushing your body too hard. If you want to do it at home, here are some tips that will help you out. Follow these steps and dancing at home will be a breeze!

1. Pick a style

Browse through the various styles- look at videos online, watch dancers perform or read articles and books, and pick one that suits you. Explore as many different dance styles as you can before fixing on one.

2. Set your space

Clear a large area in your house so you can move freely without hitting furniture in the middle of your steps. Cramped space will cramp your style. Set your video in a place where you can see it without disrupting your routine too much.

3. Master the basics

Before you go full-on into the dance, learn the basic moves. For hip hop, practice the basic step touch move. For ballet, learn the five positions. Spin a partner around for ballroom dancing. Whatever it is, take it nice and slow. Do not over pace yourself.

4. Learn the routine

You will probably have to watch the video you chose multiple times and practice before you get the hang of it. Once you do, the steps will flow. Dance in front of a mirror to see how you’re doing and how you can improve.

5. Get in the groove

Make sure to warm up before you dance. Move your arms and legs to the beat. The more you dance, the more at ease you will be. Maybe one day you’ll be confident enough to go dancing with your family or friends! 

6. Keep up the routine

Do not do it for a couple of days and give up. If you’re too tired, reduce the time and take breaks in between. If your plan is a one-hour routine, take a break every 20 minutes. 

7. Eat Healthy

Last but not least, make sure your diet goes well with your routine. Your body exerts a lot during the dance, so have a balanced diet to compliment that. You sweat a lot, so drink plenty of water. Keep yourself hydrated.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Can you start if you’ve never danced? 

Yes. There are dance classes and videos for beginners. If you’re just starting out, give yourself time and have the patience to learn the moves. It won’t happen overnight, but it will happen if you keep at it.

Should it be done indoors or outdoors?

Most dance classes are taught in studios. If you have some empty space at home, where you can sweat it out a bit, go for it!

Do I need to get something specific for my dance workout?

Sometimes. Not usually. Some classes will require specific shoes- like ballet; for others like hip hop, all you need are sneakers. You will obviously need a pole for pole dancing.

Can I dance if I have a health condition?

If you have any medical conditions like diabetes or high blood pressure, take note on how you feel before, during, and after dancing. If it is stressing you out too much, consult your doctor once. If you have an injury, let it heal before you start dancing. 


Depending on the style of dance you choose, you can improve your heart, joints, overall strength, balance and coordination, and a sense of well-being. If you can’t afford classes, try a dance workout DVD or follow an online video at home. Happy Dancing!

Dancing To Lose Weight At Home

Okay, everyone intuitively understands what dancing is. This practice is so widespread in pretty much all societies around the world that it can be considered an essential component of culture. But why is it so? 

The oldest proof of existence of dancing in human cultures comes from the 9000-year-old cave paintings that were found in India. These inscriptions depict various scenes of hunting, childbirth, religious rites, burials, communal drinking, and dancing. Finding clear evidence about dancing rituals in ancient cultures is a challenging task, that is why scientists try to piece together all the facts from secondary sources like cave paintings. The period when dancing started spreading around the world can be traced back to the third millennia BC. At this time, Egyptians started using dance as integral parts of their religious ceremonies. After looking at various ancient tomb paintings, it was concluded that Egyptian priests used musical instruments and dancers to mimic important events of their culture – stories of gods and cosmic patterns of moving stars and sun.

In ancient Greece, various dances were frequent both as parts of important rituals and for entertainment or seduction. Dancing is one of the oldest and most popular forms of self-expression. The boom and rapid development of dancing in modern Europe began during the Renaissance period and continues to these days.

Dancing For Exercise

While dancing is viewed as a go-to entertainment activity for many, its weight loss and cardiovascular benefits are often kept in the shade. 

Dancing has multiple benefits for your health. Many dance moves target your core, arms, quads and hamstrings, glutes, and back. The range of physical benefits here is incredibly high, and dancing as an activity can be suitable for people of all ages and sizes. 

