Colors To Wear With Navy Pants

Right here on Buy and slay, you are privy to a litany of relevant information on what color shirt goes with navy blue pants and brown shoes, what color shirt goes with blue pants, what color shoes to wear with navy blue pants, and so much more. Take out time to visit our catalog for more information on similar topics.

Navy pants are a classic wardrobe staple that can be worn with almost anything. Whether you’re looking for a pair of dress pants or casual jeans, you’ll find the perfect pair at Macy’s.

Here are some color combinations to wear with navy pants:

Black & White Stripes

You can never go wrong with a classic combo like black and white stripes. The combination is a great choice for work, but it also works equally well for casual outings.

Gray & White Stripes

The gray and white striped shirt is another tried-and-true classic that looks great with navy pants. The contrast between the two shades makes them stand out even more. You can also try wearing a black or blue tie to add some color to your outfit without going overboard on too bold of an ensemble.

Dark Blue & Light Blue Stripes (Navy)

Dark blue and light blue stripes go together perfectly — they’re not too loud or contrasting, but they still provide enough contrast to make an impression at work or outside of the office setting on casual Friday.

Colors To Wear With Navy Pants

What color shirt to wear with navy pants

Navy pants are a menswear staple. I’m willing to bet that most of our readers have at least one pair in their wardrobe.

There’s a good reason why these pants are so common. Navy is a super flexible color that goes with many other colors. And you can wear these pants in a whole host of situations: from the office to more business-casual looks.

But, this safety comes with its own downsides. For example, navy pants are super common. It’s easy to get caught up wearing the exact same outfits as everyone else.

This article is here to help. We’ll look at all the color shirts you can wear with navy pants.


White shirt navy pants
The Brdwlk

White is probably the easiest color shirt to wear with navy pants. It’s a look sported by men millions of men in offices around the world every day. It’s a look that’s crisp and professional. It won’t generate many second glances, but that’s probably what you’re after if you decide to wear this combination. And don’t forget, if you want to add a splash of color to this look, you can always do so via a tie.

Gray check shirt navy pants
The Brdwlk

Gray shirts, specifically light gray shirts, go well with navy pants. Both colors are relatively muted making it a pretty safe combination. When wearing a gray shirt with navy pants, I always prefer to wear black shoes over brown ones as I think it fits the look better. While light gray works, I’d personally avoid wearing dark grey or charcoal colors with navy as the resulting color scheme is too dark.


The Brdwlk

If you want something more interesting than the neutrals above, then try pairing a red shirt with your navy pants. Lighter shades work especially well and they are a great way to add some color to your outfit. If you don’t want an entirely red shirt, consider one that uses red as part of a pattern. For example, stripes or checks.

Other Shades of Blue

Blue shirt navy pants
The Brdwlk

One of my favorite colors to wear with navy is actually other shades of blue. Light blue shirts go really well with navy pants and you can add a further splash of color with a tie. You could even wear a navy shirt the navy was part of a pattern like stripes or checks.

Beiges and Yellow

A more uncommon color to wear with navy pants are shades of beige and yellow. I think this is a good combination if you want something that it’s unlikely that anyone else will be wearing. I personally prefer this color-scheme when the pieces are really muted. But, it could work with brighter shades if you really want to stand out. I don’t have a yellow shirt to use as an example, but you can see beige and navy color combinations in this article.

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