So, the benefits of dancing include:

  • improved health of your heart and lungs
  • strengthened muscles, improved endurance and motor fitness
  • enhanced aerobic fitness
  • enhanced muscle tone and strength
  • assistance in weight loss
  • stronger bones and reduction of the risk of osteoporosis
  • improved coordination, agility and flexibility
  • better balance and spatial awareness
  • more physical confidence
  • boosted intellectual performance
  • better general and psychological well-being
  • boosted self-confidence and self-esteem
  • improved social skills

How Dancing Results In Weight Loss?

Should you dance for weight loss at home? Undoubtedly yes. Dancing helps you lose weight, first and foremost, because it burns calories. Obviously, the number of calories burned depends on the intensity of your dance session. Whether you’re slowly waltzing or energetically moving in a Zumba session, determines the number of calories burned while dancing. How many calories can you burn dancing?

A 125-pound person burns about 90 calories in 30 minutes of slow dancing, 165 calories in disco or ballroom and 180 calories in fast or ballet dancing.

At the same time, a 155-pound person burns 112 calories in 30 minutes of slow dancing, 205 calories from disco or ballroom and 223 calories from fast or ballet dancing. A 185-pound person burns roughly 133 calories in 30 minutes of slow dancing, 244 calories from disco or ballroom dancing and 266 from fast or ballet dancing.

So, as you can clearly see, the number of calories you’ll burn while dancing depends both on the intensity of dancing you choose and your bodyweight. 

As you already know, dancing is a helpful and effective tool to lose weight if practiced efficiently. Can you lose weight by dancing in your room? Definitely. 

Still, some dances are better for weight loss, some a bit less productive. What dance form is best for weight loss?

Tips To Start Dancing

Learn Different Dance Types

There are so many different dance types that choosing only one may be a difficult task. The answer to this is very simple: try as many types as you want! Obviously, if you want to become a professional dancer, you’ll eventually need to choose your specialization. But if you’re simply looking to lose weight by dancing, the variety here is an advantage. Learn a little about different styles, rather than exclusively focusing on one, and have fun!

Listen To The Rhythm And Feel The Music

Most people dance because they are inspired by a beat or can’t resist the tune. To become a grade ‘A’ dancer, you need to feel the music and express it through your movements. Listen to music connected to the dance style you prefer as much as possible to get familiar with it.

Look Up, Not Down

A widespread mistake among beginner dancers is looking at your own feet while dancing. This error is natural, and yet you need to avoid it. Dancing is in fact not about seeing, but about feeling.

Instead of staring at your feet, try to remember how your steps feel, with the shifting of your weight and changes in direction registering in your mind. If you’re dancing with a partner, try to follow their steps, so that your movements were in sync. 

Dance With Different Partners

Wanting to dance with your partner or friend in the beginning is natural. It’s a great bonding opportunity or a way to catch up on “quality time”. Let go of all the worries swarming in your head, shake off the stress, and try to turn each dancing practice into an opportunity to discover something new about your partner.

Relax And Have Fun

Remember, dancing is meant to be fun, not a chore or something to get worried about. Dancing is supposed to help lower your blood pressure, not raise it, so don’t stress out.

Especially when you’re practicing dancing for weight loss, you should never be ashamed of your dancing skills. Remember: you’re there to shed those pounds in a fun way, not to become a famous professional.

Final Thought

Can you lose weight by dancing in your room? Undoubtedly yes. Even more so, you can lose weight by dancing in a group class, or in the streets, or pretty much everywhere. Dancing is an empowering practice that can make you not only lose weight, but also become more confident in yourself, find new friends, and explore your personality. You can choose from a wide variety of dances, from zumba to hip hop, to achieve your weight loss goals. 

While dancing is a sure way to burn some calories, you need to understand that it is essential to modify your diet as well. Dancing can be a viable alternative to working out, but it is not an alternative to a healthy diet. You need to include whole grains, plant and seafood proteins, leafy greens, nuts, legumes, fruits, and berries in your daily diet to yield the most from your weight loss plan. It is also essential to maintain a caloric deficit, but not too extreme, as extreme diets may be deleterious to your health. Besides, keeping your water intake high is immensely important. Water delivers essential nutrients to all organs, supplies oxygen to the lungs, and maintains heart function. 

Gulping a glass of water before your meal will help you eat less and feel full faster. Drink a glass of lemon water every morning to support your immune system and amplify your weight loss results. 

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